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Great American Bash 08

The video package to open the show wasn’t as good as the previous ones, it highlights the top 3 matches but really it just didn’t work for me to get excited.

Fatal Four Way Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship: John Morrison & The Miz vs. Finlay & Hornswoggle vs. Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder vs. Jesse & Festus: Fine for an opener but really outside of the opening and ending (both highlighting Festus) it didn’t do much. MizMo and Finlay/Leprechaun were treated as afterthoughts in the whole situation it seemed like. The Edge Guys pretty much emulated their mentor by trying to steal the win, only getting in the match when it’s to their benefit, which is a smart piece of booking. The match though was rather boring and uneventful. I also think the wrong team went over…big time. * ¾

United States Championship Match: Matt Hardy vs. Shelton Benjamin: They tried to work the match as a fast paced balls to the wall action. And for the most part it worked, from bell to bell there were some awesome reversals of signature maneuvers (including a powerbomb into a turnbuckle) and roll-ups, counter roll-ups. The part that they got hung up on is the fact that they didn’t really tell a story and the middle portion where Shelton was in the advantage doing submissions that really didn’t make sense in the match-up. The story was that this was a competitive match-up but considering the build to Matt Hardy’s title-win, this could have been so much more. The announcers tried to play up Shelton Benjamins athleticism & mean streak combination but it didn’t come out well enough. Overall, it was a fast paced, fun, competitive match-up with a few kinks and a huge lack of substance and significance. ** ¾

There is a taped promo from CM Punk and it’s pretty damn good. I wish they would put more faith in CM Punk and allow him to build his persona through promos along with matches. A good angle can work wonders and has worked wonders for many wrestlers.

ECW Championship Match: Mark Henry vs. Tommy Dreamer: God this was terrible. It’s not like I expected much. The whole Colin Delaney as Dreamer’s protégé angle was never seen on PPV before now and I assume this is the last time we’ll see it on PPV. Hopefully they build Mark Henry as a monster heel, so that when somebody actually defeats him it will actually mean something. ½ *

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho: Finally some good shit. Every PPV I look forward to the next chapter in the HBK saga, and here we get the rematch to their excellent match at Judgement day. In terms of match quality, it’s hard not to be disappointed because its impossible not to compare this one to their one a few PPVs back. This match takes a decidedly slower pace, seems to be much less competitive, and overall less jump out of your seat excitement than their earlier match. It’s also quite strange, Shawn randomly works on Jericho’s leg in the early going and nothing comes of it, it's unsure what actually injured Shawn's ribs, whether they were injured during the match or whether it's sustained injury from Judgement Day and One Night Stand or whether it's from being thrown into the Jeritron. Regardless, what this match does excel in is storytelling. It lives and dies on the strength of the build, characters, and emotion that this feud emanates and as long as you are invested in this, in that respect, the match succeeds. The storytelling is really good, from what I understand early on, Shawn sells the ribs and it's a lingering injury but it also keeps Jericho away from the eye. Once the eye does get re-opened by a wild Jericho elbow, Jericho notices, and works the eye until the ref is forced to stop the match. The busted eye is a symbol of Jericho purging Shawn’s lies, the role-model being defeated. Shawn does a great job by never giving up, by showing that he's still the man, pleading to the ref to let him continue. The second half is hard to watch in terms of the blood quotient but the blood is used to convey an important part of the story in the injured eye. The match is a little slower and different from what I expected, but the strength of the storytelling and the characters really helps this match. *** ½

WWE Divas Championship Match: Natalya vs. Michelle McCool: This was bad. The championship looks bad. The chemistry was bad. The wrestling was bad. I don’t even know what I was watching at some points. Probably the best part was that they tried to emphasize the submissions of the two but even the application of the moves weren’t that great. This was firmly filler after the emotionality of the last match. ½ *

World Heavyweight Championship Match: CM Punk vs. Batista: Although much slower than the MVP vs Hardy match earlier in the evening, the match had substance. They tried to tell an important story about Punk being an underdog champion that was expertly set up by the video package and the taped promo by Punk that was shown earlier in the evening. This match was basically about Punk trying to prove, against all odds, that he is not a fluke champion. Batista played into this very well especially earlier on, establishing his dominance, trying to show that Punk could easily be taken due to Batista’s sheer strength. The match also showed the mix of styles well, with Batista being a power wrestler and Punk being a quick striker. They slowed it down and both men worked a competent match that meant something. Unfortunately it all came apart with the booking of the end and the booking of the aftermath. The Double DQ ending, Kane interference, and Batista bomb on Punk after the decision, tore down any progress made through the match that established Punk as an actual champion and not just some fluke. The match was 11 minutes and felt much longer, the arm work at the end of the match should have appeared much earlier as it could have established Punk as picking apart Batista, and the dead response to the Anaconda Vice showing how little that move meant and how nobody bought it as a possible ending because it’s never been built up. I still liked the match a lot in that it tried to tell a story. *** ¼

New York City Parking Lot Brawl: John Cena vs. JBL: The matches between these two got worse and worse. The gimmicks in this match made it goofy, the fire gimmick, the crate lift, and the opening car crash. Add to the fact that there was no commentary and no fan noise, probably in order to enhance the sound of the smacks against the car, but it just came out as weird. It’s like watching Jaws without the John Williams score. It was a mix of incredibly goofy and incredibly realistic. The finish looks really bad-ass, John Cena getting irish whipped into the car door looks awesome, but it’s just tainted by the goofy stuff and the goofy acting. They tried to play the goofy stuff totally serious and it just didn’t work. Also I hate how JBL won, I expected it, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. Overall it’s not quite as bad as some of the other things earlier in the evening because it’s entertaining on some weird level. * ½

WWE Championship Match: Triple H vs. Edge: This match was technically fine and the announce team sold the story of the match very well. It’s just that the story isn’t that interesting. Edge is emotional over the whole Vickie situation that wouldn’t have happened if HHH hadn’t stuck his big nose in. Once Edge sees an opening, he gets his head back into the match and is able to take advantage by working HHH’s midsection. Until Edge’s extra-curricular activities rears its ugly head causing to get unfocused and allowing HHH to win. The problem is that the whole story is on Edge, there’s no real balance between the two competitors. It’s like the HHH/Jericho match at WM 18, where the whole match was more about HHH/Stephanie than HHH/Jericho. So when HHH and Edge are playing it straight, while it’s all technically competent, it’s also rather dull because it’s not what the match was built on. I do like Edge’s story and I like the idea that Edge may have come out on top if he hadn’t been distracted by all these things (that HHH caused in a way). **3/4

Final Thoughts: The show is another in what was a long string of average shows. This show is often very middling. It’s not a long show but it’s also not a fast show either. I particularly liked the Jericho/Shawn match and the Punk/Batista match, but a lot of it is skippable beyond that. 5.5/10

Next up is Summerslam, which is what used to be one of my favorite shows in years past (97-02), but really hasn't done anything for me in recent times (03-present) can it break the curse?

Top WWE PPV Matches of 08:

1. Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania 24) - **** ¾

2. Edge vs. Undertaker (Wrestlemania 24) - ****

3. Raw Elimination Chamber (No Way Out 08) - ****

4. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels (Judgment Day 08) - ****

5. Triple H vs. John Cena (Night of Champions 08) - *** ¾

6. Shawn Michaels vs. Batista (One Night Stand 08) - *** ¾

7. Undertaker vs. Edge (Backlash 08) - *** ¾

8. Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. HHH vs. JBL (Backlash 08) - *** ¾

9. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels (Great American Bash 08) - *** ½

10. MITB (Wrestlemania 24) - *** ½

11. Shawn Michaels vs. Batista (Backlash 08) - *** ½

12. Randy Orton vs. Jeff Hardy (Royal Rumble 08) - *** ½

13. Edge vs Undertaker (Judgment Day 08) - *** ½

14. Randy Orton vs. John Cena (No Way Out 08) - *** ¼

15. Edge vs. Batista (Night of Champions 08) - *** ¼

16. Cm Punk vs. Batista (Great American Bash 08) - *** ¼

17. Undertaker vs. Edge (One Night Stand 08) - *** ¼

18. Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Triple H (Wrestlemania 24) - *** ¼

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I'm watching ROH's Ring of Homicide 2. Random thoughts-

-Rhett Titus is just beyond hilarious.

-This looks like a Chikara heavy show, Cheech, Cloudy & Brodie Lee have all appeared, and the Osirian Portal are up next.

-Wait, Prince Nana! Prince Nana's in the house! This man needs to be running a stable like NOW, he's still golden on the mic.

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Finished BOLA. I'm not going to go match by match but Low-ki won. A lot of the most enjoyable guys got kicked out early, so I wasn't hugely into the last few matches. Danielson vs Perkins was still match of the show.

Got some Dragon Gate and No Way Out, so those are up next.

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No Way Out 2009

Smackdown Elimination Chamber

Bullshit. Utter bullshit this was.

- That spinner belt needs to go. Bring back the Eagle belt!

- Edge getting pinned in 2 minutes made sense considering what happened later, but it hurt this match, seeing as it meant five straight minutes of Koslov offense.

- Koslov was horrendous here. Worst he's ever looked, for sure. He even botched Taker's snake eyes spot, which seemed to put Taker in quite the mood.

- Hardy was the star of this match. Bumped around like a ragdoll for everyone and was the most over guy for a lot of it, to the point that it took Triple H and Undertaker a while to get the fans back after his elimination.

- Ending was usual Triple H ego stroking. Kicked out of Taker's MDK move, got to toss everyone around, only took bumps from the safest guy in the match and won another World Title. That finishing sequence felt like an ROH match, what with all the kicked out finishers and all.

Off to a bad start.

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Shane McMahon vs Randy Orton

The bullshit continues.

Here's a rundown of the match, taken from a post at the F4W board that sums the whole thing up perfectly.

Match starts.

Shane punches Orton a lot. Orton responds with largely ineffective offense.

Shane beats the holy piss out of Orton, knocking him out cold for at least five minutes. Shane could easily defeat number one contender Randy Orton at any point, but chooses not to. Instead, he takes seven years to set up his diving whatamaneuver on Randy Orton, who is completely helpless.

Shane then turns around and beats the shit out of two more men. Orton is still unconscious through all of this.

Shane then finally goes for his spastic move, but Orton finally wakes up, and barely moves out of the way.

Orton takes advantage of this situation that was thrust upon him, through none of his own doing, by hitting some more completely ineffective offense.

Shane outwrestles Orton and then beats the piss out of him again, to the point where Randy Orton is begging for forgiveness.

Orton wins by fluke and can barely stand afterward.

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Jack Swagger vs Fit Finlay

I understand that they put Finlay with Swagger to teach him, but PPV is not the place to do it. You do things like that on house shows.

An absolute nothing match.

Show is 0-3 so far.

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Raw Elimination Chamber

- Kofi is officially the biggest botch of a potential star since Punk. The guy was a standout on ECW. He has great music, uniqueness, and he's fun to watch. They've killed him dead on RAW, and I can only hope he gets drafted elsewhere after Mania.

- How many times have we now seen the angle in which a heel beats up someone before a title match and takes their place? Why fight for contendership at all if a sneak attack is a perfectly legal way to get yourself a title shot?

- Thankfully, the match was awesome. They got rid of the dead weight as quickly as possible and Rey brought his working shoes. This match alone is proof that Rey Mysterio deserves another World Title push. The last moments between him and Edge were fantastic.

So overall, there was one good match out of five. In terms of match quality, building to Wrestlemania, however you want to judge it, this PPV was an epic failure. Now I'm off to watch some Dragon Gate.

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Raw ended well, Stephanie can certainly take a bump better than her brother. Of course the fact that Orton couldn't destroy Shane on his own is just sad. Why not have the non-wrestler lose clean and get a savage beating from the actual in-ring guy? That way Orton looks strong for HHH. All this damn McMahon ego just gets in the way, be it Vince or Shane or Stephanie.

Edge vs Cena at Mania would be a total bust, I really hope they don't go down that route AGAIN. Their last few matches were pretty uninspired.

HBK vs Taker would be the match that would draw for Mania, thats a big deal and I've been waiting for it a long time. The two greatest Wrestlemania legacies against each other.

I hope they come up with something for Rey at Mania. The man deserves to be higher profile.

I wish they'ed put aside a little more time to show the contributions of the Funks. Yes they put over their NWA title wins but thats only a small part of what they did. If you don't want Funk's latter contributions to ECW to overshadow Dory in a short segment then put over the talent that Dory trained. Almost all the guys he worked with sing his praises. He taught Paul London the Shooting Star Press for crying out loud! (Well he coached him until he got it right but still).

What exactly is HHH doing here? Answers on a postcard.


Shouldn't...have...eaten...so much...chinese...food...

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Finishing off Ring Of Homicide 2-

-Rhett Titus's Top of the Class trophy is over 6ft tall and he's crotch-thrusting at the fans with it. This man is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

-Jerry Lynn is still great. Tyler Black I already knew was great. Y'know how guys like Low Ki need the man right in the corner to do a Phoenix Splash? Black does one on Lynn with the guy in the centre of the ring. Its the first time I've really appreciated the mechanics of the move, and it was seriously impressive.

-Every time TNA guys come to ROH they look so damn happy to be working for a real wrestling company. Homicide looks jazzed.

-Not great as ROH shows go, but I've got the double-shot of All Star Extravaganza IV and Final Battle 08 to follow.

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All Star Extravaganza IV-

- Kenny Omega vs Rhett Titus for the win!

-Erick Stevens needs something to set him apart. The man makes Vanilla look like a Dorset Naga. He's talented and good in-ring but I just can't care about him compared with all the other just as good or better guys in ROH.

-Roderick Strong looks pretty damn slim these days. He never looked bulky or anything but he looks like he's dropped enough weight to get some definition. Still a strong guy though. He got the shit beat out of him by Kensuke Sasaki right here. Seriously, it was like a man throwing around a boy in there.

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So the story is now out on Christian. Everytime I hear about Vince's genius and so-called "vision", I'm forced to think of moments like this.

From the Observer.

Here’s the story on how the Christian debut went down. Michael Hayes came up with the original introduction plan on Christian which is the one reported on where he does all these sniper like attacks on Jeff and was revealed at Royal Rumble. Later, whether it was because people figured it out, or because Hayes understood which way the wind was blowing on Christian (which wasn’t favorable; Vince was never high on him and as time went on, it became apparent he still wasn’t), he approached Vince on giving the idea to Matt (as noted before, there were things on TV and we even wrote about them here where you could see that was always a possible plan), selling that it would be a big surprise and Matt vs. Jeff would be a bigger marquee program than Christian vs. Jeff. Vince agreed with him. Christian was kind of forgotten about because the usual idea is not to debut people after Rumble and before Mania because they usually have all the matches and pieces in place for Mania at the end of Rumble and that period is designed to build the stuff in place as opposed to start people off. Well, most years anyway. John Laurinaitis was pushing to do something with Christian rather than have him just sit until April. While all this was going on, Vince started souring on him. As noted many times, in 2005, whenever suggestions were made to do anything with Christian, Vince nixed them and saw him as a prelim guy. He even said in meetings that he had no star aura and that his head shot promotional photo was one of the worst he’s ever seen. He said he was too ordinary, the personification of vanilla and was negative when Brian Gewirtz asked about bringing him to Raw after Matt got the angle. Given Vince’s increased negativity on Christian, Gewirtz and Ed Koskey in particular, who were supporters of him, got concerned that he may wind up like D-Lo Brown, hired and then forgotten without even getting a chance. They came up with the idea to link him in a new feud with someone Vince is high on and was without a major opponent (Swagger). They figured the longer they didn’t get him on TV, the more likely he’d wind up never getting going and this was the best they could do. The original idea for the ECW show had the same Swagger promo with Christian coming out to interrupt. The show was also written with several more segments involving him meeting the talent, and putting him over like it was a big acquisition. The match itself was booked to be a short sprint for him to shine more, ending with a wild no contest or Swagger walking out and getting counted out. However, after that was written, Vince changed the show to what it turned out to be. It was seen as Vince simply having no vision of Christian as a star. Vince is said to simply not see what others in creative see in him. And the truth is, in TNA, he first came in with Scott D’Amore (a major supporter and someone who he started his career with) as booker who gave him every chance to be a top guy, and while his wrestling is fairly good and his talking is great, my feeling was TNA proved that even with a more shallow talent pool, he doesn’t get over as a top guy. Those who know him well point out that he’s pretty savvy when it comes to seeing handwriting on the wall, noting he would privately see through Vince Russo more than most talent. The point being is that we’re told there is no way he couldn’t have seen through that first show no matter what he would publicly say (he’s very careful not to say anything in public controversial about any company) about what it says about the confidence in him coming in.

If you had no interest or planning for the guy, why the flying fuck did you hire him back?! This company angers me.

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That is just fucked up.

So thousands of fans at the royal rumble chanting we want christian was nothing then.

It doesn't matter what the fans want. It has never mattered. Look at InVasion - the single biggest storyline of the past 30 years and Vince wouldn't book it properly because of his petty ego. He had to be completely dominant over WCW.

He'll put out a decent product, but if something conflicts with his ego, no matter how much money it could make, it will be nixed.

BTW, Vince's attitude toward Christian is exactly what feeds the steroid culture in the first place.

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Florida Championship Wrestling (WWE's Developmental Territory)


Josh Matthews and Scotty Goldman (Colt Cabana) on commentary. Both guys are way too talented to be stuck here.

Angela Fong is the ring announcer. She needs to be on national TV yesterday. Much better on the mic than Eve Torres and significantly better looking.

Sweet Papi Sanchez vs Tyson Tarver

Sanchez is fresh off a face turn and using a lovable big guy gimmick. He spent about 5 straight minutes on his entrance giving out candy to the packed house of 54 fans. Tarver has sort of a cocky superstar boxer gimmick. Neither is very good. Sanchez has one good move, a spin kick, and Tarver has less than that. Sanchez wins in about 2 minutes with a big splash.

A video recap of some weird angle where a guy in a mask wrestled as "The Girl From Mexico" and Scotty had a thing for "her", unaware it was a dude until last week. Um... yeah.

Alicia Fox vs Tiffany (Queen of FCW Tournament)

Fox has really good music. I'm going to be honest, this was way better than I expected. They did chain wrestling early on, and didn't botch it. Alicia is very lanky, which makes her a great dancer, but an awkward wrestler. Tiffany is the better than every Diva on Smackdown and even some of the ones on RAW. Fox wins with a very strange axe kick to the back. Get Tiffany in the Woman's division on RAW. Seriously.

Sheamus O Shaunessy vs Johnny Curtis

Curtis is too generic and SOS isn't generic enough, if that makes any sense. I put him in the category of a guy like Kofi Kingston, who is fun to watch but so utterly unique that there's really not much of a future for him in WWE. Guy can cut a promo and he's deceptively huge, but definitely not what they look for in a main event guy. Boring match full of rest holds and punching, so pretty much exactly what WWE wants. Curtis wins by DQ when some guy named Rybeck runs in.

John Cutler and Dylan Klein vs Kris Logan and Johnny Prime

Klein is the only one that stands out at all from this pack, with some sort of surfer gimmick and Two-Face hair. The rest are default create-a-wrestlers. Seriously, not a single remarkable thing about any of them. Standard tag match. Logan and Prime win with a suplex/cross-body.

TJ Wilson (Tyson Kidd) vs Kaval (Low-ki)

Either one of these guys being in development at this point is an absolute travesty. Wilson, after countless years in the system, just got called up a week ago, and Low-ki has more worldwide experience than about 70% of WWE's current roster. This match blows away just about anything that you would see on RAW or Smackdown any given week. They got about 16 minutes and tore the house down. Ki eventually won with the double stomp. Fantastic match.

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TJ Wilson (Tyson Kidd) vs Kaval (Low-ki)

Either one of these guys being in development at this point is an absolute travesty. Wilson, after countless years in the system, just got called up a week ago, and Low-ki has more worldwide experience than about 70% of WWE's current roster. This match blows away just about anything that you would see on RAW or Smackdown any given week. They got about 16 minutes and tore the house down. Ki eventually won with the double stomp. Fantastic match.

Watching this right now, its very good. I agree that TJ should have been called a while ago but in the case of Low Ki its understandable that they want to give him a few months. Ki's reputation is a bit Teddy Hartish, he's burned a lot of bridges in his career. You can't put someone like that on the main roster so quick, especially when he's supposed to be a new opponent for Rey Mysterio (he was hired because Rey wanted a rival close to his own size). He'd be in line for a push, so lets make sure he can handle it.

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If everyone thinks of him as a TNA guy, then why put him in a main event on one of his top brands?

Good point. After all, WCW ratings plummeted when they prominently featured Scott Hall & Kevin Nash after they left WWE for WCW.

Um, wait...

Whatever Vince thinks of Christian and whether it is justified or not that's a stupid reason to condemn him to limbo in ECW.

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If everyone thinks of him as a TNA guy, then why put him in a main event on one of his top brands?

Good point. After all, WCW ratings plummeted when they prominently featured Scott Hall & Kevin Nash after they left WWE for WCW.

Um, wait...

Whatever Vince thinks of Christian and whether it is justified or not that's a stupid reason to condemn him to limbo in ECW.

TNA is not the big leagues, and is no competition to WWE.

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