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Everything posted by MaxPower

  1. MaxPower


    It doesn't take much for anything Muppets to make me smile, but that is all kinds of awesome.
  2. Wall-E Watched this for the first time last night. Very enjoyable. Not Pixar's best work, but I love the risk they took with it. I could definitely watch it again.
  3. MaxPower


    Just to step in to the money debate, the most quoted survey on the industry states the median age of a console gamer is about 30. So I agree with Knightwing, that yes, 'most' gamers can afford a new console every 5-6 years. But I'll admit not knowing what most is. Is it over 50%, 80%, or something else? And no-one says you have to buy the new console on release. I always buy mine 18months or more later, when they are cheaper. And if they manage it like Sony with the PS2 - PS3 transition, it won't matter as much either. On the whole though, I agree with Dubs that the Wii's hardware isn't Nintendo's main problem. Trying to compete with MS and Sony is a fools errand, they should stay on the path they are on a differentiate themselves, they just need to support the system with continued innovation. I've had more fun playing NBA Jam over any game in the past couple of years. Even Arkham Asylum, it was the gameplay and puzzles more than the graphics that I enjoyed. I would definitely take the Wii Fit to the next level, maybe offering an online gym with personal trainer. Really play up that active participation side of the console. Sure the others are doing it, but with so many people having the Wii Fit (over 20 million sold worldwide) it's a massive opportunity to build on. Serious gamers won't like that reasoning, but there is no reason they can't be the family friendly, kids play, lounge room entertainment device. They were that in the 80's.
  4. I have. If it was a drinking game, I demand you post the rules post haste!
  5. If you actually said "I think I'm going to go over there now" then you sir, are my new God. Please let me know your sacrifice preference
  6. Damn, that actually looks really good. Agree that Franco doesn't look like he could solve a rubiks cube, let alone the human genome!
  7. Am downloading now, but will have to wait to connect to my iPod. Very much looking forward to this though.
  8. Damn Hannah, sorry to hear.
  9. I'm quite a big fan of that movie, actually, as with its predecessor. Just not Mummy 3. Brendan Fraser couldn't save that one from the absence of both Rachel Weisz and an interesting plot. Agree with all of this. The first two are some very entertaining movies.
  10. Saw this and wanted to dispel the the 'Disney' image people have of the new Selina Kyle.
  11. How much does Brolin look like a younger Tommy Lee Jones though, it's freaky! Shot from filming.
  12. I remember a scene with his gun on a luggage conveyor belt or something, other than that, I haven't seen any of them either.
  13. His last DVD was 2008, when they bring out a new one, I think I'll definitely pick that up. Fantastic career.
  14. My Stepmother is an Alien, wow blast from the past. But kinda enjoyable from memory. Does it hold up well over time?
  15. There is nothing deep about that movie, nothing at all. Some shallow vapid girl accused of murder could get off, but it would mean letting the public know she's had lipo. So another shallow vapid girl defends her, and gets her off with her keen fashion sense. It may as well have been Barbie Goes to Trial.
  16. I think Apple probably have a good idea of what they will look like post Jobs, they just don't want to release all their succession planning, in case it makes those people a target of their competitors. Jobs is/was a once in a lifetime entrepreneur, they have to accept they can't replace him and picture how the company should present itself without him. Will the launches still be a massive draw without Jobs? Is the brand just as much Jobs as it is Apple? And if not, how do they convince people it isn't without damaging the Jobs legacy. It's going to be a tough time for the board once Jobs isn't there I think.
  17. I used to want to be Robin Hood when was I was a little kid, but I ended up being Prince John.... *sigh* ....
  18. What was it for people that made them stop? Was it that MMO isn't suited to consoles? Or was it the game itself?
  19. The director of the series has images up online of some behind the scenes stuff. Moby Picture
  20. So it's like the 'Thor' of Stargate SG1 then Which incidentally was one of my favourite parts of the show.
  21. Shouldn't it have been 'only one God of Thunder' not 'power of thunder'? I do love that they have used other characters in the clip though, very awesome.
  22. Time for an update, as I'm listening to them daily now. A couple of the ones, WFP, MTTM, E2TS (sometimes). The Age of Persuasion - Terry O'Reilly explores the countless ways marketers permeate your life, from media, art, and language, to politics, religion, and fashion Dr Karls Podcast - Talks science and how things work Freakanomics - The guys from the book talk about shit Intelligent Investor - Australian investing discussion Motley Fool Money - Investing based podcast Motley Fool UK - UK version of the above Nerdzilla - Local community radio geek/nerd topics Things You Missed in History Class - Really entertaining history topics from the howstuffworks mob
  23. 25 Dodgy Video Game Covers I think my favourite is
  24. I think the first mask is because the ring just makes it basic and as his skills develop, he'll make it better looking, like in the poster. This movie looks seriously bad ass. The actors are amazing, with Mark Strong the real stand out.