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Posts posted by Chops

  1. Now, I agree that the policy is kind of stupid, which is why they issued her an apology and offered an in-game fix. What does she want above that?

    Money. I bet the next step is her talking about pain and suffering. I agree with pretty much everything you said, and I find it funny how instead of contacting customer service about the issue, she automatically goes out and gets a lawyer.

  2. The reason for this work, Miller said, was "an explosion from my gut reaction of what's happening now." He can't stand entertainers who lack the moxie of their '40s counterparts who stood up to Hitler. Holy Terror is "a reminder to people who seem to have forgotten who we're up against."

    Although I'm not as high up on Miller as some people are, I love this qoute.

  3. I can't believe Cartoon Network keeps getting rid of all their good shows, but I guess you got to make room for whatever the new flavor of the month is in Japan to bring over.

    You know what's sad? There are a TONS of great animes they could be putting on TV over here on Adult Swim or Toonami. (Azumanga Daioh for example.) But instead, they bring over garbage like Zatch Bell!, Bo-Bo-Bo Bo Bo-Bo-Bo, and Naruto (sorry guys, I've tried repeatedly to get into this show, but I can't) and play them ALLLLLLLLLLLL the fucking time.

    Exactly, If cartoon network is so dedicated in becoming an anime channel, there are so many better choices out there than the crap they are putting on. It just infuriates me that they get rid of good shows like JLU and Teen Titans, and are going to replace them with, most likely, crap anime, or reruns of other shows that they feel the need to show 3-4 times a day.

  4. It won't surprise me at all for more games to start having unlockables like this. Hell, when the Gamecube was released a big part of it's marketing was directed at the connectivity to the GBA, atleast before Nintendo forgot about it.

  5. Man, it sure has been awhile since I've played Magic, I think last time I did Ice Age was just coming out, I believe at the time the multiverse was being called Dominia Prime, but I believe Wizards of the Coast later shortenend it to just Dominia.