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Posts posted by Chops

  1. Just curious, has anyone else tried to fight Yiazmat and his 50 million+ health points?

    Yiazmat may have 50 million+ health points but Omega mark requires you entire party to be maxed out before even attempting to get your ass kicked.

    The thing is, is that niether of these bosses is hard, just time consuming. With the right gambits of reverse and decoy set up, you can easily topple every monster in the game. The problem is that, outside of espers and concurrences, the most damage you can do is 9,999. If we round that up to 10,000, it would take you roughly 1,100+ hits to take down Omega's 11 million HP. That's well over 5,000 hits for Yiazmat. After spending hours on Omega and then more time on the Hell Wyrm, I just lost interest in fighting anymore.

    Has anyone unlocked all the espers yet? Zodiark is supposed to be incredibly powerful once you get him.

    Zodiark is a waste, just like every other esper in the game. If you trigger his final attack, he does 60,000, which isn't worth using all your MP, in my opinion. In fact I went though the whole game without using the espers. They are a waste of your MP and rarely bring much to the battle that your own characters can't do better.

  2. 3. Why do all the guys look like girls?

    Actually, in early stages of the game, Vaan character looked completely different. He used to have a very "masculine" look, however, Square decided to change his look to feminine to connect with their target age-group market in Japan, the J-Pop scene.

  3. A fanboy of what, pray tell? I was big on Sony last generation, that doesn't mean they're not proven liars. In my experience, those known as fanboys are often first the throw out the fanboy accusation.

    See? I can try and devalue your opinion with one cliche' and overused word too.

    I was being a little sarcastic in that post. That site is a corporate site, which means it's under regulations. If Sony misrepresents one number on that site they are open to a plethora of lawsuits from their shareholders, investors, consumer watchdog groups, and investment groups. To devalue the information just because it is a Sony site, which you said, was why I sacastically said "fanboy".

  4. Can someone tell me why the PSP is supposedly so bad? I haven't played on one for about 18 months, but I loved it when I did, so I'm legitimately curious about what has happened to make it flop?

    I've always wondered that too. The latest sales figures put the PSP 4 million units behind the DS in worldwide sales, which isn't that bad. I think we all can agree that the DS is the current leader in the handheld market, but the PSP is far from a flop or failure that most people peg it to be.

    Where did you get that information? I find it hard to believe the DS is only beating the PSP by four million units.

    From each of the respective companies corporate webpages addressing their earnings.

    Nintendo lists total units shipped at 26.82 million.

    Sony lists total units shipped at 22.94 million.

  5. Can someone tell me why the PSP is supposedly so bad? I haven't played on one for about 18 months, but I loved it when I did, so I'm legitimately curious about what has happened to make it flop?

    I've always wondered that too. The latest sales figures put the PSP 4 million units behind the DS in worldwide sales, which isn't that bad. I think we all can agree that the DS is the current leader in the handheld market, but the PSP is far from a flop or failure that most people peg it to be.