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Everything posted by Molly

  1. I will mark the fuck out if Jericho somehow beats Cena.
  2. He looks like a Gene Wilder/Willy Wonka zombie.
  3. Molly


    I love Bane and Hush in this, by the way.
  4. Molly


    The only character I'll really call "missing" is Jason Todd, but otherwise, that's freakin' epic.
  5. She won't be back, sadly. I severely doubt she'd possibly come back post Juno.
  6. If they're gonna put Goldblum and D'Onofrio on the same show, I will watch every fucking episode.
  7. If they can keep guys like Cudmore and manage to get Ellen Page and Shawn Ashmore back, it might be okay.
  8. Well, if I get mono, I'm punching her in the spleen. ...Which would probably rupture it, and kill her.
  9. So, my girlfriend was diagnosed with mono this morning. I'm (hopefully) immune, due to my bout with mono in HS, but I'm still taking care of her, since I have the apartment, instead of just a regular dorm room. I'm a freakin' saint.
  10. Only if the next screen says "Well, now it has."
  11. I've never not wanted to bang Steph McMahon.
  12. Molly


    I'm pretty sure 'Meh' is every other breath with me.
  13. Yeah, but, how many different ways can you say, "This is the most putrid, godawful bile wretched by people who should have failed out of film school?"
  14. Molly

    Episode 64

    I've not seen it, but the actress that plays Ginger plays Gibb in Freddy vs. Jason and definitely won points with me there.
  15. How is it hard to get the Punisher right? How?
  16. Couldn't be happier for that big, dumb bastard.
  17. Done. 11 pages, 3000 words and it's the finest fucking piece of theatre ever written.
  18. To be fair, I'm just writing this one. No acting for me this week.
  19. In 22 and a half hours, the ten minute play I'm writing is going to be on-stage.
  20. I prefer calling him Dr. Herbert West, but yeah.