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Excellent reviews from my peers, as always. Tom, I've been with Scarlet since issue one and this was undoubtedly the weakest single issue of the run. Earlier issues had better showings from both creators, Bendis back to his old form with street-wise dialog and Maleev experimenting with gorgeous new techniques. I think the action moving faster in the primary storyline has forced both to take the back seat for an episode or two.

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I'm still getting the trade, I just don't feel the need to go issue to issue on these short creator-owned books. Same deal with Incognito or Criminal, I'd rather have a nice trade than a half dozen issues, and I'd rather read it all at once.

Looking forward to Scarlet based on that though Sean. Same team upcoming on Moon Knight too.

I was really glad you liked Fear Itself, I think Fraction did a great job. It certainly feels fresh considering the event fatigue you mentioned. I'm really hoping it doesn't devolve into another big war style thing, but that somehow feels inevitable. In Fraction I trust, that guy's been knocking Iron Man out of the park for years.

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I'm still getting the trade, I just don't feel the need to go issue to issue on these short creator-owned books. Same deal with Incognito or Criminal, I'd rather have a nice trade than a half dozen issues, and I'd rather read it all at once.

Do you buy most of your comics in single issues or trades?

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I'm still getting the trade, I just don't feel the need to go issue to issue on these short creator-owned books. Same deal with Incognito or Criminal, I'd rather have a nice trade than a half dozen issues, and I'd rather read it all at once.

Do you buy most of your comics in single issues or trades?

I tend to buy active superhero comics by the issue and Vertigo/Icon stuff in trade. In terms of frequency of purchases issues take it but in terms of volume read I'd say trades.

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