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Posts posted by Chops

  1. God how I hated that camera, horrible, horrible camera.

    I don't know, there were to many things, maybe just minor gripes, that I felt kept this game from truly being as great as it should have been. I still score it at 8 out of 10.

  2. Well, you know, it's no surprise they're actually planning another film," revealed author Bracke. "It's going to be another team-up film, with Freddy (Krueger of the "Nightmare on Elm Street" series) vs. Jason vs. Michael Myers (of the "Halloween" films), which makes sense.

    How does 2 un-dead villians vs. a human make sense? I thought the original plan was for Jason vs. Freddy vs. Ash

  3. Kojima said in the past that Solid 2 was going to be his last game, then he said Solid 3 was going to be his last, and now he's back again. I'm pretty sure that as long as Konami offers him the money he'll always be back to do another one, and I have no complaints as every game has been amazing.

  4. I haven't bought anything off ebay in quite awhile, the outrageous shipping and handling some people charge turned me off. Hell, my wife has bought things on there and paid more for S&H then she had to pay for the item.

    I still go on there once every now and then to look at the prices of a Neo Geo, oh well, livin the dream I suppose...

  5. Spider-Man: Clone Saga will always be the worse story arc in comics in my opinion. Period. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to say, "Hey, I know what the readers will like, how about we tell them that the Spider-Man that they've known and loved for decades isn't really even Spider-Man." The worse part though, was the fact that someone in Marvel thought it was a good idea and okayed it.

    The clone saga was also poory written, had horrible story elements, and was almost to convoluted fo it's own good. Even without the head-ache inducing ending, it still would have been a horrible storyline.

  6. A Darkstalkers chronicle game? Sweetness.

    I heard it was just a port of the one released on the dreamcast in Japan, but whatever, I'm still getting it, because I've been a Darkstalker nuthugger since the orignal one. And I'm deffinantly getting one. People that think this isn't going to sell through, I got a bridge to sell you.

  7. Got to love the PC multi-cultural society of America. The flag stands for nothing offensive and had nothing to do with racially charged idealogy, but because idiots don't fucking know history, everyone just believes the confederate flag is a white power symbol.

    And about double standards; there is no doubt in my mind that had this been a latin girl that wanted to wear a dress that was a giant Mexican Flag, the school would probably have applauded her ingenuity.

  8. This is a tough one, because a lot of people were approached. But I'm going to say Glenn Danzing and a scheduling conflict.

    Yeah, Danzig was asked first, as the producers thought with his hieght and muscular build, he'd be perfect.