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Everything posted by NightAngle04

  1. I think there was some sort of mistake, they accidentally aired a reunion show, does anyone know when the finale is? EDIT: There were parts that I liked and didn't and just incredibly disappointed.
  2. She was the lesser of the evils surrounding this movie. The main star and director are the more obvious problems.
  3. This was pure setup which I guess was fine, but off the heels of what was quite possibly the worst ep of the show, an all setup episode does nothing for me. This season has prepared me for disappointment, aside from the Richard ep and the Desmond ep, and I think there was an ep centered around Locke early, I've hated this season. So the Sunday will end this season, which I'm happy for but it will also end the series which will be a bummer. And then for the next 5 years every new drama will be "mysterious".
  4. Terra Nova sounds.......... intriguing? Its the one series that definitely sounds out, I'll give it that.
  5. I'm confused on why you would cancel Law and Order but pick up Law and Order: Los Angeles.
  6. Only 3 years too late, but this is NBC after all.
  7. I was annoyed that Zod forget that they all had super hearing and that was the cause of them turning on him, but what are you going to do, at least we got a fight this season. I thought for sure Chloe would kick the bucket, but was pleasantly surprised to see that not the case. And I'm a bit unclear on how blue kryptonite stops making you a Kryptonian but again whatever.
  8. If they weren't going to answer the questions they asked, why bother asking them in the first place?
  9. There's only 2 eps left! What a mega fail of an episode, great we know who Adam and Eve were, that mystery was about number 44 on the list of mysteries.
  10. Now that I think about it might actually be worse than the Hurley van ep because while that was a dumb ep I could just write off as just that a single dumb comedy ep, this THIS ep is the second to last ep of the series and you just brought up more questions! Unbelievable! Even more questions The mother was so stupid she couldn't think of another name? Bob was too difficult to think of apparently Why didn't fake mom just give him the game? What was the point of putting it on the beach? So the main reason Flocke wants to get off the island is because ............ he's curious?????????? THAT'S IT??????? What a shitfest of an ep
  11. I saw the trailer and I didn't care for Cloverfield so I have mixed feelings about a JJ/monster movie.
  12. It gets worse not only did it make no sense but it opens even more questions, who's this mother character? Why is there a magical vagina on the island? How did MIB know he had to build a wheel? If the black smoke didn't exist yet then who was his mother? Who is there father? Where is their father? Why were the villagers just accepting of a 14 year old boy coming into their camp? Didn't they have questions? And if they can't harm each other why did Jacob twice beat him up? This ep was utter shit.
  13. Answer: The ep where Hurley found his van Question: Which ep was worse than this one?
  14. I will watch Allison Mack reading a phone book.
  15. The end to this miserable season comes to an end next week and from the trailer it looks like the finale rips off the Matrix Revolutions Neo/Smith fight, I am not filled with hope for this one.
  16. It was fine, step down from the first one, could easily cut 10 minutes off this baby. And I forgot to stay after the credits, what happened?
  17. I'm going to take a more cynical viewpoint, and say they will wipe away the island timeline and the sideways will become the real timeline.
  18. Clark becoming a reporter for a major newspaper without a college degree and never writing any articles was pretty laughable. I'll get too angry when discussing season 8 so I'll stop now.
  19. Kate's gonna survive I just know it, this ep was so sad 3 of the originals Sayid, Sun and Jin all die.
  20. I watched the debut ep of Happy town tonight, from the previews they made it look like it was just a plain old regular guess the serial killer, but after watching the debut ep, I think we are to suspect more supernatural things are afoot.
  21. Zucker is the guy that passed on Lost and Desperate Housewives right?
  22. I cannot believe this show got another season, I was watching it last night and was just so bored by it, that the one thought going through my mind was "How did this show get another season?"
  23. Another show that's not Nightwing centric, so sad.
  24. Well to be fair it was preempted in the tri state area, but yes the ratings suck, hell every show on the CW sucks. And I didn't even mind the ep, it wasn't good or something I remember in a couple of days, but it wasn't the usual Smallville awfulness that causes me to lose my mind