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Everything posted by Dread

  1. Welcome Lord Shaper! I just recognized one of my Myspace friends!
  2. Ultimate Ronin? Now THAT'S a little silly.
  3. That would spoil New Avengers for you...
  4. Dread

    Ra's al Ghul

    Ok...I'm in. This will mark the first time I've ever bought an issue of Nightwing and the first time I've bought an issue of Robin since Knightfall, if there even was a Robin series then...
  5. You hear that Marvel? I'm your man. Panel 1. A view from above. Luke Cage and Wolverine sit on a short cement wall dividing the sidewalk and a park. There are ninjas in various states of unconsciousness and death littered on the ground. Pools of blood and sharp pointy weapons a plenty, Luke has his arm around Wolvie. LUKE: C'MON, MAN! YOU'RE DOING THE BEST YOU CAN... Panel 2. The view has leveled off and tightened in on the characters' faces. Cage looks worried and Wolverine is hunched over with tears streaming down his face. They are both splattered with ninja blood. WOLVERINE: IT'S JUST NOT ENOUGH ANYMORE. I USED TO BE THE BEST AT WHAT I DO AND NOW RONIN KILLS MORE NINJAS THAN ME. RONIN! Panel 3. Same shot. Cage looks hopeful. Wolvie still cries. LUKE: YOU KNOW CLINT LOOKS UP TO YOU. NOW THAT HE USES SWORDS HE'S ALL "YOU KNOW LOGAN'S A SAMURAI RIGHT? I WANT TO BE A SAMURAI TOO!" YOU'RE LIKE A ROLE MODEL TO HIM, NOW. WOLVERINE: I KNOW, IT'S JUST...YOU EVER FEEL LIKE YOU'RE BURNING THE CANDLE AT BOTH ENDS?
  6. Is there an all of the above option?
  7. Dread


    lol I saw him at a Dodgers game when I was a kid. He was there to kill LaSorda...it took a few years but he figured it would be untraceable if he just fed him to death.
  8. Wow indeed. No more Deadpool and Wolverine is a member of ANOTHER team.
  9. Dread


    For my money, there's only one candidate: "Who loves ya, baby?!"
  10. Dread

    Episode 02

    Busted! I actually forgot about that completely. Imagine that. A week, we now know that's how long my short term memory lasts. I was genuinely surprised when they told me. I'm such a dumbass... Thanks for the tips. I'll certainly apply them and try to normalize the levels between vocals and inserted mp3s. It's easier in Audacity than Garageband but GB overall is a cooler program to work with methinks. Thanks for the links in the shownotes. I'll include those next time too. BTW, www.vlecomics.com works for those guys as well. Des PS thanks for the correction on AW's myspace page...Firefox crapped out on me during recording and I made a guess. Wrong!
  11. Am I the only one who thinks this is a huge mistake?
  12. Hey guys, As I'm wrist deep in Dread Media right nbow and the other stuff I contribute to for the show I am unfortunately going to have to put Reel Dread ona partial hiatus. It WILL be back, guaranteed. It just needs some time to fester. Thanks to everyone who read and commented. RD will be back soon. Des
  13. Dread

    Episode 01

    The jailer hates MM, and MM never does anything but make masks, so he thought they would have some fun. They bring her into his room and start raping her, and he just sits there making a mask. They are yelling at him the whole time while doing it. Then they start putting his masks on while doing it and he flips out. The whole scene is pretty disturbing, and you never even find out if he kills the one guy or the girl. It was just to explain how he escaped. I think it was also more of them showing him kill people that deserve it, which I thought was a theme until he kills that girls parents. I like that explanation of the escape better than the breaking the shackles scene...
  14. Dread

    Episode 01

    Apparently the rough cut was well over 2 hours and there's a scene with Clint Howard, Udo Kier and Malcolm McDowell turning down Myers' parole (although one would think that psychopaths with no sign of rehabilitation would get a parole hearing in an insane asylum...) it looks like i may be picking up that DVD after all.
  15. Good news and bad news. Good: According to this link at Bloody Disgusting, Robert Rodriguez's name is being thrown around for directing the pilot. Bad: HBO hasn't committed to the project yet
  16. Dread

    Episode 01

    Me too, in the way that I like a chalk drawing of "The Raft of the Medusa" on a sidewalk. Then I think about how inferior it is...
  17. Dread

    Episode 01

    Oh, there are about seventeen more. I didn't want to list names. I could do an annotated write-up when the DVD comes.
  18. Thanks for listening Malpractice! It's a blast doing this segment. Let it be known that podcasting sells comics!
  19. I should probably mention that all of those Godzilla re-releases add in to this grand scheme...
  20. I couldn't find Scalped either Whatever that popup ad was for is..I don't know, that was kind of fucked up. What was that? Anyway, it was a blast meeting you guys to and tell Jenny that you two did not "make" us eat the Chicago pizza. We ate it of our own accord and I certainly wish I could still eat it.
  21. Ditto. One of two panels I attended and enjoyed this one immensely. I'd love to hear an interview with this guy...
  22. James, in my opinion, there has been no greater movement in popular culture in the past 50 years than to paint America as the scum of the earth. South Park, The Simpsons, Family Guy, all wildly popular, make Americans look bad in every episode. Married With Children did nothing but that. Even worse, Hollywood is the greatest culprit because they SHOW how stupid they are by giving hundreds of millions of dollars to people like Michael Bay who make the most unartistic, processed shit products ever made and everybody eats it with a spoon and wants more. Is United 93 a good film? YES! It is both tense, horrifying and delightfully unpatriotic. But for every great film like that there's 2 dozen Pearl Harbors, World Trade Centers and Transformers. Hollywood's been shoveling shit for so long now I'm happy to see something like Postal be released. Ugh...I cried in the shower writing the review and now I've got to go do it again...
  23. That's nothin! I'm remaking Citizen Kane with a 13 year old in Orson Welles' role. He's a really good 13 year old...
  24. Because I was a dumbass and totally overtired I completely forgot that AEGIS stands for Agency for the Earthly Guardianship and Investigation of Supramortals. Dav couldn't remember either...