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Everything posted by Malpractice

  1. Well you guys convinced me to Pre-Order Abyss, and Atomic Robo tomorrow at my LCS. Neozoic had me intrested because of the Dinosaurs but your reviews of it weren't very encouraging so i think i am going to pass on that.
  2. highly disagree. 'I Am The Night' is one of the highlights of the series, and easily an 8/10.
  3. that issue of Detective Comics you speak of is #833 entitled "Trust", and it's an excellent issue if i do say so myself.
  4. Poison Ivy in her "Almost Got 'Im" segment was HOT! just thought i would say that lol
  5. holy shit they got rid of all the episode cards for the episodes too ? I contributed to a couple of the Batman and Superman wiki's so i am kind of pissed about that. I stopped contributing to wikipedia after i worked really hard on the Deftones page just to have it all deleted about 2 days later, and this only further cements my problems with the site.
  6. glad to see Simone is getting another monthly book but I don't think Warren Ellis should be doing superhero books anymore if all he does is bitch about them, not to mention his work is kind of hit or miss with me.
  7. just to clairify since you guys keep mentioning it, the book in question with Jason Todd, Donna Troy, and Ryan Choi visiting different universes is called COUNTDOWN PRESENTS THE SEARCH FOR RAY PALMER not COUNTDOWN TO ADVENTURE. COUNTDOWN TO ADVENTURE is actually a book about characters from 52 including Adam Strange, Starfire, and Animal Man and what they have been up to post-52.
  8. on a seperate note just because you guys mentioned it in the episode The All New Atom is one of the best comics currently being published.
  9. are there really Countdown apoligists ???? I haven't heard anyone saying anything positive about that series at all......anywhere. even Paul Dini kind of backhandedly slammed it recently.
  10. I am assuming the Vertigo creator you are referring to is Brian Wood ? I met him at the MoCCa Fest this year and i wouldn't say he was a dick but he did seem kind of shy. He signed my book and DMZ poster and thanked me for reading it so I guess that's all you can really ask for. I just found it unusual that at an event which was all about getting people acquainted with you and your work on a more personal level, he seemed kind of invisible and didn't seem very intrested in meeting anyone at all (which is kind of the inverse of any other creator i have met both indie and mainstream) but i guess for some people this kind of stuff just isn't their bag and they would just rather let their work speak for itself.
  11. Also "Christmas With The Joker" owns you all. stop the hatin'.
  12. later on in the series at some point they point out that Jack Napier was just an alias.
  13. Did it?! Shit! The website I glean new releases from didn't list it. Damn. If I remember, I'll mention it in episode 135. cool. just thought it was odd it wasn't mentioned. the dvd is great as well and i thought it could use the bit of extra promotion.
  14. on a completly unrelated note, Mike you forgot to mention TMNT came out on DVD today when you were mentioning this week's DVD releases.
  15. out of curiosity how do these "Is It Wednesday Yet?" segments work ? Do you guys just review books that various companys send you or on occasion do you also highlight books you like and would like people to read, do you take suggestions, etc.
  16. Also the band is called Filter and the song is called "Hey Man, Nice Shot" in the Iron Man trailer.
  17. Heath was doing a Dent impersonation in that trailer that's why he sounds like he does and also the movie comes out July 18 2008 not May 2008.
  18. Malpractice

    Final Crisis

    I'll read this just because Grant Morrison is writing it but i'd be lying if i said that i was itching for another big comic event.
  19. Everything about it for the most part, Watchmen as a movie just dosen't make any sense to me.
  20. that's not true at all. I have been watching The Simpsons since i was an infant with The Tracy Ullman shorts and i kind of grew up as the show grew up and i kind of view the show (as pathetic as it sounds) as almost a parental figure. My favorite season is Season 3 when Al Jean and Mike Reiss were at the top of their game and i feel the show has never again reached the greatness of this season (Josh Weinstein and Bill Oakley run came close though). That being said it dosen't mean i don't love seasons 1-10 and even have found some gems in later seasons. Also i am 21 and almost all friends my age that are fans of the show all feel seasons 1-10 are the best of the show and i have found very few people who enjoy episodes post season 11-12. Oh yea and as i said in a different thread, The Simpsons Movie was excellent. I've already seen it twice.
  21. on a different note, has anyone read the Pajiba review of "The Two Coreys" it's pretty much exactly what Mike said lol
  22. i'll keep my fingers crossed for that colossal disaster
  23. is there any hope that this might not get made or should i just accept it now lol
  24. that chick from the dating service said nerd too much