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Everything posted by MaxPower

  1. MaxPower


    All depends on what you want to do after school. Some industries prefer some level of work experience, others prefer you have as many letters after your name as possible. I'd go for the work experience myself, as an employer, it shows me that you have a plan and know what it takes to get there. In five years, if you explain it as succinctly as you have here, you'd get a lot of respect from me in the interview.
  2. Sorry KW, but the pic has to get it, very tough though, very very tough.
  3. Hmmm, may have to download it tonight, what is it, 85gig or something stupid!
  4. You must watch it again, everyone needs a refresher on how to use those darn seashells!
  5. MaxPower


    A dog collar and lipstick, WTF? And yes I see the irony in the 'All new stories' title
  6. Haha, there you go, cool thanks. That double tap is similar to the SBSettings thing I liked. Nice.
  7. Agreed, there is no focus at all.
  8. Hmm, I couldn't find a rotation lock and I've got the 3GS, weird. It's only ringtones you can change, SMS tones are limited to the stock 6, which in a large office is silly. If you have an official Apple link for how to change the 'new sms alert' tone, send it through. Forgot another one, SBSettings. I swipe the top of the screen and lots of function commands appear (rotating lock, autolock, airplane mode, etc). Makes it really easy to change things while in an app and not having to get exit, then go in to the settings section.
  9. It's not so much the design of the costume to me, it's the implementation. The fabric, colour, construction all just look cheap, really really cheap. It's like they designed the toys first, then the costume for the show. Mainly for me it's the colour, if the blue and red were about 50% darker it would be a million times better. Very rough version of what I mean by making it darker. I also got rid of the shine glare on the thigh that was bugging me. vs
  10. Finally upgraded to an ios v4 and tried to live without a jailbreak but I couldn't even last a day. The things I couldn't live without were - Pop up blocker (no annoying sms alert when playing a game or watching a video) - Stop Rotating the screen (I like to read the web while lying in bed, stops the screen rotating) - Custom SMS tones (only 8 to choose from is dumb and they could make money selling these, so I don't know why they don't) - 3G unrestrictor. - Themes - I could live without this, but changing icons, backgrounds, sms bubble colours, etc is a nice choice. Once again, they could make money selling themes, so I don't know why they don't.
  11. MaxPower


    Yes it's from Japan. Trace amounts will or already have it the West Coast. But it's not enough to do any sort of damage, your testicles probably get worse treatment standing next to a microwave oven
  12. MaxPower


    Anyone on here use It's bloody amazing, I think I'll just send lists from it to friends for xmas and birthday gift ideas. It knows me better than I know myself!
  13. Man this thing is going to have to work extra hard not to be a clusterfuck, way too many balls in the air.
  14. Watched TNA for the first time in ages last time. They don't seem to have any idea who their audience is. Sometimes it felt like they were being too smart, targeting to the internet crowd and other times it felt like a cheap pop fest. The crowd had no idea who to boo or who to cheer and that was with Hogan, Styles and Sting in the ring. Seriously, if you're fans can't identify with those guys in a split second, you're in real trouble. If they did a corporate analysis on their core values and what the company stood for, they would have no idea. WWE might suck, but at least their message is clear and consistent. TNA really have no idea. What a non WWE company should do is ignore story lines entirely, make every show 80-90% matches and just have a very small narrative linking the shows to the PPV and grow an audience that way. Well that's what I would do anyway, get rid of storytellers and just have an actual match booker run the company.
  15. MaxPower

    Tron: Uprising

    Agree that is some serious voice casting firepower... hope it works for them, I really do.
  16. Agree it looks like it's from a fancy dress store, one designed for women who are uncomfortable with their body.
  17. Interesting. Maybe I'll download this next feud to see what he's doing.
  18. Zombieland Saw it at the cinema, but bought the bluray the other day. Damn if Emma Stone isn't one of the most adorable women in the business at the moment. I know she's meant to be all hard and bitchy in this, but she just oozes cutesy girl next door whenever she is on screen. I could watch Woody Harrelson in roles like this all day, he is fantastic in it.
  19. He said away from his family though, not I don't want to become radio active. This all begs the question, why isn't Fox either halting production (losing the rights to the franchise I would guess) or moving production somewhere else. It all seems really weird.
  20. I don't watch TNA, can someone tell me if Sting is still any good. I know he'll be slower, etc, but are his matches decent or is he just another washed up has been on a shitty show that buries new talent?
  21. It's a reason, but a shitty one. He would have known the shoot was OS when he signed on and now he's bitching about it. I doubt it's the real reason. Would have loved to see his take on it, Fox will probably panic and get Peter Berg or someone like that. I'd love Paul Verhoeven to have a go at an iconic character.
  22. MaxPower


    Yeah that definitely helped. How big will this be when in use on websites/itunes? I'm guessing too small to read the bottom text anyway?
  23. MaxPower


    Still say try to fill with yellow. See what happens when you drop the text so it's in the bottom half of the image, might feel less cluttered that way.
  24. MaxPower


    Not enjoying the text, seems very courier new. I see what you're doing to match something to the 'S' but it doesn't work for me. Fill the shield with colour, definitely doesn't work with the transparency. Also I would avoid a photo all together, it's very hard to make it look good.