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Everything posted by NightAngle04

  1. Pretty fuckin good, my only minor gripe is there seemed to be too many one liners.
  2. I said long ago that Booster Gold should be on this show, the thing is I said that as a joke.
  3. You know I caught Scream 3 on cable last night, and I just don't know how they are making another. The guy who was the mastermind died in the last one. And you know the big twist will be Sidney gets killed and then someone else takes over as the female lead who people want to kill. The more I think about it the less I want to see this movie.
  4. Exactly go back to the Avengers thread if you need a reminder
  5. I've come to the conclusion we have very different ideas of what is good and what is bad.
  6. Did you watch the movie? Nothing happens in 2 hours until a "heel turn" that is so obviously not a heel turn you can't take it seriously. EDIT: In fact here's what I said after I saw it Nothing happens throughout all of them until the last 5 minutes, and Voldemort is only in most of them at the end. They are mysteries, not action movies(books). Can't wait to see your thoughts on the next one since half of it is a camping trip. I'll rip that apart too if that's all that is.
  7. Did you watch the movie? Nothing happens in 2 hours until a "heel turn" that is so obviously not a heel turn you can't take it seriously. EDIT: In fact here's what I said after I saw it
  8. I was fooled last time with that awful Half Blood Prince, I shall not be fooled again!
  9. 2 things, 1. that costume does not look good. And 2. No Billy Zane? Fuck you motherfucker.
  10. Very cool idea, but I'm not hopeful that version will see theaters.
  11. What does the writers strike have to do with all the gay, penis, and racist jokes in the second movie?? And the characters in one scene but then missing in the very next one?? Perhaps Bay should take ALL the criticism of the 2nd piece of shit.
  12. I don't even buy it was purgatory, Sawyer got to bang Charlotte and Juliet?????? That sounds more like heaven to me.
  13. I said this in another thread but its the one show that's different and stands out, but I'm just not sure how long the shelf life can be when you just have a family surrounded by CGI dinosaurs
  14. I read the chat transcript and am confused about why some people like Preston were mocking JJ Abrams, he has no say in this show anymore and hasn't since season 2.
  15. They swerved us on a lot of things. Things like them having a fucking clue.
  16. And I had no idea Shannon and Sayid were meant to be after the 4 years of never mentioning her. I guess that whole Nadia relationship was just a fling.
  17. I'm still trying to get my head around it, Desmond Ben and Hurley are all on the island but die.... at some undetermined date....... and KATE motherfuckin Kate gets to kill Smokey, save Claire, save Jack and get off the island?? FUCK OFF .
  18. Well to be fair, JJ has nothing to do with Lost anymore.