Cheap Heat

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Everything posted by Cheap Heat

  1. Do you mean the graphic novel or mini/TPB? There's a mini/TPB? Bloody oath. I hope it's done better than the Graphic Novel. If Amadeus Arkham's wife and only child were killed and he went insane how could Jermiah Arkham be the owner of the Arham Asylum. Are we supposed to believe that there are two un related families in Gotham named Arkham? And what about Batman saying that doctor deserved death. Under Batman's eyes, no one deserves death.
  2. I've just finished Arkham Asylum and nobody escaped the Asylum. Are you talking about The Joker And Harvey Dent taking hostages in order to make Batman stay at the Asylum? If so, it wasn't hilarious.
  3. Cheap Heat


    Did Silicon Knights create anything worth wild?
  4. It means we are going to get random Spiderman appearances and if anyone needs a lawyer, it's going to be Matt Murdock.
  5. Please, continue to go off topic, I really want to test out my mod powers.
  6. Cheap Heat

    Mario Kart

    Just like the SNES Mario Kart, I'm always losing
  7. I stole this from your lame-ass site. By the way, a real Final Fantasy isn't a stupid interactive movie. EDIT: well not so much YOUR site as it is Whatever's
  8. :twitch: Are you serious?? Where'd you hear about that cause the only FF games I know coming to a Nintendo system are Final Fantasy 1 & 2, and those are GBA games.
  9. Cheap Heat

    Identity Crisis

    I hope it isn't Kyle Rayner, he's my favourite GL.
  10. It's not very secret if they tell you before the game is released.
  11. DJ proves his worth by posting stuff we already know.
  12. Mastermind 1 to Green Lantern(Kyle Rayner).
  13. The Huntress to Batman, team up Batman to Superman, JLA Superman to Spiderman, Amalgam Spiderman to Daredevil, Team up.
  14. Julia Carpenter? Was she the second Spider-Woman?
  15. And my mum said I could never satisfy my blood lust I got from video games. I CAN CUT UP BODIES 27% QUICKER THAN THE AVERAGE FOOL. The senile old lady.
  16. Day of Reckoning. I need to know if I'm wasting my money this time.
  17. The new Nintendo handheld? Yes. This has the potential to be a masterpiece or a huge flop. I'm praying for the masterpiece.
  18. Wolverine and it's not even close. I'm not taking anything away from Batman though, he is and will probably continue to be tied favourite DC character.
  19. Also, Check out the DS if there is anything about it there. It intrigues me.
  20. What if it's shite? What if the blood is replaced by chocolate? What then? If the blood is replaced with chocolate then I definitely get it. Imgaine the hilarity. THE HILARITY.
  21. What has -- him holding the hammer, or the entire crossover? The hammer, I haven't read it yet, apparently it's very good. I plan to pick it up at Easter.
  22. He's your countryman -- Australia. And don't you forget it. It's a shame they killed him off