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  1. In this somber episode of Bigger on the Inside, Dan and Mike mourn the loss of a companion who's been with The Doctor since his last incarnation. That's right, Tegan, the brash Australian woman with dreams of becoming a stewardess has left the TARDIS to fulfill her career path. We'll miss you, Tegan. Also, as the 19th season comes to a close, Adric gets totally obliterated to much laughter ("Earthshock"), and The Master does something but the guys aren't sure what it is ("Time-Flight"). [ 1:53:25 || 54.5 MB ]

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  2. It all started that one summer. Aaron and Damien thought they could kick back and play some indie games for a change. They thought discussions of Don't Look Back and A Triangle Morning's Which Way Game would be good for the podcast. Little did they know that their struggle to find out what's in the box would lead them to an adventure of a lifetime. They learned something about this fickle orb of dirt and water, about the true nature of survival, and what it means to be a hero. Then they were eaten by manticores. [ 1:15:55 || 36.6 MB ]

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  3. It's the ninth episode, and the second season of Buffy ends not with a whimper, but with a punch to the gut. In this episode the Heroes debate the relative merits of Xander being a dickbag, discuss how Buffy loses and then subsequently gets her groove back, and perhaps the greatest alliance of this show to date is formed. Oh, and also, zombie kitties. Preston and Hannah top off season two with "Becoming" (parts 1 and 2), and then skim the surface of season three with "Anne" and "Dead Man's Party." Stop on in, have some hot chocolate, and have your heart ripped out. [ 1:40:12 || 46.2 MB ]

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  4. It's a huge episode of Dread Media as Darryll takes over! First Darryll talks to Steampunk artist Kyle Miller about T-Pain, furniture, and Back to the Future! Then he is joined by Desmond, first to wax philosophic on the post-apocalypse in their review of Stake Land, and then to talk about The Avengers and 3D vs. 2D in a pseudo-Roadkill Review of Captain America! But, wait! There's more! Songs a plenty: "Steam Rising" by Murder by Death, "Nightmare" by T-Pain, "Children of the Night" by Calabrese, "Coma America" by Amen, and "Earth Died Screaming" by Tom Waits. Check out Kyle's work at [ 2:32:42 || 70.1 MB ]

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  5. In this themed episode on unreliable narrators, Desmond and Darryll take on the early 80s haunted whorehouse film The Nesting. Then Desmond reviews two low-budget Troma-released slashers: Blood Junkie and Killer Yacht Party. This musically diverse episode sees the following sonic swerves thrown at you: "Triskaidekaphobia" by Shooter Jennings & Heirophant, "In Her Fear" by GWAR, "Blood Junkie" by Lamb of God, "Yachtbirds" by MC Chris, and "Buenos Tardes Amigos" by Ween. Or does it?!!! Buh-buh-BAH! [ 1:09:01 || 31.8 MB ]

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  6. With a plot about an alien attempting to eradicate all life on Earth, "The Visitation" is a rather rote Doctor Who story. However, the serial is saved by Richard Mace (AKA Mr. Awesome), who Mike suggests might be related to another one-off companion from one of Tom Baker's most beloved stories. Then, in the two-part "Black Orchid," The Doctor is accused of murder, and a family secret prevents someone from corroborating The Doctor's alibi. Before all that, however, Chris Johnson drops by to deliver a segment that highlights the ups and downs of the recently ended Tom Baker era. (Said segment runs from 8:14 to 48:03.) [ 2:08:03 || 61.6 MB ]

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  7. Extra Lives is back in the 16-bit realm with a playthrough of the classic Mega Man X, but that's not all. Aaron and Damien also debut a creative and groundbreaking audio initiative (don't call it a segment) that explores the rich and diverse history of gaming. They've also retconned all of episode 22 and changed their costumes. You'll thank us later. [ 1:57:06 || 54.1 MB ]

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  8. Big Damn Heroes, what's up?! This episode, numero ocho, Whedon's got the episodes, Hannah and Preston got the reviews, there's spine-snapping, and fish face-suckers, and Freddie Kindestod, and paralyzed genitals, and all sorts of wacky shit! If you like you some David Boreanaz and Tony Head killin' it (literally), filler with semi-meaningful moments, and an episode (or 10 minutes of another) that'll blow you right away, you're in the right place. Also, what the hell is with the copy before this, and what does it have to do with their new direction? Listen to find out, suckers. [ 2:03:35 || 56.9 MB ]

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  9. This week, Darryll and Desmond once again get real as they discuss [REC]2, which, beyond being a terribly difficult film title to type, is, as Darryll reminds us, another zombie found-footage film. They also bookend their conversation with talk of two imaginary films: Spike Lee's supposedly upcoming remake of Oldboy, and Darryll's proposed third film in the [REC] series. There are also songs! "Radio/Video" by System of a Down, "Possession" by Danzig, and "Fight 'em 'til You Can't" by Anthrax. [ 1:16:55 || 37.1 MB ]

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  10. This time the Commonwealth Crew take on Faust: Love of the Damned, a film so disappointing the guys get right to talking about how ludicrous it is and only end up delivering the premise in a roundabout way. It's funny to hear a British guy say "breasts" and "buttocks." This film has the same effect as a music therapy class full of abrasive death metal, which is fitting in so many ways. Seriously kids, watch it! It's family fun for everyone! [ 21:18 || 10.4 MB ]

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  11. Rejoice as Ian Wilson and Dave Probert begin the second season of Blake's 7. In "Redemption" the Liberator is attacked and captured by its original creators, and in "Shadow" Blake tries to make a deal with the Terra Nostra criminal organization, amongst other things. They also discuss the merits of kill-sticks, and why everyone in the B7 universe likes their drugs to come in spherical from. Plus, a vile betrayal costs one of them the feedback war, Dave is driven to the brink of exhaustion trying to deliver an episode synopsis, and Ian bows to the pressure of a certain British clergyman. [ 1:54:04 || 52.2 MB ]

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  12. This week, I Saw the Devil. But I did not see the deputy! Desmond goes solo on a psychological thriller far better than it had any right to be: Shelter. Feedback and tunes galore: "Feel Good Hit of the Summer" by Queens of the Stone Age, "Run Down the Devil" by Alice Cooper, "No Shelter" by Rage Against the Machine, and "Became" by Atmosphere. [ 1:17:04 || 35.4 MB ]

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