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Everything posted by NightAngle04

  1. The end was a little flat I thought.
  2. HUGE bump, the show was prepping for a second season and then a couple of days ago, it was canceled. Shame too I thought it was pretty good.
  3. So... you're saying that because of one choice made by one character (who arguably wasn't in the best mental health at the time anyway) in one episode of a 144-episode show, everything Joss Whedon touches is crap? I love how you make it sound like that 1 choice was no big deal, you are saying its like a choice of different ice creams.
  4. You say "odd slip" I say piece of shit. I'm not gonna play the "Oh well it kinda makes sense in this way", a woman was nearly raped and then went to him for help, That's what it boils down to. And as for the cop out "Oh well he didn't write it therefore he is completely Blameless!" He was the boss, and everything, I repeat EVERYTHING on both shows had to be given the ok from Whedon himself. So don't pull the whole well he didn't write it.
  5. Buffy doesn't know he leaves town, she takes Dawn there because she wants Spike, the would be rapist, to protect Dawn.
  6. Spike almost rapes Buffy, AND then Buffy takes Dawn to her would be RAPIST's home seeking help in protecting Dawn. THAT is terrible writing. Yes there are other shows that are dumb or stupid or have a million plot holes, but when you have a show that's all about female empowerment and your main female lead almost gets raped and then she goes to that would be rapist home and asks for help. That is the worst of television.
  7. Buffy season 6. The absolute dirt worst of television. Really empowering female writing.
  8. I don't know much about the Avengers, is there a female character that can get almost raped and then in the next scene she goes to the would be rapist's home and asks for help?
  9. Taking this a step further, if you look at the ones the Joss himself directed, especially in Buffy, you'll see that many of the BEST episodes came from him behind the camera. Even during the so-called "crap" era of Buffy (I personally really like season 5 and 7, but didn't care that much for season 6 or 4), he directed Hush in season 4, he directed The Body in Season 5, and Once More With Feeling in Season 6, as well as the Finale in season 7 So even though one may not like his concepts or writing, it's hard to deny his ability as a director, at least for episodic television. Well thank goodness he gets a pass as a writer then.
  10. I hate Joss Whedon. So thumbs down. Also I have to mention this, since it seems that some people have a selective memory, but Buffy was a great show for the first 3 seasons, and then proceeded to fall off a cliff.
  11. Artz was a comedy character, we were supposed to take Illana seriously I guess, which begs the question if she was Jacob's daughter and leader of the Ajira why did they kill her off in such a comedic fashion??
  12. I missed the whole ep until about the last 10 minutes, and found out I didn't miss a thing. I'm still not sure what the point of this season is, other than me wanting Oliver to die horribly.
  13. So why do we continually get beat over the head with the numbers? If they have no plans of answering it, why do they constantly keep bringing them up? There is no reason, other than being douchebags.
  14. If Christian was the MIB then how did he end up on the boat to say bye bye to Michael? And was it Jacob's cabin? or was it MIB cabin? Saying they won't answer certain questions is such a big fuck you to the audience, why bother asking the questions in the first place if your not going to answer them. And they've never answered who Adam and Eve are, the internet just suspects its Rose and Bernard, but they've never said shit on the show
  15. Miles talking to the dead? Hurley seeing dead people? What is Christian? A Frozen wheel? Why did they go back to the 1970s? Walt? What does claimed mean? How or Why did Claire go with Christian and how did she go batshit crazy? Adam and Eve in the cave? What was Jacob's cabin? Why did Ben have something under his house to call Smokey? If Richard has worked with Jacob for decades and Richard worked with Ben to kill the Dharma Initiative, then does that mean Jacob okay'd the deaths of many? So no we don't know everything, but I'm sure the writers will only answer the questions they feel like answering.
  16. I'm still surprised when people ask "Why is Lucas making this or that?"
  17. Doesn't Human Target do good ratings?
  18. It was a boring movie, and the end is pretty silly, I mean I wasn't offended by it or anything its just a completely nothing movie
  19. ........................... Looking back at it, Absolute Justice was a work of art compared to every other ep this season
  20. Sawyer met Widmore and Charlotte was lookin bangable. Nothing else happened.
  21. Yeah she was. For only one episode, but that was where Whedon originally met her. Oh right that stupid ballet episode. Thanks Joss.
  22. She wasn't on Angel.
  23. I've been extremely down on the DC films so far, hopefully this can right the ship