Best console system?


What is the best console gaming system?  

11 members have voted

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OK, the reason I started this poll is that I'm considering upgrading from my N64. I've been looking, and I'm in the process of deciding which console system to get. I would get only one.

Games for all three look good, but a key factor here is longevity. Which system is most likely to wither away?

Other questions:

When are the PlayStation 3 and X-Box 2 coming out? I don't want to get a system with a 6-month shelf life.

Will the PS3 and/or XB2 be backwardly compatible with PS2 and XB games?

Thanks for your help. :)

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The PS3 and Xbox 2 will be backwards compatible. However, Nintendo has never had a home unit that was backward compatible, so no one can say if it will be. Release dates (for all three systems) look like 2006, but no one can say for sure. (If they were going to be released this year, either in Japan or the US, word would have been mentioned at either E3 or the Consumer Electronic Show. So you can expect to get use of your new system until Christmas 2006.)


-- The PS2 has the largest library, and the best titles. Many "mature" titles to choose from too.

-- The Xbox has a large library that features the best graphics. Again, there are many "mature" titles to choose from.

-- The GameCube has a decent library, but survives on first-party titles (Zelda, Mario, Metroid), and has little in the way of M-rated games.


-- Xbox Live is the best. Hands down.

-- Sony Online is good, but has some bugs.

-- Nintendo doesn't seem to know the meaning of the word.

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Its a toss up between PS2 and xbox,I had to make the same choice as you a year ago. In the end I went for PS2 because of some of the ps2 only games like ffx,smackdown and the big game libary. Alot of the xbox's exclusives like halo and knights of the old republic are available on pc as well.

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I voted Gamecube because I love the exclusives and the controller. Sure they may only release one or two good games every second month, but those games are fantastic. It is also very cheap.

X-box is probably the best choice however, excellent range, best graphics, and much better exclusives than PS2. And X-Box live blows PS2 out of the water.

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The Game Cube may not have many good M rated games, but if Resident Evil 4 is nearly as goof as IGN says, then they've at least got an incredibly good one of their hands.

I'd say Game Cube at this point. It's probably not going to be backwards compatable with it's next generation system, which the PS2 will definitely be. The system is much cheaper than the rest(And sometimes you can get a free game with it) and they still got quite a line up to go through if you're just willing to give some of the games a try. Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil, Metroid, Zelda, Skies of Arcadia(Or atleast I love the game) among many others.

However, if you fancy Online games and huge selection of games, then you should probably try either PS2 or XB. I'd say PS2 at this point, since alot of X-Box heavy hitters(Halo and KOTOR specifically) become PC games anyway, so I wouldn't go with an X-Box. PS2 has some that'll become PC games also, but they have alot more great titles that're only on their system.

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If you're looking strictly for longevity, the Gamecube takes it hands down. I'm on my third Xbox and my PS2 is right on the verge of collapsing under its own weight, but my Cube is still flawless.

Of course, if hardware, performance, library and online support are factored in, the Cube doesn't stand a chance.

Hardware is easily Microsoft's... everything's built in, for the same price, and almost every game in the catalog uses one or more of the system's unique built-in accessories. How many PS2 games have downloadable content or custom soundtracks?

Performance also goes to the Box, although Sony is close. Their developers seem to be pushing the hardware a little more than MS's, but that's just to keep up with the Box's everyday processing.

Game Library goes to the PS2, by a hair. There's almost no such thing as an exclusive anymore, apart from Nintendo's first-party titles, Halo for the Box and Final Fantasy for the PS2 (if you overlook the shitty, shitty FF they brought out for the Cube). EVERYTHING goes cross-platform these days, and EVERYTHING looks better on the Xbox. Still, Sony's first-party titles wipe the floor with everything MS has got, aside from Bungie's contributions.

Online Support is no contest whatsoever. If you've played Sony Online and then played Xbox Live, it's like night and day. Sony's in the dark ages and Microsoft is paving the roads for the future.

I voted Xbox.

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