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Posts posted by Chops

  1. To me, Spiderman revealing himself isn't that big of a deal, per say. Underneath the mask, he's just a regular guy. He's not recognizable, he's not famous, he's not anything except the guy under Spidermans mask. It's not like if Batman took his mask off, where everyone would immeadiately recognize him as Bruce Wayne.

  2. Didn't the PSone outsell the PS2 for the first year or so of the product's lifetime? I could be completely on crack here, but I thought I remembered something along those lines.

    I remember reading something along those lines about the redesigned PSone still selling well into the PS2's life.

  3. Since conservatives generally opposed restrictions on gun ownership it would make sense that a good number of conservatives would oppose registration of super powers if those powers actually existed. Gun Owners of America would have a super powers department, for example.

    They are saying the opposite. They are saying that conservatives want to "reign in" the people with powers and Liberals think it is the government taking away people's freedoms.

    I never understood that in this storyline. In real life the conservative patform is about as little government as possible, where as the Liberal platform thinks it's the governments job to tell you what's allowed and what's not.

  4. Obviously, the PS2 has a lower price than the 360 and far vaster library, however, this still doesn't bode well for Microsoft. I've read news reports that put the sell of PS2's 2:1 compared to the sells of 360's. This is in XBox's strongest territory (US), I wonder if the gap is even wider in Asia and Europe?

  5. They do have to justify the price to their investers. If I had stock in Sony, I would demand to know why they are taking such a big risk, and if I didn't like the answers, I'd sell.

    It all depends on how much stock you own, though. The majority investors were all privy to the information beforehand, and can vote on it. As for the person who owns a few shares, Sony owes you dick.

    You can be as sick as you want of the "me first" attitude but remember people are buying this for their own personal use. So it kind of dictates a "me first" attitude.

    What I meant by the "me first" attitude are the people that think that just because something rises out of thier price range, that there is a problem with the company, and there needs to be some kind of solution. For example, people who complain about gas prices. I said this over at the Oratory, and I'm not trying to be a dick, but if someone can't aford it, tough shit. There are plenty of people that are going to buy this, there are plenty of publishers lining up to put out games, and there are plenty of game franchises continuing onto the PS3 that are going to see the it succeed and thrive.

  6. Like I said earlier, I find it hilarious that people have a mentality that companies are required to bring products out in their price range. The original NES cost 200 dollars when it was released in 1986. Is it such a strange notion that a console is more expensive 20 years later?

    No it's not such a strange notion, its just strange that they want to release a system that is roughly $200 more (and maybe even $300 more by the time the PS3 releases) than it's biggest competitor and try and justify it by telling you the system isn't really a gaming console anymore.

    All around the news you read articles saying Sony needs to "justify" their price. Sony doesn't need to justify shit. They can release their product at whatever price they want. I'm no fanboy, but I'm just getting sick of this "me first" attitude people have, and then you have the idiots that say Sony is doomed because of their price. This is going to sell out the first day, regardless of price, and to believe otherwise is ignorance.

  7. Like I said earlier, I find it hilarious that people have a mentality that companies are required to bring products out in their price range. The original NES cost 200 dollars when it was released in 1986. Is it such a strange notion that a console is more expensive 20 years later?

  8. Kazuya made a deal with the devil to get back at his father. Sweet Tooth suffers the flames of hell for killing people.

    After some thought, I'm going with Sweet Tooth. He murders people with no feeling or remorse. He killed everyone in an entire supermarket just for fun. He survived being electrocuted in the chair on his day of execution. Plus, he refers to falling asleep as, "going out like the dying heartbeat of a little girl."

  9. Alright, I've made up mind and I'm going with Snake.

    On one hand, Mitsurugi is a badass in his own right, he can take down whole armies with nothing more than his sword, he can sidestep bullets moving faster than a normal man, plus he has the inner strength to realize that the Soul Edge was not the path to true power.

    Snake is the perfect solider, a man who is sent in alone in situations were squadrons of soliders would fail, he too takes out whole armies singlehandidly, albeit in a more stealthy matter, takes down bi-pedal nuclear tanks, and has the badass talk down to a "t".

    The deciding factor for me was how they take out their prespective enemies. Mitsurugi rushes head in to battles, a gallant, yet foolish decision. True he hasn't lost a battle yet, but who knows what the future holds for someone who employs such tactics. Snake, however, is methodical and intelligent, singling out enemies and thinning the herd. Hiding the bodies, using the right weapon for the right situation, all the while without ever being seen. Snake only fights when he has to, he is a 20th century ninja.

  10. I know you are sitting there shaking your head going offering $20 for a brand new game only to turn around and resell it for $45 is not a slight profit. But you have to factor in that they accept pretty much all the games, even the absolute garbage So while they might take in 15 of one game they might only sell six of them.

    That's not entirely accurate, though. While they'll buy just about anything, if it sucks and they know they aren't going to move it, they'll buy it for a dollar or less. You won't see a game for cheaper than five bucks in that store, so using your example, they buy fifteen copies of a game for a dollar each, and sell six for five bucks a pop. Their expenses are $15 and their profits are $30, plus they've got seven extra copies of the game in inventory, which they can either sell through the online shop or keep in stock for the next time someone wants a copy.

    Yeah but you also got to figure the more a game sucks the more copies that are going to come in to the store and the less they are going to sell of said game. I think the used game market is more driven by word of mouth than anything else so if the game has bad word of mouth the store isn't going to sell as many copies.

    They buy the shittier games for less than a dollar. So, even if the buy 100 copies of a game, it doesn't matter how many they sell or not. If it comes down to it, they can donate the games to goodwill or a local community center and write it off on their taxes. When they write it off, they write off the value at which they would have sold it for. Wether they sell it or not, they are still getting a huge return that neither the gamer or the company that put out the game will ever see.

  11. Mitsurugi goes through armies head on and is able to succeed. Snake, on the other hand, has to go through armies with stealth tactics and only battles an opponent head on when he absolutely has to.

    True, but Snake smokes. As we all know, only the cool people smoke.

  12. But Jack Thompson doesn't need to have that debate anywhere. Of the suspects, who reportedly beat their victim to death and shot him in the face, Thompson said: "Nobody shoots anybody in the face unless you're a hit man or a video gamer."

    That is the greatest thing I have ever read, and by greatest I mean stupidest.

  13. I kind of wish Sony would do that just because I hate the whole professional second-hand market. I have no problem buying and selling person-to-person, but I hate stores who offer you 5 bucks for your game and then sell it for 25 bucks. Even if it's a brand new game that just came out, they only offer you less than half of what they sell it for.

    Two days after buying Far Cry for the Xbox, I sold it back to the store... for $23 (or thereabouts). Now I don't recall if it was originally $50 or $40, but losing half (give or take) is still a ripoff in my mind.

    That said: I'm not keen on this. Once I buy a game, it's mine. I own the disk, so I can resell it on eBay, to the store or wherever I like.

    Exactly, and what of those like me, that only buy used games?

    Well, it's your fault for being cheap :P .

    Hell, it's a good deal if your the one buying. I just bought 3 XBox games, 2 PS2 games, and 1 Gamecube game at GameStop for about $30. I love being able to do that because there's no sense in spending $60 dollars for a new game when you can get about 5-10 used for the same price.

    I'm all for person to person selling of games. I have used games in my library, and have sold a huge amount of games. The point I was going for was that I hated the fact that a store buys the game off of you for a fraction of what they sell it back for, all the while the store pockets the difference. I can deffinately see why Sony would want to try to stop it as they are taking losses because of this too.

    So yeah, of course the store rips you off on buying your games, that's where they make a lot of their money. If Sony tries anything, it won't hold up. If I buy a couch, I didn't buy the license to sit in it, I bought the fucking couch.

    Just because you buy an artist's cd doesn't give you the right to copy and sell it, same thing with computer programs, and in essence turning a video game into a downloadable emulator. Like drqshadow said it's a slippery slope, just because you own it, doesn't give you the rights to profit off of it.

  14. So how are they supposed to have completely redone Bumblebee's body, transforming a '70s muscle car to a '00s street racer, without stumbling upon the fact that this car is actually sentient?

    I was wondering that too. I guess they are going by the generation-X mentality of what a "cool" car is.

  15. Finnaly I decided to go with Raziel. There are two things that make a badass; attitude and look. I think both Kefka and Raziel are about even in attitude, but Raziel obliterates Kefka when it comes to looking the part.