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Posts posted by Chops

  1. I kind of wish Sony would do that just because I hate the whole professional second-hand market. I have no problem buying and selling person-to-person, but I hate stores who offer you 5 bucks for your game and then sell it for 25 bucks. Even if it's a brand new game that just came out, they only offer you less than half of what they sell it for.

  2. I'd have never given this film a chance, just because I despise Larry Clark's work. So it's actually worth seeing?

    I think so. The movie is well written, gives a good depiction of the events, and Nick Stahl and Brad Renfro do great jobs in their roles.

  3. Yeah, whoever wrote that is an idiot. The actual book, however, is extremely well written and tales not only the events that led up to the murder, but the subsequent police investigaton and court trials.

  4. But with characters from fighting games, I think it should be considered. Characters from action games and rpg's have their stories set in stone, so it's easy to look at not only thier backstory, but see where they went from there in the ending.

    However, with characters from fighting games, it's hard to know anything if you narrow it down to only the story that leads to the next game. In the Soul Edge game Heishiro Mitsurugi sidesteps bullets in his ending, but are we to simple forget it just because Siegfried Schtauffen's ending is the one that leads to Soul Calibur? Stories in fighting games are almost non-existent, so sometimes the various endings are all you have to go on.

  5. So I finally got around to watching this, and all I can say is wow. What an amazing movie that captured the events perfectly. There was a little indulgence, but that's par for the course when it comes to movies based on real life. For those that have never heard about it, Bully is a movie based on a book of the same name that is about the real life events surrounding 7 teenagers and their decision to kill their fellow classmate, Bobby Kent. The book was captivating, and I can se why this move was widely acclaimed by critics and was called one of the best movies for the year it came out.

    wiki page on the movie

    wiki page on Bobby Kent

  6. I'm going with Sub-Zero here. The old Sub-Zero, the one who was one of the greatest assasins ever, the one who after he was killed, became Noob Saibot, killed his brother by ripping him in half, and became God of the Neatherealm.

    Um... you know that part hasn't been confirmed yet, right? That was just one of many endings, just like Scorpion beating the Dragon King, which may or may not have happened.

    I know that may not be the ending that leads up to the next Mortal Kombat, but I'm using it here because this is a one-on-one competition, so I feel it's fair game, as it is part of his known story, wether or not it leads up to the next game.

  7. I'm going with Sub-Zero here. The old Sub-Zero, the one who was one of the greatest assasins ever, the one who after he was killed, became Noob Saibot, killed his brother by ripping him in half, and became God of the Neatherealm.

  8. Cloud was an annoying pissant whose "woe is me" attitude really drug down FF7. He had Tifa throwing her tities in his face and he still acted like a little cry-baby. Scorpion came back from hell to get revenge, and ultimately became Earth realm's champion and killed the Dragon King.

  9. Lara Croft. Lara Croft with all those little outfits, jumping around there in a tomb, half-naked with your little outfits. Ya know? You're a... You're out there jumping around and I'm just sitting here with my beer. So, what am I supposed to do? What do you want? You know, are we gonna go out? Is that what you're trying to - why, why are you leaping around there, throwing those things all up in my, over there in my face? What do you want, Lara? Tell me what you want? Well, I'll tell you what you want, you want nothing. You want nothing. All right? Because we all know that no woman anywhere wants to have sex with anyone, and to titillate us with any thoughts otherwise is - is just bogus.

  10. yes the story was a load of crap. but heres my point,,,> IT wasnt that hate spawn because youre a faggot

    That is so hilarious, he agrees with you, yet still calls you a faggot. I used to love Spawn, but I don't see how anyone can still think it is any good.

  11. Heihachi easily. I would call Pyramid Head emo, not badass.

    He rapes other monsters with a sword. How is that even remotely emo?

    I meant storyline-wise. Heihachi is about proving he is the strongest, even at the expense of his family. Pyramid Head is created by the town to represent James' need to punish himself for past sins, they feed off his guilt and repressed sexuality, and act, perhaps sub-consciously, as a way for him to satisfy his repressed desires; hence the rapes in the game.

  12. Plus it said they are only going to do one volume a year for each line. Which is fine for thier "new direction" titles like Valor, MD, Extra, Aces High which would only need one volume each, but for titles like Crypt, Horror, Fear, and the suspenstories line, your looking at 5-6 years to get all the issues.

  13. See, he aint Canadian, ergo never seen Raccoons, ergo doesn't know the sheer evil of Sneer, guy nearly killed his son to make a quick buck

    Well Deathstroke did kill his son, orchestrated the death of his own brother, and manipulated his daughter just to fuck over Nightwing, plus he survived getting shot in the eye by his wife. I'm glad I'm not Canadian if the schools teach you to use a word like "aint".

  14. It's great to see EC living on, but the way they talk about re-releasing it in the link you posted is asinine. Releasing them one book at a time, with each book only containing six issues seems retarded to me. They should just bring back the slipcased, hardcovered, every issue included in one set, they did in the late 70's/early 80's. Those sets had every issue of one line in them, and they put out a hardbound set for each of their comic lines. For an example of what I'm talking about click here. These were the first sets they did, and if they are serious about bringng EC back, they should just release sets like these, instead of releasing various volumes.

  15. In 1982 the EC Library put out all their different lines of comics in harcover volumes that came in slipcases, and even those command hefty prices, and the originals from the 50's are insane in price. Being a fan of EC certaintly isn't easy on the wallet. That's a damn shame that future generations will never know the genius of EC because of how unavailable it is.