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Everything posted by NightAngle04

  1. Does anyone know what happened to the voice of Magneto? One guy is playing it for all the eps, then randomly when the Apocalypse 4 parter starts the voice sounds different and then the very next ep with Magneto in it is the alien invasion and its back the normal dude.
  2. The season finale is on thursday and I am somewhat interested in the Doomsday/Clark throwdown, I don't care if anyone lives or dies, I just want to see these two fight they've been building it up for the whole season and it has to deliver. No lame 5 minute fight, no I want 15 minutes of fighting and hopefully Clark dying in the end. Also:
  3. I'm starting to think that the ending that was supposedly leaked out awhile ago is the actually ending to this film, which will make me most vexed.
  4. The concept sounds interesting, never heard of the comic myself.
  5. So the two leads could leave SVU? Then why would anyone watch the show?
  6. So laughably bad that I couldn't hate it and Allison Mack still trying after all these years is adorable.
  7. I disagree Fox is trying to keep this quiet because a lot of fans who saw the workprint HATE this movie already. Fox would like them to hate the movie after they plunked down their money.
  8. I have not been watching at all this season and I tuned in on Monday just to see what's up and I saw Sylar being shades of gray again and I just turned it off. Good to see nothing's changed.
  9. She was so annoying in the last film, I openly rooted for Peter to slap her again.
  10. So is Fringe safe? Cause last I heard it didn't get a pickup for a renewal yet. I actually liked Life as a show, shame that its gone.
  11. I watched a show called Harper's Island, it is laughably bad. I mean I like Jeff Bell (former Angel writer) but this show has no future whatsoever.
  12. There are just so many different ways that a person can watch a television show nowadays. Ratings for shows will get worse and worse.
  13. If Boreanez was on this show, I'd watch.
  14. Shame on you Jack, its SyFy. I'm all for this show and the purple suit.
  15. Raimi wasn't a fan of Venom??? Shocking. I have no interest in a Venom movie, and I don't really understand would this movie be after SM 3? Before it? During it like those wacky Saw movies?
  16. Yeah I did, but there is more likely more of the story arc than what the preview shows. I mean, come on Ultra Woman II(without powers, lol). Making Lois a hero(or superhero)for a full 40+ minute episode a 2nd time would be stupid. This show isn't above doing something stupid.
  17. You didn't see the preview for the next episode then. I enjoyed this ep enough, it was miles ahead of the recent ones.
  18. I saw that list of characters on screen, way too many I doubt there names are even mentioned. I was not really a fan of the original series but Cheetor wasn't part of eh
  19. ummm.... I could only verify that by the fact that she has Lionel's journal. And Lionel did know about the secret before he died so he most likely would have mentioned Clark by name in the journal. I must say for me the show is running down a very steep hill. I haven't liked a lot of the episodes lately. I think they should get all the Watchtower cast from Smallville and make their own show. So Lionel is just writing Clark's name and secret into his journal?
  20. Now granted I'm watching the ep right now and i have not been paying much attention at all to the last couple of eps, but when did Tess find out Clark's secret?? It took Lex and Lionel fuckin seasons to get this damn secret and all of sudden Tess just knows? What?
  21. Fixed.
  22. I'm trying to think of which movie I would see from that list. And then I decided that I really wouldn't see any of them. Though if they wanna make a Cable movie why not a Gambit movie?
  23. Every female in the game is either clearly retarded or just a bitch. The main hero of the game is the biggest pussy and until the end of the game I suspected he was more into the green haired guy than his best friend chick. Mr. Roboto was fine I guess, and the other dude was a douche, but I cant blame him when seeing the people he was surrounded by.
  24. I didn't hate the game overall but the characters are among the worst of any rpg I've ever played.
  25. How bout that Smallville was actually good this week. Less Allison Mack though was a negative for me. Though I will say that Erica Durance was smokin tonight. Though it was a bit interesting that both Smallville and Supernatural tonight had the heroes forgetting who they were. Weird.