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Everything posted by Holacik

  1. The optimist in me wants to say he could have assembled the crew after he planned the job but thats not very realistic so i'll have to concede this one to ya. It is a bit shady that he had a crew, again though it dosen't mean he was openly criminal in front of micah. Even though she never intentionally let her see that side of him, Micah is pretty damn smart and put a lot of things together. Well there's a lot of what if's in there. Since we really don't know what happened between Niki and DL's crew there will be alot of guessing here. Honestly it's not farfetched to believe that she killed them all just so they couldn't tell DL she was behind it.... That was the exact reason that D.L. gave to why he didn't go through with the robbery. He didn't want to put Niki and Micah in that kind of danger. I agree money is the root of all evil, but I will continue to harp on the fact if she hadn't commited the robbery she never would have been placed in that position. Which would have been okay if she just killed the one who laundered the money. As far as I know(I could be wrong) only one guy there knew she had that kind of money. The other two no matter how dirty they might have been were innocent of that fact. True we don't know that but honestly do you think she would have spared them? Especially since Ando would have recognized her. In your theory she kills anyone who could potentially br a threat to her or her son. Someone IDing her on a murder rap would be a threat. Yes D.L. backed out fearing repercussions for his actions. Honestly it seems the darker side has more control. It takes over when it wants and knows everything the good side knows. The good side dosen't seem to have the same luxury Yeah i'm leaning towards Sinister for Mr.bennet and here's why; I could be wrong[potential spoilers maybe] but I swear I noticed the same tattoo on the cop during previews of next weeks show. Thats making me think that they are conducting experiments on the 'heroes' and altering them. The ones with the tattoos have been marked. Which could explain why the only took Nathan at the hotel and not Niki. Also I wouldn't be shocked if maybe Chandra isn't dead. There's two reason's I think this one is I recognize the actor who's picture is on the back of the book Chandra wrote. I've seen him in several movies (Mr. deeds, he was Electra's dad in Daredevil, in Stargate and a reoccuring character in Stargate SG1) so he seems too big of an actor to just be a picture on the back of a book. Now my crazy guess (just a guess) is that Chandra is Syler. It seems awfully strange that Syler knows where all the 'Heroes' are using Chandra's theories. The why is a harder question to answer but here you go; My guess is that he had the telekinesis all along which is why he believed in people who were (lack of a better term) mutating. The group run by Mr. Bennet caught him experiment on him which caused a split in his personality (much like Niki) and cause him to turn into the Syler personality. It's all pure speculation on my part but I really believe syler is going to turn out to be someone we already know...
  2. I love me some sonic 2, but I never beat it....
  3. Never said it wasn't greedy. Micah's dad was openly a criminal. Niki obviously didn't want that kind of man in Micah's life. Yeah, yeah. She's a murderer, but at least she wasn't open about her crimes. Ok first while he did plan it he decided not to go through with it. At no other point does the show say he did anything else so how is he openly a criminal? How is it that just because she kept her crimes quiet mean that she is a better? There's nothing to back this up. That's true we don't know why she killed them. It dosen't negate the fact if she didn't commit the robbery she never would have killed them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Niki afraid D.L. would take Micah before he learned the truth? I could swear she made a comment to the police about D.L. taking Micah away long before the money became an issue. Yea she was but the reason she thought that he had stolen the money, killed his crew and on the run. All of which was not true. That second part I dunno if she made a comment that she thought he was going to take him before the robbery. Obviously though thats not true, he wanted to leave with both of them. Yes, if it meant saving her boy. Even if she was the one who put him in danger in the first place? If the robbery is never commited she wouldn't of had to worry about DL his crew or anyone at that poker game. I agree: it's greedy. But these men would have killed her had she not killed them first. Again I have to go back and say that if she didn't commit the robbery she wouldn't have been placed in said danger. By the way What do you have to back up that DL's crew was going to kill her? We don't know why she killed them. Plus she killed 3 guys at the poker game only one knew of her commiting the robbery. If Hiro and Ando hadn't gone to the bathroom she would have killed them too. Would you still be justifying her actions? Money does strange things to people. It's not a stretch to think D.L.'s crew would have turned on him (and later killed Niki and Micah) had they pulled the job together. Those deaths are negligible to me. Let me add this: if Niki was truly evil, she would have cut and run with the two million. But she didn't. Had Niki and Micah disappeared after the two million went missing, everyone would have known she took it. Instead she fell into a $50,000 hole she had to whore her way out of to protect Micah, all because her dark side kept the money hidden from the other half. Why would the dark side, the side you're calling evil, do that unless she was trying to protect herself and her son? Ok first point I'll make is that where as it's not a stretch to think DL's crew turned on her there is nothing to back that up. Not to mention if she never commited the robbery she never would have been in the position of kill or be killed. Of course if she hadn't commited the robbery DL wouldn't have gone to Jail, and they might not have been in a position to fall into a $50,000 hole to begin with. You also answered your own question of why she didn't cut and run because everyone would have known she did it. The dark side (which so far seems to have some powers the side dosen't have) is not always in control. It's a little hard to take off when the light side dosen't know what is going on. She'll get half way to mexico look in the mirror become the 'good' Nikki and wonder where the hell she's going. The dark side more or less needed to find a way for her and the 'light side' to be on the same page. Thats pure speculation on my part though. Awesome discussion by the way!
  4. To get the money for her and her son. Yea 2 million dollars come on. DL made 30,000 if she just got you know a job they would be fine. Stealing 2 mill is just plain greedy, an how is framing Micah's dad good for Micah? To keep all of the witnesses from coming after her and her son. Or she didn't want to share the money that the stole together. Because he'd have killer her and / or taken Micah away. As we saw. Um gee can you blame DL for wanting to take his son? How many people did she kill already? 2 in the garage, 3 in the poker game, and however many guys were a part of DL's crew Because he threatened to take Micah away. Yea my previous answer covers this. Even if it was all done for Micah can that truely condone any of her actions? She didn't need to steal 2 million to begin with. How many deaths followed because of that? The only 2 deaths I can let slide are the two in the garage as that was more self defense. Every other death came about because of the 2 million she didn't have to steal.
  5. Yea she did frame Micah's dad. Killed everyone invovled in the robbery she commited. She killed all the people at the poker game to Prevent D.L from finding out she framed him. Then tried to kill D.L. when he found out. Yea she seemed pretty bad to me...
  6. Kingdom Hearts II I love this game. The begining is a little rough, but its all around fun and there is a lot you can do with it.
  7. Holacik

    Xbox: Round Four

    I voted for star wars, simply because you can replay that game over and over do so many different things with it. You can choose to walk the path of light or darkness.
  8. I quite agree that its hard to tell what he's up to, whether its good or bad The only real bad guys we have seen so far is Sylar and Nikki. Man I can talk about this show for hours
  9. Syler is the man who will try kill the cheerleader. The only question is exactly who is Syler? The only scene that Syler is in we never get a clear shot of his face. My guess is that whoever it is will be a shocker. With the powers he has I could comfortably rule out Hiro. Syler has telekinesis at least and also seems to be able to take a couple of bullets to the chest. If you remember about the cheerleader when the stick got stuck in her brain her body shut down so her weak point must be her brain. Syler favorite method of killing involves removing the brain... I can't really see her being dead as there was so much about her character they never explained. Plus I like having alot of characters on the show it can keep lots of things fresh and if there is a paticular character you don't like you know he/she won't be hogging up the screen every week. So what does everyone think Claire's adopted father is up to? Just studying the 'heroes' or changing them?
  10. The big difference is that the X-box 360 cost 11 dollars more. Oh yeah if they lose that extra 11 dollars it would cripple them finacially.
  11. What makes you think that? He is totally in love with the fact of being a hero. Do you see something I don't?
  12. Which utterly defeats the purpose of exclusive characters. Extra characters are added so that people will have incentive to buy a game that they likely already grabbed once. You may not like it, but no one is going to go out and buy the PSP version of the game if the exclusive characters were Flatman, Squirrel Girl, and H.E.R.B.I.E. Hell yeah Flatman!! How could you not go out and buy that game with him in it? Now if we could get Mr. Immortal it be a smash hit...
  13. Yo that was some crazy shit. I wonder how long he could have gotten away with it if he hadn't crashed his car?
  14. Man what is up with all the Dr. Strange hate? I'd love to be able to use him over Moon Knight, Colossus, or Hawkeye.
  15. Yea I actually want to see slither, but I don't know if I want to see slugs going into people's mouths...
  16. I ended up watching Jeepers Creepers 2. It happened to be on sci-fi so I figured what the hell. I had seen the first one and didn't hate it so I gave it a try. I deeply regret that decision...
  17. Holacik

    Make your own FF

    Not to knock your team or nothing, but Punisher isn't much of a team player, and always takes things to the extreme. He is a murderer whether or not you agree that he's right dosen't negate this fact. Plus the kind of action that the FF sees battling Aliens and dictators is a bit out of his league.
  18. Thats a pretty cool list. I'd would love to see Havok on there, but he gets no love in video games...
  19. Yea Hiro is the man and he does have the coolest power. Mondays are a struggle for me whether to watch the first hour of raw or Heroes.
  20. Just the Top guys or does it have the guys lower on the totem pole? Is it out for ps2?
  21. So does anyone else still watch this show? It quickly has become my favorite show and I tend to watch the original airing and the friday replay on sci-fi.
  22. I have a question isn't marvel zombies in its own universe not in the ultimate line?
  23. Hardcover is cool, but will it be one book or more. When I bought Hush I didn't realize it was two parts(had to go back and get the second copy)
  24. Word. I would play this game to and from work everyday and on my break. I was consumed with trying to get S rank on all of the War room missions.
  25. Holacik

    Xbox: Round Two

    I voted for Fable:the lost chapters. Fable was the reason why I bought an X-box, it wasn't everything it promised it was still loads of fun and one of my all time fav games.