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Everything posted by JasonC

  1. What's to get? He's a psychopath with terrible sense of humour.
  2. Don't care, as long as they have Dazzler.
  3. I am too. I normally don't watch anything horror-based because I get nightmares (my imagination can be too good sometimes) but I think in this case it might be worth it.
  4. Yes! Now, get William B. Davis in it and I will be over the friggin' moon.
  5. "How's your laundry service?" "...Not that good."
  6. All we need now is an 'Ultron, we would have words with thee." moment. If the film is half as awesome as the trailers seem to indicate, I'm taking April 23rd off work.
  7. I just watched it. This is now my favourite superhero show. Period.
  8. That. Is. Wow. Can we have these episodes now please?
  9. I found it and watched it for 17 minutes and 32 seconds. That's 17 minutes and 32 seconds i will never get back. Badly acted - especially by Copley. Bad effects, bad writing, Bad. Bad. Bad.
  10. Just imagine how you'll feel when they announce Frozen 4. Seriously though, with all the money Frozen made, how can anyone be surprised there's a sequel?
  11. I owe this man more than I can adequately express. The Discworld books kept me sane through some truly horrific events in my life and for that I will forever owe Sir Terry a debt. I don't cry at celebrity deaths but yesterday I was sitting at my desk with tears pouring down my cheeks.
  12. Aliens. I loathe South Park with the passion of a thousand fiery suns.
  13. There is only one thing that could improve upon the perfection that this is going to be: Patrick Stewart as Watson. This is going to be amazing.
  14. "They look up in the sky and see.... hope. I'll take that from them first." James Spader is going to own this movie.
  15. To quote a raccoon.. "Oh... yeah..."
  16. Oh Great Krypton, yes please.
  17. The more I see of this, the more I fully intend to avoid it.
  18. Back to The Future Point Break Road House All three were on TV the other week. Same day, different channels, practically one after the other. Talk about your perfect movie marathon.
  19. That's trouble with the printed word. No Sarcasm font.