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Posts posted by Pan-dub

  1. Just finished Breaking Bad. Sorry, have to type this all out or I won't sleep tonight for thinking about it:

    Laser scene
    Fuck Gretchen and Elliot. I loved that they'll be living in ill-deserved luxury and terror. Although having said that the fact that we're never given a clear reason as to why their relationship soured does leave this up to interpretation as to whether it is deserve or not. Whatever your angle it definitely fulfils the badassery quota for the show before we're 1/3 done!
    Also: It would have ruined the tone and is impossible because he had fled, but it would've been hilarious for Saul to have been one of the laser pointers and to have made a joke about Laser-Tag. A man can dream...

    Des is totally right: Anna Gunn continually knocked it out of the park in a very thankless role and it was great to finish her time on the show so well.

    On reflection I prefer that Walt and Jesse didn't say more to each other at the end than they say too much. Jesse's line "Then do it yourself" gave me shivers because I felt it showed how far Jesse had come from the first episode when Walt blackmailed into partnering with him. The box making scene was a lovely way of showing Jesse's inner thoughts and hinting at how he might improve his life after being freed, but I do wish we had more from him.

    The episode showcased everything we know about Walt has become. Agree with Gareth: his admission of selfishness made the show for me. While part of me expected him to have suicide-bombed his way out to satisfy his ego I'm so glad he exited trying to right wrongs. I've always liked Walt, despite his sharp moral decline and felt rewarded for believing in his conscience.

    All in all: bloody satisfied.

  2. When has London been blown up? I guess the last Fast and Furious, Skyfall, Fantastic Four : Rise of the Silver Surfer. I think Big Ben ate a anti-monument laser in Indepedance day. Oh, and Star Trek: Into Darkness. Any I'm missing?

    Nice to have a widely recognised location that isn't an american city.

    Team America: World Police