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Everything posted by JackFetch

  1. She's also in 300. She does look like she can hold her own in a fight.
  2. It just seemed like an extended version of the teaser. Nothing new was shown except Sandman getting his powers. It seems like they made the Spidey suit brighter and more colorful to make it stand out against the black one.
  3. That's exactly what I thought. They showed Venom to the hardcore comic fans, but didn't even put him in the real trailer. It must be a really small part.
  4. I learned this lesson a long time ago. At my bank's ATM it charges you two dollars to check your last few transactions. At the same bank. It's a piece of paper just like the receipt.
  5. JackFetch

    World War Hulk

    That is the best cover ever. I just read Hulk#100, and it looks like they are already setting the stage for his return. Reed: Tony, Bruce isn't where we sent him. Tony: That's.........bad.
  6. Here's the first full trailer. IFilm posted a little early by accident. http://www.retrocrush.com/archive2006/spiderman3/
  7. pictures of next weeks episode "Homecoming" at the link. There are spoilers, although they ask more questions than they answer. http://www.superhiro.org/album_cat.php?cat_id=16
  8. Am I the only one getting the vibe that Hiro's friend won't be around long? He's not in all the promo pics, and he doesn't even feel like a sidekick. He's just Hiro's interpreter. Unless he has some powers he doesn't know about yet, I don't think he'll last through the season.
  9. Did Reptile and the Silver Surfer have a baby? Yeah, they are a little late with the whole "extreme" fad.
  10. I actually got to watch it tonight, and I was thinking the same thing when he grabbed the tape to watch it. He doesn't come off as a brat who likes to terrorize his sister, so he had no reason to take the tape and watch it like he did. The only reason I can think of is that he knew something was up with her, and wanted to find out what. His reaction didn't make sense either. He stapled her hand, and calls her a freak? I would imagine that his reaction would have been more like it was the coolest thing ever.
  11. Here is the new one: I'm a little disappointed in the video games. No new X-Men Legends or Marvel Ultimate Alliance games scheduled for next year. I bet that will changed though.
  12. I know one person on here will be pretty happy about this. The question is will he still like Iron Man after what they are turning him into during CW?
  13. I can't wait to see what they put in the new trailer. AICN had these pics up and Sony had them removed. They are early concept art.
  14. The first 6 minutes of the Tenacious D movie is online, and it rocks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbiJsgeYoUk That kid looks so much like Jack Black it's scary, and I totally marked out when the Dio poster came alive. If you don't know about Tenacious D, then you don't rock hard enough. Oh, by the way, this isn't safe for the kiddie's ears.
  15. Tell us how you really feel. But yeah, I agree. Blockbuster sucks.
  16. My only problem with the show is that there are too many different characters and stories to keep up with. Hopefully that will change soon, and if Nikki is dead that's one less to keep up with(it does say spoilers in the title so don't get mad).
  17. Anyone playing this? I got it for the 360, and it looks awesome in high def. If you have ever played X-Men Legends, it's kind of like that, but not cell shaded. It's got almost every hero and villain in the Marvel universe in it.
  18. I work on Mondays so I Tivo Raw, and then Tivo Friday night's Heroes. It sucks to be a week behind but I need my Raw on Mondays. I wish the show were just about Hiro. He's the best thing about the show.
  19. I'm so glad Jack Black understood how pissed people would have been about this.
  20. Well, it's official now. They couldn't find another studio that would take it. My question is why did they sign on in the first place if it was such a bad deal? These studio guys aren't morons.
  21. RE4 and Zelda Windwaker were the best Gamecube games ever released. I can't vote on these cause I never played them.
  22. JackFetch

    Xbox: Round One

    no Ninja Gaiden, boo! Out of those I picked ESPN 2K5 because it's still better than Madden after all this time.
  23. I used to get excited about new FF games, but not anymore. They all have the same formula. 1. Repetitive fighting until it gets boring 2. A story so complicated that it's hard to follow 3. About halfway through the game you stop everything and have to play mini games if you want the best weapons in the game I admit I would get the new one if I had the extra cash, but my 360 and Wii preorder are sucking the money dry. btw, I have played the demo that comes with DQ8, and it does seem different then the rest, but I'm sure it will still follow the above formula.
  24. There are review copies out there. How do you think it got all those rave reviews? I just finished watching it, and I am still in shock. Very powerfull stuff. First off, the girl playing the lead is great. She looks almost exactly like Natalie Portman in The Professional, and gives off the same vibe. The creatures and effects were very good, and are like the McFarland version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It was alot more gory than I thought it would be. Don't bring the kids unless you want to give them nightmares. There are two stories in the movie. One being a war story, and the other being the fantasy story. They actually keep them seperate throughout the movie. It's also pretty long at almost 2 hours. The film is in Spanish, and will be subtitled for those that don't know already. I've got to go to bed so I can get up and go to work, but I'll leave some minor spoiler stuff. *****Spoilers below***** The gory stuff I was talking about was stuff like beating a guys face in with a hammer, sawing off limbs, biting heads off creatures, ect. Stuff you don't normally see in a fantasy flick. Btw, it is nothing like Labyrinth or Legend.
  25. But it doesn't come out for two whole months! I know, but it's been done for awhile.