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Posts posted by Chops

  1. The way that sounds is that Amazon will probably contact people who pre-ordered at 15 dollars and say, "Ooops, we messed up, we can cancel your order, but if you're still interested we're going to need another 85 dollars."

  2. Oldschool rulz!!!!

    Sriously though, I just remember when EGM got 10 kids ranging from ages 8-13 and had them play old games, and they were all saying, "This is boring, theses graphics suck, this game goes to slow, etc." If memory serves correct one kid even said something along the lines of,"You don't even get to kill anyone in this game, how gay."

    Put in perspective, that sounds about right. I remember playing the Pitfall on Atari when I was a kid and being amazed. I felt the same way when I played the first Zelda, then again with Mortal Kombat. Kids aren't going to like older games that they didn't grow up with because they weren't there when it was the best there was. They have these amazing games with amazing graphics, why would they want to play Frogger? I know I wouldn't if I never played it growing up.

    Exactly. Alot of people are picking the Wii as going to be the champion of the next generation, citing the downloading games as one of the reasons. I think you summed it up perfectly, the young gamers really aren't going to care about it. I think gamers like myself, who don't care enough to put an emulator on their computers, so downloading games on the Wii is a neat concept, are going to be in the minority.

  3. In one of the opening movies to Tekken, you see Kazuya dispatching Heihachi's personal armed soliders with nothing but his fists. Sam has to hide in the dark and sneak up on people. Kazuya was thrown down a cliff as a child by his father and made a pact with the Devil to get revenge. Plus he survived being thrown in a volcano.

  4. A fucking 10 from me. I love EC to death and own every issue of Tales from the Crypt, The Haunt of Fear, The Vault of Horror, and am working on getting all the issues of Crime SuspenStories, Shock SuspenStories, Weird Science, and Weird Fantasy.

    Gaines was an amazing writer who crafted great stories with twist endings and tackled weightier issues such as racism, sex, drug use and the American way of life. The company's war comics Frontline Combat and Two-Fisted Tales often featured weary-eyed, unheroic stories that were out of step with the jingoistic times. He also gave a start to alot of freelance artists who became famous through their work for EC. As a publisher he was a genius and changed the way comics were looked at.

    His fights with the industry and the American government are legendary, hell, the Comics Code Authority was created direclty because of him, and his altercations against them are too numerous to list. William Gaines is, in my opinion, one of the industry leaders who helped shape comics into what they are now. Plus he helped create MAD magazine.

  5. Ugh, I want to vote Duke just to spite Sweet Tooth and my general hatred of all things Twisted Metal... but I can't do it. Null.

    If you don't mind me asking what about Twisted Metal do you hate. I can understand hatred of the shit that was 3 and 4, but 1, 2, and especially Black were great games.

  6. Snake is bred from the genes of the perfect solider, Master Chief is just some random solider in a suit, not exactly a hard decision.

    This is super funny...cause anyone who knows shit about Halo could see the irony in this argument. So yes...I will blame people saying a guy that saves the entire world on (basicly) his own.."a random solider who is nothing without his armor" as pretty blind hatred.

    I meant that more in terms of how deep the storylines are. I enjoyed Halo 1+2 so I know Master Chief is more than a random solider, but in terms of how deep his story is compared to Snakes, especially with MGS3 fleshing out the beginnings, he is pretty shallow. I stand by what I said, there is a reason that his real name is John Spartan 117, he is the 117th solider bred, just one of many "super soliders" created by the UNSC. So I feel the randon solider statement is accurate, you could control any solider on the screen in Halo and it would be the same game as all the soliders are the same, where as even though Snake is one of three, he is still different from Liquid and Solidius.

  7. Sweet Tooth solely for his ending in Twisted Metal: Black. When he is offered the cure for his curse but told the catch is he won't be able to kill anymore, and he says, "It took all of about one second to make my decision" and you see him stomp the vial that held the cure kicked ass.

  8. As much as I love Alucard I have to give it to Mitsurugi. Mitsurugi can sidestep bullets for crying out loud. Alucard can do alot of shit, but that's because he's Dracula's son, Mitsurugi is human, so that makes him more badass.

  9. Super Mario and the Legend of the Seven Stars was one of my favorite games back in the day, and still is today. I love the Mario RPG's, so keep the paper mario's coming on the systems and the mario and luigi games coming on the handhelds.

    With Square putting games out on the GBA, I was hoping Nintendo would get them to do a sequel to Super Mario RPG.

  10. younger ones, I don't see really giving a fuck about being able to play old games with "outdated" graphics.

    But they might see it as retro coolness.

    Oldschool rulz!!!!

    Sriously though, I just remember when EGM got 10 kids ranging from ages 8-13 and had them play old games, and they were all saying, "This is boring, theses graphics suck, this game goes to slow, etc." If memory serves correct one kid even said something along the lines of,"You don't even get to kill anyone in this game, how gay."

  11. I'm wondering how many people are even going to know Pit, or have ever experienced the greatness of Kid Icarus.

    I had, but I was so young I can't even remember anything about it.

    I think that's going to be a problem for the Wii. Sure gamers like us will love being able to play games from the past, both I think both ends of the spectrum won't go for it. The "hardcore" gamers already have emulators on their computer where they can download the games for free rather than paying Nitendo, and on the other end, the newer gamers, especially younger ones, I don't see really giving a fuck about being able to play old games with "outdated" graphics.

  12. Going with Kain here. Ganon is cool and all, but he's constantly beaten by a child. A child!

    Exactly. IN the original LEgacy of Kain, at the end Kain could have saved the world but said, "Fuck that, I'm going to rule this motha!" Plus he ripped off Raziel's jaw and wings and threw him into the vortex just for growing wings.

  13. Demitri Maximoff without a second thought. He is one of the top two badasses in Darkstalkers, Jedah being the other one, and takes no shit from anyone. Soma started becoming a badass in his second game, but really wasn't one in his first. In Aria of Sorrow, he was more or less running away from enemies and trying to escape. He didn't go there to kick ass and take names, he didn't even plan on going there, but was mysteriously transported there, where his main goal was to find his lady and escape. No matter how badass he became in the DS version, I can't oversee the GBA version, especially since Demitri hasn't taken shit from anyone, ever. Nothing is below this guy, he has no problem with rape and murder, and will stop at nothing to control not only the darkstalkers, but the human population.