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Everything posted by Molly

  1. It's three degrees here in wintery hell, Ripon, Wisconsin.
  2. So, I entered my college's hot wing eating contest. I ate 12 of Buffalo Wild Wings hottest wings in 1 minute, 11.1 seconds. It was a night of victory, indeed. Today has been a gastrointestinal hell.
  3. Like TNA couldn't afford Funk?
  4. "Shenanigans? Are we goin' to shenanigans, guys?"
  5. I fucking love when he kicks Leelee Sobieski into the wall. Love it.
  6. Honestly, outside of Sin City, Frank Miller is grossly overrated. His run on Daredevil especially.
  7. Animal House was better? It had Belushi?
  8. Super Troopers was just Animal House with cops.
  9. Because Scarlet Johasson has plenty to go around.
  10. Well, saying "I'm the goddamned Spirit," wouldn't push it to R.
  11. Foolish mortal. Duchovny doesn't act. He believes everything that happens to his characters is real.
  12. David Duchovny is gonna fuck you uuuuuup.
  13. Start people on TPBs. They're much more selfcontained.
  14. To be fair, that story sounds godawful.
  15. I honestly think that they write things without having a solution in mind, though. X-Files was the good, intriguing confusing. Lost is the "What the hell? Wow, I'm never watching this tripe again" confusing.
  16. It's confusing for the sake of being confusing. I can't stand it. And Matthew Fox... is... Ugh.
  17. To derail the thread's current, sacrilegious direction: 24, Lost and pretty much all the other "Big, serious, dramas" on the major networks. They're not that well written and the actors are boring, at best.
  18. Ih, it was a little cookie cutter, but Cosby is a funny guy. I prefer his stand up, but the sitcom is unoffensive at worst.
  19. I hope the world can hear my heart breaking from here.
  20. Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny is Black at his finest. Anything else is just poorly diluted madness.
  21. You're going to be brainwashed into buying so much Kodak Film and Jello Pudding Pops.
  22. I'm really... curious about this movie. Frank Miller is directing, and to me that spells trainwreck. I'll rent it in eight months, or something. I won't go see it.
  23. Ray Stevenson deserves so, so much better.
  24. ...First Rogen, now Jack Black? How long until you people turn on me? Fat slackers everywhere need to be afraid!