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Everything posted by NightAngle04

  1. I just saw the old Fantastic Four episode and the animation is incredibly bad. And I'm not sure if anyone remembers this but at the end of X-Men, the animation started to change and not for the better either.
  2. Odd I always thought Gosling wouldn't do a comic book movie, he's worked so hard to become a serious actor after the Young Hercules era.
  3. Its a shame too because this series could be so awesome if it was just called Grayson. The story of Dick Grayson trying to establish himself in Bludhaven. It could be so good but alas we get DJ rebelling against his parents and falling in love with different skanks each week. Great
  4. If he called him fatman then this storyline would be at least somewhat interesting.
  5. Its no secret I love the Dick Grayson character, and I have been openly campaigning for him to get his own show, I would've preferred his own saturday cartoon and this idea is just .................... doesn't sound good. DJ? What?
  6. I'm pretty sure it was Future Peter who answered the phone when Claire called and because he needed Nathan to die he made up some excuse. As usual the Mohinder and Parkman storylines are tremendously boring so far.
  7. I must say I didn't care for it, but I did laugh out loud when Chole asked Clark something like "Are you ready?" and then they show Clark and he has a look of WTF???????? If this is building to a Clark/Chole relationship I'm all for it. It would be about the one right thing they've done in about 6 seasons.
  8. I did laugh at Clark losing his powers for about the 2340th time.
  9. To me, it's not worth giving him so much to keep Toby Maguire. They could get anyone in Hollywood to play that part for less money and time off. The movies would still make money without him. What does it matter? Maguire should've fleeced them for more.
  10. There is a rumor going around and for now its just a rumor that Arnold will indeed be in this movie. Although it will just be a cameo. I am all for it.
  11. There's a lot of things that killed the third movie, but what's this about a Mysterio connection? I've never heard that before.
  12. Didn't Ramis and Aykroyd actually write the new game? I'm not too sure about this.
  13. Actually it was $237,702,596. Plus another $109,505,853 in dvd sales. It just can't be. Its like a million people watching Impact......... it just can't be true.
  14. So was this thing shit or not? I tried to catch it tonight and I only caught like the last 3 minutes which didn't exactly sell me on the whole tune in next week. From what I can gather this new show has taken the 90s "Stars" and turned them into the wisdom giving adults and they've brought in a bunch of young horrible actors just horrid and have just thrown this shit at the wall and see what sticks. I myself can't wait for the "drug" episode where the good hearted people from the Midwest?, I don't even know where the fuck there from I'm guessing becauses the Walshs were from Minnesota so in the guise of "honoring"/stealing from the original, anyway I can't wait for the drug ep where the daughter gets corrupted into trying weed because all the cool kids are doing it in California. And then we'll deal with the minority having a run in with the racist police or maybe they'll put a new spin on it and make it racist teacher. I cannot wait. This show has all the makings of train wreck tv. Bring back Steve Bring back Brandon bring em all back I say.
  15. Now why would he be so quick to jump on the sequel bandwagon now? Maybe it's the 228 million the first one made in the theater, or that the first National Treasure made 347 million at the box office. That would translate to a huge payday for him for the sequels. I know I would be making sequels for the rest of my career if it were me. National Treasure: Taft's Secret Golden Toilet. That cannot be true. It just cant. Also as for villians? Venom. Why not, if we are just gonna make shit up why the fuck not.
  16. What. The. Fuck? That's not Piccolo. He looks like the fucking sheriff from Roswell. This is ridiculous.
  17. Please tell me how it is; I love 90210. NightAngle, here's your hot chick: Anna McCord No.
  18. I completely missed this because I forgot it was on. Yoda how was it?
  19. Actually I would recommend NOT reading it until after you see this movie. Because there is just no way in hell they are going to fit everything into the movie and they are going to leave shit out. So its better to go back and read what they left out and then complain about it.
  20. That animation sure makes Wonder Woman seem more.............. manly?
  21. Its been awhile since I played the game but isn't there some weird cult thing going on?