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Everything posted by Dread

  1. I've been watching Teen Titans with the boys lately and it is soooo much fun. I'm stoked for that too.
  2. Quite honestly, I don't listen to the reviews of Zeta. I wait through the intro and listen to Mike and James banter. I just couldn't give two shits about Zeta to the point where someone talking about it is uninteresting to me. I'm kind of psyched for Static. I watched a few of the episodes when I would randomly catch them and thought they were okay. I will base whether or not I'll ever watch them again based on Mike and James' reviews. Eagerly awaiting JL too. Been watching lots of those with my sons lately.
  3. Bram Stoker's Dracula is not a remake. It is an adaptation. It contains homages that harken back to the Hammer and Universal films but it is exclusively an adaptation. Horror of Dracula has no Renfield, or Quincy, Mina is not his fiance, Lucy is. Dracula is completely different in power beyond hypnosis and drinking blood. Sorry man. I don't know a whole lot about Hammer, but I know Horror of Dracula and it is very different from Coppola's films who has said exclusively that he wanted to adapt the novel not a previous film. He has never remade a film and would probably consider it beneath him. He loves to adapt well-known novels. Godfather, Heart of Darkness, Outsiders, Rumble Fish, Rainmaker. Don't debate Coppola with me. The guy finances his own films and thus never needs the cash one gets from remakes.
  4. You're getting into dangerous territory here. The Hammer films are not remakes. Dracula and Frankenstein are novels so any film in the vein of those novels are not remakes unless they specifically remake the movie. Bram Stoker's Dracula has nothing to do with the Universal Dracula film and neither do the Hammer films.
  5. This town, it's classic rock all the time. We built this city on rock and roll, you know. I went with Jason Mraz and the limited number of pictures fit perfectly with the song length after adding in some cheesy dream quotes.
  6. The kid from A Year Without Santa Claus is your sister's guitar teacher?!
  7. Doesn't have the feel of a summer movie though, you know? Probably the most interesting one of the lot, if you ask me. I can't wait to see it. Been a while since there was a good Dillinger film. Regardless, it's Michael Mann so it deserves a watch. I like to see a well made comedy defeat any cookie cutter Pixar film. I can't wait to see Hangover! It'll unfortunately have to be on DVD unless it comes to my town (ie: DVD)
  8. Thanks Koete. I really debated even going in-depth on that point in this column but I felt that since it was the one stumbling block, it needed to be ranted against. One gets used to typing "King."
  9. From what I've heard Universal say, there will be a remake of Frankenstein first, as well as a sequel to Dracula with Javier Bardem in talks for the Count. The Universal monster films are fair game for remakes as far as I'm concerned. I'm actually very interested to see what's produced. Remaking these is almost like making another Shadow movie. It's a pulp character, not a sacred cow. We'll see what happens first with Benicio Del Toro as the Wolfman. I used to really like ti back in the day when I could type Del Toro and everyone would know exactly who I was talking about.
  10. One that 18-20 year olds are going to like
  11. The advice one? Geez...I think they played that at my grad. Yikes.
  12. Dread

    The Music Thread

    If we don't get a live album from this reunion tour, I'll slit my wrists.
  13. God! I'm old. I just realized that I need music to play in the slideshow for this year's graduation and I'm so damned out of touch that I can only think of one. They must be upbeat, swear-free, hip and easily stealable from the interwebs. Suggestions? Right now I've got Jason Mraz with "I'm Yours." The theme is dreams...or something.
  14. Super huge thanks to the fucktard who bought the school disctrict's Macs and decided to go for Microsoft Office instead of iLife. No I have to do the grad slideshow at home. Tonight. Into the early hours of tomorrow morning. And I only have 47 pictures. Somebody kill me.
  15. Dread


    This morning I woke up to the following conversation between my oldest son and I: Cade: Daddy, Batman is Robin's daddy. Me: No he's not buddy. Cade: Huh? Me: Batman just looks after Robin and they fight bad guys together. Cade: What happened to Robin's mommy and daddy? Me: Well, they had to go away and Batman promised to take care of Robin. Cade: Where did they go? Me: Did you know that Flash is a daddy of a little boy and girl? I'm all for honesty but I'm not about to tell my three year old that Robin's parents were killed by the mob at the circus.
  16. I lost interest when giving Kellen a hard time got boring.
  17. And I added the first Agents of Atlas trades. From the sound of it, just from the supplemental material, it's worth the full price let alone the 40% discount I'm getting!
  18. Dropped the Red Circle stuff, Don't even want to spend $6 to see JMS ruin four good properties. I'll wait til the wind tells me how they are. DOOM PATROL #1 *Special Discount* *Co-feature Discount* Limit 2 per customer MARVELS PROJECT #1 (OF 8) *Special Discount* Limit 2 per customer ULTIMATE COMICS AVENGERS #1 *Special Discount* Limit 2 per custome BLACKEST NIGHT BATMAN #1 (OF 3) *Special Discount* BLACKEST NIGHT SUPERMAN #1 (OF 3) *Special Discount* BLACKEST NIGHT TITANS #1 (OF 3) *Special Discount BATMAN AND ROBIN #3 GREEN LANTERN #45 (BLACKEST NIGHT) GREEN LANTERN CORPS #39 (BLACKEST NIGHT) ALL WINNERS COMICS #1 70TH ANNIV SPECIAL BLACKEST NIGHT #2 (OF 8) MYSTIC COMICS #1 70TH ANNIV SPECIAL REBORN #2 (OF 5) WEDNESDAY COMICS #5 (OF 12) WEDNESDAY COMICS #6 (OF 12) WEDNESDAY COMICS #7 (OF 12) WEDNESDAY COMICS #8 (OF 12) MARVEL COMICS #1 70TH ANNIVERSARY IRREDEEMABLE TP VOL 01 *Special Discount* I AM LEGION TP (MR) (C: 0-0-1) *Special Discount* CRIMINAL OMNIBUS HC *Special Discount* I will drop the Criminal Omnibus if it doesn't have the back matter for the single issues. I don't see the point in an omnibus if I can just get the trades for cheaper and there's no difference.
  19. It's Brubaker and Hitch on Captain America. I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. If they brought in someone like JMS or Loeb in, then I'd be worried. I'll wait to see what happens on this one.
  20. Because my boss refuses to change venues and because he allowed the giveaway for 338 tickets to a graduation ceremony in a room that seats 275, the staff, including me, now has to stand and do nothing for four hours on Thursday night. Yay, me.
  21. Dread

    Wednesday Comics

    Now that is how you market comic books. Hear that, Mr. Quesada? I don't give a shit about eleven billion press releases that all say the same thing. Having a Superman comic in USA Today is bigger than just about everything that Marvel has done ever.
  22. Dread

    Episode 94

    Tried something new with the review Darryll and I did. I won't be trying it again. Audio was a pain in the ass.