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Everything posted by NightAngle04

  1. Its on Fridays, the only thing that has been a success on Fridays is Jennifer Love's Hewitt's tits. This series won't get more than 8 eps.
  2. Only on Fox. Look for the new show on CW this spring, Whores.
  3. I was just wondering, has anyone seen this show?????
  4. So this takes place before the first X-Men movie??? So we should go in with the expectation that Wolvie and Sabretooth will lose their memory?? Since they have no idea who each other are in the first film.
  5. I have no idea what's going on anymore. So ............... Ya know what I think I should just turn my brain off from now on when I watch this show.
  6. Jesus another Sylar face/heel I'm not sure what I'm goin do turn? I think its best if they just kill Sylar off now. Just please stop.
  7. DQ8 was a fuckin awesome game.
  8. Even sadder is the Dark Knight dvd sales will probably destroy this thing. It will be out of theaters in a week.
  9. Because he cant make a Poseidon 2 now can he?
  10. Pushing Daisies, ELi Stone, and Dirty Sexy MOney, all gone from ABC.
  11. I agree it wasn't as epic, because well lets face it this ep we all watched for Doomsday and he was in it for at max a minute. Although they did put themselves in a bind when they basically admitted Lex was still alive and I don't think Rosenbaum is coming back anytime soon.
  12. That is certainly an odd choice. But its not like it matters I suppose I have very low expectations for this movie.
  13. Ha I had completely forgotten about that show. Least they had hot women I guess.
  14. So Smallville hates everyone? Yes.
  15. I am shocked SHOCKED, a show in its 8th season is actually gaining viewers. God there is gonna be a 9th season.
  16. It was really only a matter of time wasn't it? What's the over/under on Feeny coming back?
  17. The overall Superman mythos has been fucked six ways from sunday by this show. The mythos is irrelevant to this show.
  18. what does that have to do with Smallville ? lol Smallville wasn't shown in my area, instead the football game was. Though thankfully some kind soul put the ep on the tube and I was able to see it there. BULLSHIT on the Clark choosing not to restore all of Chole's memories. Though this ep did give me some positives with Brainiac coming back and Doomsday coming next week and its not just Davis with superpowers its fuckin Doomsday. Major plus.
  19. The CW is showing me the Jets/Pats game. As a Bills fan, Fuck you CW.
  20. To be fair, all of NBC ratings are spiraling downwards.