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Everything posted by Koete

  1. I watched White Christmas in film class today.
  2. I can totally see Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben.
  3. NBC ordered two more episodes of Community.
  4. I love how casually Stavros approaches reviewing Saw movies.
  5. I thought it was pretty great as well. The opening scene made it clear that they wouldn't be pulling punches, the emotional moments hit (especially the ones with Morgan and Duane), and there were some impressive shots that really gave the show impact (specifically the long shot of Rick riding into Atlanta and the overhead zoom out at the end).
  6. So I take it you enjoyed the first episode?
  7. Koete

    The Music Thread

    Noted. I'll have to check it out.
  8. So who do you consider to be great artists?
  9. Freaks (1932) - A classic horror film that stands out for its question of what defines human and inhuman, in a period where most horror films were about fantastical monsters. Citizen Kane (1941) - It's a great film. Is it the greatest film of all time? No, and I don't believe you can determine one film as the greatest ever. It's great just for having some of the most gorgeous cinematography to ever be put on film. House of Wax (1953) - One of Vincent Price's best. The Haunting (1963) - A great horror film about suspense, atmosphere, and the scariness of what you don't see. An American Werewolf in London (1981) - A great mix of horror and comedy; the transformation scene is still impressive. The Evil Dead (1981) - Another great mix of horror and comedy, albeit more in a more gross out vein. You can tell from this early film that Raimi has talent. Re-Animator (1985) - I didn't even notice it, but I was really on a horror-comedy roll. Jeffrey Combs is perfect as Herbert West and the film goes from crazy to insane near the end. Jacob's Ladder (1990) - A brilliant film about war and religion. The party scene in particular is a mindfuck.
  10. From someone who's done his share of podcasts, nobody sounds like a broadcasting veteran their first time up to the mic.
  11. I can understand not being a fan of Irving's style, but comparing it to shit?
  12. November Schedule Oh. MAN. Are they doing Batman and Robin II? Please tell me they're doing Batman and Robin II.
  13. Great news. Nesbitt is a brilliant actor.
  14. Koete


    You're supposed to go wet yourself. Like Batman. And make a dick joke.
  15. The Optimus Prime vs. Megatron fight at the beginning of that movie is better than the two Michael Bay films combined.
  16. I thought it was great; the suspense as to whether it will be Suaved or not begins.
  17. Koete


    There's a Dogwelder costume too.
  18. That was a pretty mellow "Is It Wednesday Yet?"
  19. According to Wikipedia, there's going to be an episode entitled "Darkseid Descending!"
  20. Koete


    There's medication for that.