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Everything posted by elnino14

  1. I don't do appointment television (everything I watch is after the fact, usually after the season is finished) but this year seems much more intriguing than last year's abymal year. Sarah Connor definitely pick up after Brian Austin Green join the cast late last year, Whedon's return, the intriguing Fringe, and of course the national favorites (some deserving of hype some not): The Office, Heroes, LOST and 24.
  2. Not saying I NEED every comic to mean something but I don't know just didn't feel like much to me. It caught my interest because I heard it was damn good and I kind of like Ellis. Oh well. It's always better to be an optimist than a pessimist. My main gripe with the all-Leader issue is I had trouble following it with all that secret service lingo.
  3. I'm waiting on the second trade of T-bolts, but I really liked what I read from the first trade. I'll probably read it again before the second trade comes out. Ultimate Human I read this over the past couple of days and it was okay. After reading the Ultimate Iron Man, it's really ruined Ultimate Tony Stark for me and there's a lot of crossover between his origin and this book. A lot of the book has bio-babble and the dialogue is pretty boring to read most of the time. But when they don't mess around with that and they hint on the characters of Tony and Bruce, it's good, but those scenes are so few and far between. Also the bad guy, did nothing for me. It sounds like I hated this book, but i didn't the action scenes are cool, and anytime I get to see Hulk smashing around, it's fun. Just the story did nothing for me and I went into it thinking it was going to be Hulk vs. Iron Man so I was let-down. Kind of strikes me as commercial ploy because of the movies coming out as well. Anybody else read this and anybody know if this book will have bearings, outside of on the Ultimate universe or is it just a one-off? I think next I'm going to give Fables a shot?
  4. Speaking of the Joker anybody know any good Joker stories or Batman stories that involve Joker in a big role (preferably in Trade format) to help me hype my self up for The Dark Knight in July? Have The Killing Joke which I know is like THE awesome. EDIT: Felt it was kind of messed up that I didn't even mention that tatoo. Anyways, it's actually pretty awesome. I've had no desire to get tatoos myself but Joker fucking owns and I guess I'd say congrats because it looks really good. Any way we can get a wider pic to see how big it is.
  5. I'm usually on and off around here but anyways. (Sorry Yoda if I gave you problems last time I was around, I had a really rough year last year.) Ultimate Iron Man I: 1-5 I read this, and I really didn't like it. I thought it was boring as all hell and I was pretty uninterested in any of the characters, not sure if that's because Tony Stark's so young in this or what. It could be because it really off to what I'm used to, but I didn't get the characterization of Stark here. Really didn't get it. Ending was incredibly unsatisfying but I knew it would be going in.
  6. I actually have a couple of the old Spider-man stories, Death of Gwen Stacy, Kraven's Last Hunt, and The Death of Jean DeWolff. For the X-men I've got God Loves, Man Kills and that's it (though I've thought about picking up Dark Phoenix Saga, Days of Future Past). Oh and X-factor Visionaries vol 1. And for Batman I've got The Killing Joke and one of Loeb's books - the Christmas Story one. It's tough to read the older stuff sometimes, even if it's good. Though Kraven's Last Hunt has been read multiple times. Not sure on Annihilation as it's got a lot of characters I'm not familiar with...and one of the main reasons I avoided F4 for so long is because of the spacey stuff. We'll see. I'd definitely have to continue picking up Daredevil, it's probably the trade I've most enjoyed thus far and I'm only half-way through Bendis' run.
  7. Shows how much I know, sorry for the incredible noobiness. I had no idea. What happened to him? Oh and let me know what you think of it once you finish eh. I believe it. Ok, I'm sold, especially since Brubaker's got an omnibus coming out. I guess I'll take my chances...unless somebody can convince me to swing Waid's way. Again, somebody let me know. How is the FF now, especially since it's Black Panther and Storm on the team (or they were going to be after Civil War, at least)? Don't know who writes it. Cool. In the process. I'll check them out especially the two Avengers books. The problem with Daredevil is I'm just so damn behind. I only have Underboss and Out, but have read the next two arcs, Lowlife and Hardcore. But there's like so many left and I'm just talking about Bendis here. For Amazing, I never really got behind Stracyniski, I really liked him when he first started but then he tapered off somewhere in the middle for me. I never read The Other and apparently it's garbage, so I never will. I thought he handled the Civil War tie-in excellently though. So I don't know. Though I saw a preview of One More Day and was blown away. I know nothing about Iron Fist and Irredeeable Ant-Man, outside of what was revealed about Fist during Civil War. Doctor Strange story - good...No! He just seems so bland. That'll be really low on my list, I'll tell you that. I can't wait to see what Vaughn has in store for the Buffy series.
  8. I know I don't appear here too often, but I'm looking to get some more books and need a bit of help again. Since last time I picked up most of the New X-men by Morrison (vol 1-4) and still wish to finish it. Also picked up Marvel Knights Spiderman First half of Astonishing X-men by Joss, waiting for the second hardcover Madrox New Avengers Vol 1 + 2, and an ongoing pick up of BUFFY season 8. I've enjoyed them all. Some more than others but I thought they were all high quality. Anyways, I need some help in picking up some more books, I usually turn away from Fantastic Four and Cap America but after reading Civil War I've been greatly intrigued by some of the characters: I just need some views on some of the stuff I'm interested in here's the list - 1. The Ultimates (i've read vol 1 and want to pick it up, but how was vol 2 that was delayed forever due to Millar doing Civil War) 2. New Avengers - I like Bendis a lot and have the first two volumes, should I stick with it, is it still good after the War? 3. Ed Brubakers run on Captain America - really interested in this after reading Civil War, basically I'm not knowledgeable at all on Cap, do I have to be to get into Brubaker's run? Was it still good after the good captain departed? On that same idea, how is Cap America: Fallen Son 4. Ultimate Fantastic Four - is this any good, it looks good and if it's anywhere close to how good Ultimates is and I really love Millars work 5. Mark Waid's Fantastic Four run - I had heard a lot about it (good things about it)...some more detail. 6. I've had a great interest in some of the smaller books: Black Panther, New X-men Academy/Childhood's End, and Ms. Marvel. 7. Sill interested in Wolverine Enemy of the State just because I think I really like Millar's style. And anything else you think I might be interested in. I got to read all of the Runaways books and some of X-factor, not really interested in picking up any which is weird because I loved the Madrox book by David, but I didn't fall in love with the new X-factor book, same goes for Runaways I enjoyed it but it wasn't something that I loved. I know Joss worked on it and I'll have to take a look at it again when that TPB comes out. I also read Civil War - alot of it. I'll be picking up some of those eventually. After Civil War, it was such a big event, can somebody tell me what books are good post-civil war as I don't understand the Marvel landscape as I'm usually stuck in reading whole stories/arc collected in hardbacks/tpbs. Like there are 3 Avengers teams...and Bendis writes two of them...how are these books? Is Stracyniski still on Amazing Spider-man? What's Millar up to? What's Vaughn up to? Oh and the Is it Wednesday column helps out a lot for me to see what books are good currently... as I'm thinking of picking up a couple subscriptions (using your sponsors of course, DCBS is much cheaper).
  9. I know I'm not on here all the time, but I just wanted to say Fray is awesome, it's the tpb that got me back into comic books. Just wanted to mention that Joss revisits Melaka Fray for a couple pages in the TPB Tales of the Slayers. Thanks for returning the favor. I got Tales of the Vampires but never knew about Tales of the Slayers. I just ordered it, and I'm very much looking forward to it. I think I liked about half the stories in Tales of the Slayers... but all around it's not bad but it's no Fray. How is Tales of the Vampires...I had heard some decent stuff about that. The regular Angel/Buffy comics are BAD. But I have faith in the new one produced by Joss.
  10. I read a whole bunch of stuff: Daredevil Underboss, OUT, and the Greatest Trial ever (10): This was just so awesome and I'm not even a huge fan of the character but this ruled hard...harder than the stuff the Kevin Smith wrote. I loved the Underboss arc so much, it just felt like part-Godfather and I'm a huge fan of mafia related movies/stories. The Out arc was cool...fascinating in the idea that it's never really happened before and it felt realistic in the way it was handled. It made me feel for the Murdock character more than ever before. THe trial was just written so well and it felt part of the arc...because everything to do in the Out arc has to do with the Superheros put on "trial" in a different sense. X-Factor Visionaries Peter David Vol 1 (7.5): It was good fun, but the dialogue is pretty interchangeable at this point. David is only just starting to get a hold of the characters. But you can tell great things are on the horizon. I really liked the issues with Madrox's power wigging out...those were the most enetertaining. Plus it showed a really goofy side to Quicksilver that I never thought he had in him. Madrox (9.0): Really really entertaining stuff that was incredibly well written. I really liked the way it's supposed to be noir-ish but a parody at the same time. The villains aren't all that interesting but the X-factor team is what keeps this book together and the highlight of the book. I like the new Guido he doesn't look as goofy as he does in the 90's X-factor. Marvel 1602 (8.5): I'm not really sure what to think. It was really good...but at the same time it fell apart for me in the last couple of issues. I really liked the build up- the intrigue of what's going on. Nick Fury and Dr. Strange take really prominent roles here which is really nice to see. But I just didn't like everything after the Doom fight. It just was I don't know not what I wanted to hear or see. New Avengers: The Sentry (8.0): Bendis is like my favorite writer ever and the New Avengers book gets better and better. I liked this one because I felt like part of the book. Like nobody knew who Sentry was and neither did I, so it's part mystery. Plus the book is partly just pure fun to read with really exciting action sequences as they gather the escaped prisoners. The team really seems to be coming together. I forgot to ask what is Tony Stark saying about SHIELD at the end of the book, I can't exactly remember what happened in the Savage Land, outside of tension between SHIELD and the Avengers? I still got two more arcs of Morrison's New X-Men to reread before I make another order which will probably have some more New Avengers vol 3 and either the rest of New X-men or some more Daredevil, right now I'm leaning toward Daredevil because I dig it more. Plus there is still X-factor books, Astonishing X-men books, New Avengers, and Civil War prelude/books on the horizon that I want to get.
  11. I know I'm not on here all the time, but I just wanted to say Fray is awesome, it's the tpb that got me back into comic books. Just wanted to mention that Joss revisits Melaka Fray for a couple pages in the TPB Tales of the Slayers.
  12. I'm going to vote for God of War. The only game I probably would have voted for it would have been the GTA series. Not a big fan of fighters, even less of a fan of 3-d fighters, and I still own VF3 and still can't get into it. God of War - greatest action game of this generation, easily. Mature action for a more mature audience. So addictively entertaining. Guitar Hero - kind of fun. Never been too high on the music games. Except that old one that had nothing but beats or whatever. Anybody help me out, remember it's name? Looked like a tunnel. Had to hit the button at the right time and each line is a different type of music (guitar, drums, synthesizer). FFX - the strong favorite. I liked the game, but recently (or progressively, I guess) I've grown out of the epic 40+ hours rpgs. Just way too long for me. Not enough time to play them, and NO instant gratification. I usually play rpgs for the story never for the battle system (although I liked the Battle System of FFX and Xenogears). I got to give it up for the action game over the rpg.
  13. I played this for an hour and a half yesterday with a buddy of mine. It seems like a cool game but they didn't break any real ground with the gameplay (outside of potions being added immediately which is a great help and the game seems faster paced now). I read somewhere that the story in the game is just average and somewhere else that it's outright bad. To those that have played the game for real (not just some melee fest like me and my buddy skipping all the dialogue), how is the story? Deadpool, Daredevil, and Silver Surfer are awesome. Personally I agree with the bullshit that is giving GOOD extra characters in the next gen, especially when they give the current gen systems characters like Blade, Ms. Marvel, and Dr. Strange. Oh and in case anyone was wondering, we played mainly Namor's stage Atlantis and the Mandarin stage.
  14. elnino14

    Xbox: Round Two

    People not voting Halo = tradgedy.
  15. Easy blow out for God of War for me. And I LOVE platformers and I LOVED Sands of Time...but God of War blew me away. SO SO FUN and SOOO SOOO Awesome to play. I beat the game in 2 days. My friend wouldn't leave until we finished the game. Sands of Time didn't do that for me.
  16. Awesome poll... I am not a big fan of Tekken specifically and fighting games in general, Tekken 5 is not even a contender. I never got to play that version of Ratchet Clank but I loved the two previous incarnations. But even those wouldn't beat the others in this block. So really there's only three possibilities: Final Fantasy X - This game was quite awesome and I really liked the battle system (which is one thing I hate in many rpgs, outside of this game and Xenogears), plus the ability to switch characters ruled. THe story was really fun. The only drag was Tidus sucked as a main character. Horrible. Definitely a contender but my bias for action games puts it third. Shadow of the Collossus: Although this game is AMAZING to look at, quite the challenge to play, and has a great combination of everything, it's missing the Instant Gratification that I get while playing Grand Theft Auto and the depth of things to do. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - And my pick. Although this was a sequel of previous games, I don't think the previous incarnations are going to be on other polls. This game is so awesome, wows me even today. Although the setting was not as great as Miami 1980's Scarface in Vice City, this game does well with any setting it has. Just really fun to play, and I think funner and less frustrating than Shadow of the Collosus (well most of the time).
  17. And the answer is: very carefully. No really, I'm intersted in knowing how you got an advance screening of the film.
  18. I finished reading the Imperial arc from Grant Morrison's New X-men. To be honest, I'm not sure what I thought of it. I mean the whole thing FELT epic...but I guess I just have some avasiveness to the Shiar characters. They're all such weak characters, I think, and it doesn't help that there are so many of them that I don't know in this arc. I guess that problem is one of preference rather than problems with teh story. Although I have to admit, I did start to get into it, especially when all hope seemed to be lost as I was really interested in how they were going to stop Nova and then Xorn and Cyclops become the saviors. The arc as a whole, didn't flow very well, for me. It just kind of was stop and go, it did have an increase in tension as Nova got closer and closer which I liked. I don't know the whole arc just threw me off. I liked it...but I didn't love it. I'm pissed that Nova is gone, she was such an awesome, practically unbeatable villainess. But like Jean said, we're a team and that's how we'll beat her, and that's exactly how it happened. Hopefully the next arcs are better. Before Morrison takes a downturn.
  19. The Macross Plus movie. 20 Bucks for 2 hours of awesomeness.
  20. It was 12 issues of nothing. Hell, Marvel apologized for it at one of the conventions. They said they lost control / focus of the project, and it went in an unexpected / unwanted direction. Ha it can't be a good thing if Marvel is apologizing for it. Wow. I'll check these out along with Cap America: Winter Soldier, I guess. Any knowledge of Ultimate Iron-man book that came out. I've borrowed the Ultimates and I've really enjoyed them. It's Amazing stuff actually and I'm surprised I didn't like them on my first read through. Jesus the Exiles book is still going. Any word on how good it is? My guess is it must have something if it's still going? I was talking about the new Cable/Deadpool book, any opinion? I read the end of Deadpool and the beginning of Agent X a while ago. Hmmm...I may have to check out Planet Hulk once it's done. Problem is Hulk along with Fantastic Four have never been my favorite group of people. That quote alone makes me want to stay as far away from Green Lantern as possible. I'll probably check out some Batman related stuff and Alan Moore stuff. Yeah my friend read something that he downloaded, I think it was Infinite Crisis, and he told me he couldn't understand a damn thing that was going on. He said the only good part of the book was that Joker was not included in a Villian group because he's too crazy. I I ordered 1602. Not sure if I'll order the rest of the stuff. I did order up Madrox: Multiple Choice as well. I couldn't pass it up. Any word on how good Young Avengers is?
  21. Stay far, far away! Haven't read it, but if it's anything at all like the current X-Factor comic (which spun out of Madrox, and is also written by Peter David), then it will be awesome! Can you give me a reason behind the HORROR of the other? Madrox is written by Peter David, which is purely the reason I want to read it, especially after reading his first arc on x-factor in the visionaries book. As I read these books that involve large collecting (Bendis' Daredevil, Morrison's New X-men) I realize, I got to keep some variety in my reading. As I read the New Avengers, I'm slowly becoming more interested in the characters of Stark and Cap. I think you told me to check out Winter Soldier for some Cap, any other suggestions, and anything on Stark? Did you read Spider-woman: Origin, how was it? You have any other book suggestions? Do you know anything about Exiles, it went on for 13 trades? Where the hell is Deadpool, is the book any good? I know I'm an absoltue tire with all these questions, but what the hell is Hulk doing on another planet, does anyone else think this sounds hilarious? Plus, you think I should EVER buy a DC book? My total knowledge about DC is I don't Superman, I like Batman (Joker Rules) and Flashes are nice especially coming from hot girls. So that's kind of why I never bought many books from DC (outside of Haunted Knight and The Joker book by Alan Moore, greatest Batman story EVAH), guess I'm kind of intimidated since I know nothing about their universe and their 15 Green Laterns and 12 Flashes. Finally, yes really, Have you read Marvel 1602 and it's sequel Marvel 1602: New World? Good, not good? Okay a couple more, thoughts on Inhumans and Runaways?
  22. I hope it's ok if I revive this thread. Bought a few new books a while ago, in August, I wanted to give my thoughts on them. New X-Men volume 1 which holds 114-126 of Grant Morrison’s run. I bought this before the Omnibus was announced or before I knew about it and I’m kind of pissed about that. But nonetheless Volume 1 is a BIG book. In the same buy, I also picked up the second New Avengers paperback (titled Sentry), two Daredevil tpbs (titled Underboss and Out) and the first X-factor Visionaries: Peter David TPB. I also plan to give my thoughts on these as I re-read them as they were all freaking awesome. I’m really glad I started to pick up the Daredevil TPBs. There’s nothing like it. So my thoughts about the first arc (E is for Extinction, 114- 116) is that it takes a bit to get used to. It certainly feels like an updated/modern x-men which I like, and it has all the classical/core elements of x-men (sentinels, the exclusion and hatred of mutants) but it brings in some new elements. A great clash between classical ideas mixed with a bit of new age flavor, I guess you can say. The villainess Cassandra Nova is quite sinister and she can definitely hold her own. Everything about her is revealed slowly and I love that slow-burn stuff. The stuff I have problems with is that sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s going, it feels like scenes are cut and somehow we got C from A but I missed B. I didn’t like how all the characters were drawn in this first arc (by Quietly), they just looked weird or different than what I’m used to. I really liked the initial plot in the first arc with the rogue sentinels and Trask’s nephew manipulated but once they got back to the mansion, it wasn’t AS good. The 2001 Annual had a great set up but had a bad third act. I was intrigued all the way through until the third act. The book as a whole wasn’t great but I was interested in the idea of the third species and Xorn’s place in all this. But once they hit the last part with Cyclops talking to Xorn and Mr.Sublime and Ao Jun turning on each other…it was meh. Glad the good ideas (Mr. Sublime’s third species, U-men, mutant rights violations) are used as story arcs later and they all originated here. Issue 117 was not an action issue, it was much more a character development issue. It makes the character of Beast deeper. I was never a huge fan of Beast (although I never REALLY read the comics, but I know I didn’t really like him in the 90’s cartoon much). But here (and in the Joss Book, which I read first) it gives me a whole new appreciation for the character. Also the Beak character, who is not very interesting on his own, provides a nice support for Beast’s development. Cassandra Nova continues to be an evil bitch and I’m interested to see where Morrison goes with her. Although I never really put two and two together until the Imperial arc when the Cassandra Nova plot comes back (basically I didn’t realize that she switched bodies with Prof X in Issue 116) and that it was Nova who shot her own body (to incapacitate Prof X) and that it was Nova that was revealing Prof X and his academy as a school for mutants by mutants. It makes me appreciate the last issue more and the thought that Morrison put into it. The next 3 issues (118-120) were part of the arc Germ Free Nation, which I really enjoyed. Morrison did a great job with the U-Men and Mr. Sublime in the 2001 Annual and I’m glad to see them here again wreaking havoc. I also marked out for the Jean Grey semi-Phoenix defense of the mansion. I liked the Wolverine/Mosquito girl (I think her name is Angle) parts a lot too. This arc was really tight and everything flowed really well. At this point, I think I’ve gotten used to Morrison. The end of Mr. Sublime’s life was anti-climactic but brought up the interesting question of whether Emma fits as an X-man with her more militant attitude. Issue 121 was fun and a quick read as it was the silent issue. It didn’t really have that much development. But it was amazing visually. Sometimes it was hard to tell what was happening (especially with Emma and those weird faces). Quietly’s art returns and he does a good job, better than in the first arc, I think. A quick issue, that brings us to who Cassandra Nova really is and why she’s PISSED at Charlie. The next arc deals with the return of the Shiar under Cassandra Nova’s control. I haven’t finished reading it, but so far I’m having trouble getting into it. I’ve read the first two issues of the arc, but then I stop. Then I read the first two issues again to refresh my memory and then I stop. I don’t know what it is. I really don’t like the first issue with a lot of scenes with the Shiar and Lilandra but I really enjoy the sequences at the X-mansion. I think, I just need to sit down and read it. There are a few things I’m kind of confused about, what happened to Cyclops and Jean’s relationship before this to cause a huge rift? And isn’t Jean dead? And what is all this second mutation stuff (which I’m guessing caused Beast to look like a feline)? I plan to finish up the book and give my thoughts on it. Probably for my next order: Spider-man The Other, New Avengers TPB 3, Madrox: Multiple Choice, and the next 2 Daredevil TPBs since I digged Daredevil more than New X-men. Can somebody tell if Spider-man: The Other and if Madrox: Multiple choice are any good?
  23. House of M - (8.9): incredibly intriguing the whole way. But some things like the new character just made up for this series was just a plot device instead of what could have been a great character. Personally I loved the idea, and plan to get some of the other House of M books (particualarly Spider-man, which has me incredibly interested but dreading it considering part of what makes Spiderman such a good character is the tradgedy that occurs to him.) I think I need to read this one again for sure. There was so much too it which is probably why they had the spin off books. plus the finale is pretty incredible. New Avengers: Breakout - (7.0): Pretty much a let-down. For some reason it felt like Spidey was out of place in teh whole deal. It was interesting and showed promise, but it just turned out to be solid but unspectacular. I don't know. They already have a perfect set-up for the next few books though as it's obvious what they have to do. I probably won't make another buy untill I come back in August, hopefully by then the New Avengers' TPB's will be out and teh Civil War: Prelude will be out.
  24. Just wanted to let you know that out of the stuff I picked up: Avengers: Dissassembled New Avengers Vol 1 House of M Marvel Knights Spiderman (all 12 of Millar's run) Here's what I read so far: Marvel Knights Spiderman - It was pretty sweet and surprisingly it came from Millar who everything else he wrote thus far for Marvel I wasn't a fan of (Ultimate X-men, The Ultimates). Althought I'm still willing to give the Ultimates another shot but his run in Ultimate X-men was just plain to me. His stuff here in Spiderman was pretty fun. Although it can be said that sometimes he does try and do WAY too much stuff with way too many people...and it FEELS like he's trying to do way too much stuff with way too many people. Quite pleased with this. By the way I love the sadistic Norman Osborn. If you've ever read J.M. Demateiss (writer of Kraven's Last Hunt) run near the end of the first volume of Spectacular Spider-Man where he brings Norman back from the dead, it's a very similar characterization. Avengers: Dissassembled - To tell you the truth, I had never read an Avengers book before this because I'm not a huge fan of the big 3 characters (Thor, Iron Man, and of course the Cap). This didn't really change my mind on any of those characters, although I really started to feel for Stark, but it did change my mind on the book as a whole. Add to the fact that Bendis is writing it and the fact that I absolutely LOVE Bendis' stories in Ultimate Spiderman and his short run on Ultimate X-men, it convinced me to pick up the book. There are some amazing sequences in here and the first two issues (500-501) are really really good. But once all the old Avengers show up, the dialogue really feels interchangeable. I don't know. It didn't fall apart, just took a down-turn in the middle before finishing off really strong. Really great set-up for House of M though.
  25. It's awesome that I can't get the quotes to work. Yeah, get them too. They're all great reads. But no need to break the bank; grab 'em as you can afford 'em. Good stuff, I decided to skip over the Secret War and Wolvie's books for now as it seems that House of M is the best of the bunch. I didn't read any of those, so I'm of no help. Sorry. What do you mean you didn't read them, I thought you read EVERYTHING!!! /sarcasm Just got it today, but haven't read it yet. Let me know how that ends up being. Daredevil, vol. 1: Guardian Devil - Collects Daredevil #1-8 - By Kevin Smith and Joe Quesada Daredevil, vol. 2: Parts of a Hole - Collects Daredevil #9-15 - By David Mack, Joe Quesada and others Daredevil, vol. 3: Wake Up - Collects Daredevil #16-19 - By Brian Michael Bendis and David Mack Issues 20-25, entitled Playing to the Camera, have not been collected. The creative team was Bob Gale and Phil Winslade. Daredevil, vol. 4: Underboss - Collects Daredevil #26-31 - By Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev Daredevil, vol. 5: Out - Collects Daredevil #32-40 - By Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev and others ---- Some sources note that this volume does not include issues 38-40, while others disagree. I myself have not looked at the collected edition, so I can't tell ya. Daredevil, vol. 6: Lowlife - Collects Daredevil #41-45 - By Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev Daredevil, vol. 7: Hardcore - Collects Daredevil #46-50 - By Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev Daredevil, vol. 8: Echo: Vision Quest - Collects Daredevil #51-55 - By David Mack Daredevil, vol. 9: The King of Hell's Kitchen - Collects Daredevil #56-60 - By Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev Daredevil, vol. 10: The Widow - Collects Daredevil #61-65 - By Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev Daredevil, vol. 11: Golden Age - Collects Daredevil #66-70 - By Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev Daredevil, vol. 12: Decalogue - Collects Daredevil #71-75 - By Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev Daredevil, vol. 13: The Murdock Papers - Collects Daredevil #76-81 - By Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev I'll be picking up a DD book next time for sure. Bendis writing DD and the praise you've given it has got me very interested. For now, here's what I'm picking up: Avengers: Dissassembled New Avengers Vol 1 House of M Marvel Knights Spiderman (all 12 of Millar's run) Surprisingly I didn't pick up any X-men.