Print Markets

Nicolette Opal

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All right.

Any of y'all who're serious about getting your work out there should be using to find your markets. It is a fantastic resource for this, and also for tracking your submissions. And the more writers who're tracking submissions and responses, the more helpful/accurate those stats (yes, the site even has stats on that kind of stuff) become.

Beyond that, what are markets you've had publishing success in? Or, what markets have you looked into, or been rejected from?

Like it or not, by virtue of being around this site, you are in a very loose community of writers. Many of you write. More of you should submit.

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So how does this work exactly?

How does what work? Tangents or duotrope?

Har har. Duotrope. I sign up. How does it track my submission?

How spoiled newfangled interweb automation has made you!

You enter it yourself. And then, when your answer comes, you enter that, too.

A good way to have all your info in one place.

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So how does this work exactly?

How does what work? Tangents or duotrope?

Har har. Duotrope. I sign up. How does it track my submission?

How spoiled newfangled interweb automation has made you!

You enter it yourself. And then, when your answer comes, you enter that, too.

A good way to have all your info in one place.

Ah, je voix.

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Wikipedia says "I voice"

Yeah, I don't trust Wiki, you know cause it's about as factual as....well me.

On topic, I may try this out myself, when I actually start writing stuff down again, as I am just stumped with coming up with ideas.

All I have is a story of a killer who feels no remorse for his sins, and feels the people he killed were in the wrong place, and if they were just a few minutes late, or decided to go elsewhere they would be alive today.

I used the idea from 9/11 of the people who worked in the towers who missed their train and got to work late that day. Also from the columbine movie Elephant about the massacre and how one boy was told to get the fuck away from the school just before they started the shootings.

I just twisted it and made it downright sickening in concept, a man who feels no remorse for his sins, but isn't a serial killer, he was their, and so were they, it was their choice to be there, not his.

Edit: I mean no offense to anyone involved with either incident.

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Ha! Oops. X and S are close on the keyboard...

Je vois means "I see."

Ah, OK.

Believe me, when I first found Duotrope I was kinda like, "Damn, you mean I have to put my info in MYSELF? What's that about?" But it can be fun watching the list of subs you've sent out grow...and sad to watch it shrink when you're rejected.

Find any markets that tickle your fancy yet?

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Find any markets that tickle your fancy yet?

I've been invited to partake in an anthology recently so I'll concentrate on finishing that up first. But there's some promising stuff. I missed a 2012 anthology deadline by a couple of weeks which is too bad because I've got a doozy.

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