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Everything posted by MaxPower

  1. MaxPower


    I have a feeling that the internet is going to go down in the near future, everywhere. I don't know how and I don't know why, but things are just going to crash. Should be fun.
  2. Call Me Ted- Autobiography of Ted Turner. I haven't finished it yet, but just read the chapter on starting up Cartoon Network and he is quite proud of Captain Planet.
  3. MaxPower

    Cell phones

    It's got an Nvidia chip in it? That's sick! Good to see it's got the HDMI as well. My housemate is a rep/trainer for Sony Ericsson so I've had one of the xperia Xplay's here for a few weeks. It's not that impressive to be honest. Great for gaming, but the internet and phone call component is just middle of the road. BUT, I'm really digging these new Android OS upgrades. Apple really need to watch themselves, when I sit the boring, icon only non jailbroken Apple iPhone screen next to the latest Android screen it's scary. It's a whole generation behind. The android has live information updates on the home screen; live facebook, twitter, news, public transport information, all on the home screen without clicking in to an app. That for me makes it so much more advanced.
  4. One of the few times I can say, 'Happy Birthday Old Man' on this site. Happy Birthday man, may we all be still as passionate when we're as old as you
  5. Here's the thing though, if they've tried to do a lot of toy tie in's then it will be very hard for anyone to say if it made money or not. I'm not defending a $300m production and marketing budget, I'm just saying all those crazy $50 toys add up. And with both comic houses owning their movies, for the most part, the trickle effect to more comic sales, etc would be an interesting study. That said, what they hell did they spend $200m on to make that movie!
  6. 24) Nathan Fillon is the perfect choice for the lead in all fanboy movies.
  7. It cost $300m? That is crazy for an unknown entity. Where do studios come up with these budgets. Thor was only $160 or something around that.
  8. The car scene was hilarious....
  9. It's not out until August in the Australia, which I just can't figure out. So it's avoid spoiler time for me...
  10. God bless realestate winfalls like that. Well done.
  11. Flicking channels last night I saw The Clone Wars for the first time. It looks pretty good, I could watch that.
  12. Maybe it's nostalgia, but that looks kind good.
  13. I'll see it, but I've had pretty neutral expectations for it all along. I think it will be an enjoyable popcorn movie. I just refuse to believe that Mark Strong has made a bad movie.
  14. Paid for a subscription to the Never Not Funny podcast I was enjoying it that much. Times they are a changing.
  15. Hahaha, I think that's just good advice in general to most of us!
  16. I never played the first Uncharted, but the sequel is probably one of the best video games I have played in the past decade.
  17. I think it's a long bow to draw that Darwin attacked Shaw, making it an eye for an eye. I just find it hard to buy the idea that Shaw had the purest of intentions for all his fellow mutants.... It's all very Hitler-esq, you're either with me or against me in this mission for a pure, more advanced race. It's why I didn't like Erik taking up Shaw's cause. I'm probably not clearly expressing myself here. I think this was probably one of the really good things about the movie, it really posed a great, very grey area moral dilemma, that allows us to have these types of discussions
  18. I'll actually buy the racism card, especially in light of his connection with the Nazi's. But then Angel wasn't exactly "arian" was she. But I call bullshit on the defensive argument. He could have done a hundred things with that energy, but he deliberately killed Darwin with. It wasn't a deflected energy burst that killed Darwin, it was a kill shot, with malice.
  19. I new I'd regret that comment as soon as I posted it. You can see in my previous post I'm pro players doing what's in their best interests. The purity comment was more a swipe at Heat as a whole, more so than any individual. Sure every franchise try's to put together a winning team, but when people go out of their way to buy a successful team in the short term (ie 1-2 years) it cheapens a sport *cough* Chelsea *cough*. So just to be clear, pro selfish players, anti owners trying to buy a championship. Let the anti Mark Cuban comments begin
  20. What wait? When did he say that? And if he did, how do you explain Darwin?
  21. The first half of that video shows nothing but selfish cyclists, you don't see pedestrians or cars going down the wrong way, switching from road to sidewalk, etc. I agree with the guys premise that culture needs to change, by people on bikes do their image no favours by not following laws. On a side note, there are some fantastic stuff on Vimeo.
  22. This thread started on the LeBron talk, so a MASSIVE congrats to the Mavs on their win. Not only a win for Dallas, but a win for purity in sport.
  23. It also fully integrates with Twitter, but not Facebook, which is an interesting move. Must be because Facebook is launching their own phone, which makes them a competitor....
  24. MaxPower


    Holy shit, it took me ages to figure it out.... That's fantastic!