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Everything posted by Dread

  1. Dread

    Omega Flight

    Vindicator is Guardian's wife who occasionally donned the costume and led the team. That's Guardian. That doesn't look too much like Beta Ray Bill, it seems like more of a cross between him and Box. I loved Box. Maybe they met each other in space and merged or something. Good to know that a Canadian super-team contains a total of 3 out of 5 Canadian members (that is including if the character is Box and not just who we think it is). I'm not pissed, it's just that Talisman is my least favourite Alpha Flight member. Bring back Shaman!!!!! Yoda, I sent another one, check it now.
  2. Dread

    Omega Flight

    You bet yer goddamn bippy I'll be devouring this!!!! Ongoing too. I hope they treat it right until I get to write the damned book! PS Yoda, get my email?
  3. Try it again with your nose plugged.
  4. Saw this on TV last night. I drifted back and forth with Smallville and, at times, barely held my interest. I felt that the good episodes were downright brilliant and everything else was just mediocre. The last episode I watched had Jonathan Kent dying. After your recap of season 5 episode and this teaser, I am totally psyched to jump right in to this last (?) season of Smalliville.
  5. Dread

    Civil War *SPOILERS!*

    Could have been. Were you one of the three people who read it? :laugh:
  6. Dread

    Civil War *SPOILERS!*

    I was thinking about the Winter Soldier taking up the mantle of Captain America too but the whole "42" thing eluded me. I was thinking it might be a prison or something they would build but now it seems to make a lot more sense. Cap is as big a character to the Marvel Universe as Superman is in DC but he is far more expendable. Thanks for making the link Yoda, I have to agree with that. PS Where's John Walker/US Agent?
  7. The UK only delays 1 day for books from the big two and other premium publishers from what I know.
  8. What makes it all worse is that this is a book that has the potential to pull in new readers. Comics need new readers. This is a boom period without a lot of boom. The industry needs new readers that will branch off into other books. If I went into a store to pick up Civil War and it was late, and all of the accompanying crossover titles are also late, then I would probably say "Fuck it" and put the other issues on eBay. Dumb, dumb, dumb move just to get #1 out on time to dethrone Infinite Crisis #7 from the top seller spot. Way to fuck it all up Brevoort. As you can see, I'm pissed. A lot of people have a lot invested in this story. Captain America, New Avengers and Daredevil are among the few books I buy from Marvel. Two of them will be affected by this. This is not how you do business. I'm not a fan of fill-in artists coming onto books but only because it makes me dislike the regular artist. McNiven can't handle this book on a monthly basis? I'm never picking up a new book drawn by McNiven. Simple as that. Vote with your dollars. Maybe I'll take that money over to DC. I hear Dini's doing some great stuff at Detective.
  9. That's awesome. Eugene Clark is one intimidating looking dude. Your haul is impressive (especially the sword and Cannibal Holocaust) but I hope your hopes aren't really high for Murder Set Pieces...
  10. Boo. Whatever happened to professionalism? Call me old-fashioned but a monthly book ships monthly. McNiven needs to do some quicker work. Sure, he's ultra detailed but he shouldn't be allowed on a monthly book if he can't keep up. Simple as that. This extra month means that it'll be two extra months until I get to pick it up at my local comic shop. Work starts with a vengeance in September and what with the new mortgage I won't be hopping on a ferry anytime soon. Weak. How about getting some headway on a story before you start publishing it? Now it throws off the whole whack of tie-in books? What a colossal cock-up. Hitch coming to defend the whole thing seems like dark humour to me. Has he ever done a monthly book on time? I love me some Ultimates and I'm just happy that, a la Planetary, they aren't fooling themselves by soliciting monthly anymore.
  11. Woah! That means a lot. Thanks for the feedback man. No worries. I meant it. It reads well and has a personal voice which I love in a review. I hate it when reviews are stale and general. Any review is obviously going to be somebody's opinion, it's nice when you can hear that person's voice in the writing instead of someone just telling you what the game/movie is. Well done, sir.
  12. Cool. that gives me enough time to get an mp3 off to you on my thoughts. I did read #3 and wow!
  13. After the world is gone, all that will be left is cockroaches and a new Spider-Man cartoon every few years. Haha! Very true. I for one will be sitting this one out.
  14. Agreed. The gold and silver always seemed a little flashy for me. You are a weapon. Silver makes sense. Gold does not. Unless, of course, they add spinning rims...
  15. The Joker is wrapped up in Quinn's origin, but she has nothing to do with his. I figured, which is why I was wondering why people were trying to guess casting, seemed a bit premature? Harley Quinn seems a silly character to have in these movies. I hope they don't.
  16. I find it funny that the Azrale Batman is mentioned and no mention of the Return of the Supermen. Personally, the whole Knightfall thing was great. The Death of Superman was okay for the most part but failed in many respects. Azrael transferred himself into the "mantle of the bat" as he put it and dispensed his own brand of justice. It allowed for the great character development of Tim Drake to shine through. Remember that Tim was still relatively new and had barely distinguished himself. He was just a kid who wanted to be Robin. His concern over Azrael really told us that he wanted to live up to the ideals of the original Batman and that he was truly different than Jboth Jason Todd and Dick Grayson.
  17. I'm not much of a gamer now but I do loves me some old school Street Fighter. I thought the review was magazine-worthy. Which is, obviously, a compliment due to the fact that a lot of web sites have serious issues with writing decen articles/reviews. Well done. PS I always thought the hurricane kick sounded like this: "ah-psychus sprooookus"
  18. I think that Katie Holmes was the only thing holding the film back. She was put in simply to appease the studio's calls for a love interest whether it was done in the original script or in rewrites. No doubt about it. I'm excited about Ledger and sincerely hope that this series stays away from Penguin whether or not it's Philip Seymour Hoffman. I hate Penguin. What will really make me happy is if they give Gary Oldman some more screen time.
  19. Dread

    Major post-IC SPOILER

    So that's who they'll choose! I realize this thread is old but the Batman and Son arc will close up that dangling plot thread of Batman and Talia al Ghul's son from Batman: Son of the Demon. It's one of my favourite Batman stories! You should check it out.
  20. I don't know, I've only been reading 52. The only OYL titles I'll be picking up are Teen Titans, Secret Six and Grant Morison's Batman.
  21. I too found the show through iTunes and, as you know, came to the forum after that. I think I found the show on a podcast search of the word "horror" if I'm not mistaken. It was the first "comic" podcast I listened to as well.
  22. Dread

    Jack Cross News

    I still have them in my pull box. I'll pick em up next time and check them out. Myabe I'll send them your way when I'm done.
  23. This doesn't surprise me in the least. Flash is a character that, for the most part, has been poorly handled in his own book. Johns' run, although considered essential, was a small collection of moments that were pretty good in a hugely impenetrable story that eventually went nowhere. Flash is one of my favourite characters when he is in team books or events like Crisis or Legends, he just isn't handled well as a solo character. I always say the best Flash story was the Quicksilver focused issue of X-Factor that Peter David wrote.
  24. Dread

    Jack Cross News

    If Ellis said he didn't want to give DC anymore Jack Cross then I would only assume they wanted him to take it in a direction that was so divergent from what he wanted he would prefer the title be cancelled and fall into obscurity than write it. Too bad, it was supposed to be ongoing and in the DCU. Maybe they wanted him to tie into Infinite Crisis or something?
  25. Ahhhh! No! Not til Friday.....<plugging my ears>lalalalalalalalalalalalalalala</plugging my ears>