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Posts posted by Chops

  1. Steel Battalion: I added this as a major dark horse. I guarantee that I'm the only person here that was dumb/crazy enough to buy it. It takes you 15 minutes just to start up your mech. THAT'S HARDCORE.

    No you weren't, I loved this game and it's what I'm voting for. I loved how if you didn't eject from your mech, and you ended up dying, the game would actually ERASE your saved data, making you start all over.

    I just wish Capcom would have incorporated the cotroller into another game.

  2. I decided to get this. I was able to get the 80 dollar collectors edition that came with the hard cover art book and dvd at Gamestop that someone pre-ordered but never picked up.

    So far, I got to say I'm not digging the battle system, a little too MMORPG-ish for my taste.

  3. At this stage I've only played Wild Arms 1, 3 and 4 (I'm not even sure if 2 and ACF even got an Australian release), but I'd have to agree with you. Wild Arms was one of the first RPG's I ever played, and whilst I've always enjoyed the fighting and puzzle aspects, I found the story was really lacking in this one. It's hard to find the motivation to finish it at this point.

    The first Wild Arms is one of my favorite all time RPGs. I feel it didn't get a fair shake because it was released in the summer of FF7. As for the rest of the series, 2 is a decent follow up, 3 played out a little too slow, and 4 went by too quickly. ACF was horrible, why the fuck did they feel the need to change everything about number one that worked, I don't know.

  4. I'm oh so close to finishing Wild Arms 3. I'm also playing Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition and I've made a start on Wild Arms 4.

    I've even started to write a review for Wild Arms 3, which I'll post in the Members' Columns & Reviews section at some point.

    I love the Wild Arms series, although it saddens me that each of the 5 games has gotten progressively, not worse-to harsh of a word, but just less good.

  5. How the fuck not even the ORIGINAL Fable but it's bastard add on that SHOULD of been in the game gets voted over Halo boggles my mind.

    I don't exactly see how Lost Chapters being a remake should automatically eliminate it from contention. We're not judging how much the game before it was missing, but how good/influental/innovative the game was.

    Well, that plus the fact that Halo really is just average.

    For the poll Soul Calibur.