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Everything posted by JackFetch

  1. New teaser. I've never seen a trailer show so little, and yet still get me hyped up for the movie.
  2. JackFetch

    The news thread

    Your thinking of Tommy Lee Jones, the great actor. Tommy Lee is the drummer with the big penis that gave hepatitis to Pam Anderson.
  3. What the fuck is Olivia Munn doing on The Daily Show? Is she seriously a correspondent now?
  4. http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/102058-geoff-johns-names-top-picks-for-adaptation
  5. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=66794
  6. JackFetch

    The news thread

    That was a completely random celebrity name to bring up.
  7. http://movies.ign.com/articles/109/1094489p1.html
  8. There is no possible way he can look like the comic version. This is as close as we'll get. Here is another one: Gotta love how they photoshopped giant hands onto him.
  9. JackFetch


    Knock off toys are awesome:
  10. It's not that rare, and they charge $150.00 to fix it.
  11. Band of Brothers has been on all day and night. I love that series.
  12. JackFetch

    The news thread

    There is no connection between leaked movies and sales. Hurt Locker was never going to be big at the box office. Most people had never heard of it before the Oscars. If they thought it was going to make money, why did it open with Transformers 2 and Ice Age? If anything, they should have released it two weeks before they did, but it never would have been a hit.
  13. I now have a broken PS3 to go with my broken 360. It stopped reading discs. I don't have the money to replace either of them any time soon.
  14. This movie might not ever get made. http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=66547
  15. http://www.giantbomb.com/news/project-natal-to-be-named-wave-at-e3/2033/ That would be a terrible name. When I hear "Wave", I automatically think of Google.
  16. JackFetch


    Just watched the finale. All I can say is, they better make a movie like they say they are.
  17. JackFetch

    The news thread

    It's a shame his last days were full of family issues.
  18. Most people never heard of Nightwing. Everyone knows Batman and Robin. If you explain to them he used to be Robin, then you have to explain why there's more than one Robin, then why he quit being Robin. It confuses casual fans(kids).
  19. JackFetch

    The news thread

    See now, I'm not entirely sure there's a difference. If someone finds the key hidden inside the fake rock in my front yard, then uses it to go inside my house, that's not "okay;" that's still breaking and entering. Where did I say what he did was ok?
  20. The wording on this is confusing. Are they simply stating that GL is in an upcoming film, or that the cartoon is based on the film's continuity? They are just explaining who Green Lantern is. He's a DC Comics character, and he has a movie coming out. They aren't implying it's based on the movie continuity. What? I don't like them trying to get me to do math. It makes it sound like they have no idea when it's coming out.
  21. http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118019912.html?categoryid=14&ref=ra&cs=1
  22. JackFetch

    The news thread

    If the internet was a person, then 4Chan would be their crotch. There is some fun to be had there, but it's not something you share with the public at large.
  23. They need to do some smaller characters so they have something between the big ones. They are relying only on the big names.