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Everything posted by JackFetch

  1. I can live with those. They have a real animated feeling to them. I'm surprised they didn't incorporate the hammer into the Thor logo though.
  2. iPad owners had their private info exposed to the internet. Seriously AT&T, you don't need to keep trying to be the worst anymore. Everyone already hates you.
  3. I'm going to assume they aren't staying with the continuity of the Wolverine movie.
  4. 1Up looks at the most popular E3 rumors:
  5. It might be worth noting she is 31, so that would have her and Magneto almost the same age. http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/102297-rosamund-pike-up-for-emma-frost I'm sure they have most of the cast picked already. They are scouting locations for filming, so they better have them.
  6. Live streams will be available at all the usual sites. I recommend 1Up and Gamespot. All the press conferences will also be shown on G4, assuming they don't fuck up like two years ago.
  7. From that first Kotaku link: This is creating huge buzz, and WB are morons if they don't pick it up right now.
  8. JackFetch


    I honestly can't remember if I already put this up or not. Sorry if I did.
  9. If he comes out as their leader it will be the greatest moment in modern wrestling.
  10. That was some crazy shit on Raw. It's the NWO all over again. TNA sure is lucky they already moved back to Thursdays.
  11. I'm a big fan of the first two, and still play them on occasion. It's a shame that Microsoft won't be publishing them anymore, but I'm glad someone picked up the series. I don't see how it will work on consoles though since the mouse is a huge part of the controls.
  12. The most useless thing a phone can have. When are you going to use it? Riding the train? In a cab? It's a mobile phone, and video conferencing is better done on a computer where you are sitting down, not making everyone seasick. The Sprint Evo does this also, but at least they put in a kickstand to make it kind of useful.
  13. This looks really good, but I'm so sick of Michael Cera. He has no acting range beyond being awkward.
  14. The preview from the MTV Movie Awards: http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=66858 It's 99% stuff from the trailers.
  15. What I mean is it wasn't made to promote the movie to the public. It was made to sell licenses at a convention.
  16. JackFetch

    The news thread

    After a public outcry, they are not going to whiten the faces on that mural after all. Also, the racist councilman was fired from his radio job.
  17. The tagline and logo aren't for the movie.
  18. Have you guys seen the commercial for this game. It cracks me up every time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctkjNF9JSPE
  19. These are from the License! Global licensing show in Las Vegas. Warner Brothers is putting Green Lantern as the signature DC brand above both Batman and Superman. They obviously expect big things from this movie.
  20. Not sure if this is awesome, or if it makes me mad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Zd_khk6zXo
  21. http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/102090-christopher-nolan-on-batman-and-superman
  22. JackFetch

    The news thread

    If you look at the mural, you can't really tell what ethnicity the kid is. He kind of looks like me as a kid. That Councilman who thought the kid was black is just a racist.