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Everything posted by JackFetch

  1. My first thought after tonight's Raw was that everything has changed. Then I remembered Cena is back and it'll be business as usual by next week. Also, with all these NXT guys getting called up, why the hell is Bayley and Finn Balor not on Raw yet?
  2. I doubt it. A lot of movies do reshoots after the first round of editing when they realize they need more coverage. From what I read they are changing the tone of the film so they will just be adding jokes and nothing that actually changes the story.
  3. I'm sure this episode is going to have ramifications that we won't see until later. Since Barry is the only one that will notice any changes he made we will find out along with him.
  4. This whole episode felt rushed to me, and the only time I felt Supergirl and Flash had good chemistry was the last scene they had together.
  5. It's just another scene that doesn't tell you what the hell is going on. They did answer this.
  6. I think DC's biggest problem is that they forgot these movies are supposed to be fun.
  7. It's pretty much an open secret at this point. Plus, I'm sure they like making money and only the dumbest people in the industry would see everyone clamoring for a sequel and decide not to make it. Even if this particular rumor isn't true, we all know there will be a sequel eventually.
  8. The first few episodes are terrible. It doesn't get good until after the trial. Edit: Ok so I finished it.
  9. It was a chore, believe me. A coworker kept telling me it was good, so I figured it had to get good at some point.
  10. CW has pretty much renewed everything. That included Supernatural, The Flash, Arrow, The 100, Vampire Diaries, Legends of Tomorrow, and iZombie among others. I still don't get the Supernatural thing. I've watched the first five seasons and it doesn't seem good enough to get 12 seasons.
  11. The Flash and Aquaman stand alone movies will not be origin stories, but instead will pick up right where Justice League ends. Original source is behind a paywall
  12. Here is a wallpaper worthy shot.
  13. Yeah they should have changed the name to Avengers 3. If it turns out to be a Cap movie where his story isn't the main focus I'm going to be pissed.
  14. Did he call him underoos? You can tell the cgi for that end scene was rushed and unfinished, but I'm sure it will be fine for the movie.
  15. Civil War is going to be the longest marvel movie to date, at 2 hours 27 minutes long.
  16. Oh shit, it comes out in 10 days. That shit just sneaks up on you.
  17. Supergirl has been renewed. Actually, CBS has renewed every one of it's new shows.
  18. "Someone get me pictures of Batman!"
  19. I don't think I could handle the internet explosion from that if it happens.