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Everything posted by JackFetch

  1. I disagree. I think working with his daughter has re-ignited his love for writing and directing.
  2. That doesn't even make sense to censor. They are dancing. They don't even kiss. It's all in the head of the person watching if it's sexual at all
  3. http://www.comingsoon.net/tv/news/644473-voltron-and-guillermo-del-toros-trollhunters-series-head-to-netflix
  4. Daredevil Season 2 to Debut March 25th. That is the same day Batman V Superman comes out.
  5. Yes, they have to film a movie within I think 10 years. I think they have to start some kind of pre production within 5 years also. I wouldn't be surprised if they give up the rights after deciding it's not a profitable franchise. They lost a lot of money on the last two movies. Nobody knows what is actually in the licensing contract but I wonder if they can make a shitty movie with the idea of never releasing it just to keep the license like Corman did, or do they actually have to release the movie? The reason I think it is ten years is because I based it on when Daredevil went back to Marvel 2002 - 2012. Also the timeline of FF movies 1994 Roger Corman - 2005 Fox - 2015 Fox. The Corman version was made just to keep the license, which Stan Lee admitted. They lost the license to Fox, who made a movie 11 years later, or one year after they got the license, Fox made the latest one in 2015, which is 8 years after Rise of the Silver Surfer. They now have at least 5 years to decide what to do so don't expect to hear anything for at least that long unless they volunteer(or make a deal) to give it up to Marvel.
  6. If you want proof that Fox has declared the Fantastic 4 franchise dead, look at the Empire X-Men universe cast photo. Now look at the original picture with the Fantastic 4 cast in it. I guess they figured since nobody saw it, nobody would notice it was changed.
  7. On January 19th, CW is airing two specials. The first one is DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Their Time is Now starting at 9:00pm ET. The second is DC Films Presents: Dawn of the Justice League hosted by Kevin Smith which is about all the upcoming DC comic book movies and includes a new trailer for Suicide Squad and a first look at the Wonder Woman movie. http://www.gamezone.com/news/cw-s-dawn-of-justice-special-to-debut-new-suicide-squad-trailer-wonder-woman-sneak-peek-3431614
  8. I think he looks fucking amazing.
  9. So this is supposedly concept artwork for the X-Force movie showing the lineup.
  10. I just hope this movie proves that R rated super hero movies are profitable.
  11. Every trailer has different lines for a lot of the jokes. They probably filmed a ton of them and are just showing them off. I bet there is going to be a long behind the scenes cut of all the different jokes on the Blu-Ray.
  12. I think we are going to get a lot of payoffs in future movies. They've set of the world, and left some mysteries for later. I think that's why I have some questions about certain things that happened. They will be explained later.
  13. A couple of things I loved: Tinfoil hat theory Nitpicky stuff I shouldn't worry about but I'm a nerd so I will:
  14. I just got back from seeing it. I loved it. It wasn't perfect, but it felt like Star Wars.
  15. I could care less about a connected universe. I just want a good M.A.S.K. movie.
  16. Paramount and Hasbro’s interconnected universe will include G.I. Joe, Micronauts, Visionaries, M.A.S.K. & ROM