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Posts posted by SkylerQ91

  1. Spamalot is Broadway. I'm sure the touring company will come through Ohio in the next two years, more than enough time to see it.

    While I hear the third National Tour may begin soon Monty Python's Spamalot is actually out for stock and amateur theatre as the show ended on Broadway back in '09. So if there is a Spamalot segment we may be able to compare memory of the tour, Broadway, West End and CD to High Schoolers who don't understand the jokes they are being told to say and older gentleman who think they are the Broadway singers on tiny stages. I've encountered a lot of both of these types in my school and community theatre past.

    Side note: I'm always bitter thinking about that show as I saw it on tour twice but lost my Killer Rabbit Hand Puppet at a Drama Class event we were using it for, after they stopped making them.


  2. Just noticed: The cameo on Superman was referenced by Ian as the 40's Superman and Lois (Kirk Alan & Noel Neill) while Mike thought it was the 1950's Lois & Jimmy (which could be Noel or Phyllis Coates depending on the era of the show and Jack Larson). Ian was correct in Identifying Noel and Kirk however she and Jack Larson had cameos in Superman Returns. Could that be where confusion came from?


  3. That segment was actually supposed to be twice as long, as we DID watch and cover the 1988 Ruby-Spears series. However, Skype fucking sucks, and we had to lose it due to technical difficulties.

    I thought you said that it was going to be covered too and then the segment ended. I'm glad I'm not crazy. Well, aside from being one of the few who liked all 10 years of Smallville. :P


  4. Because of studying for end of term exams, a wicked hangover yesterday and needing to catch up on sleep I have not been able to finish #500 yet but I'm nearly half way. It's probably going to be another one of the shows that replays on my iPod over and over again. I'm enjoying it immensely and love that it's about Supes. In some circles the hate for Superman is so great saying things like 'the glasses thing is stupid and he has every power' or that he's just 'too good'. It's nice to just enjoy being a fan for 9.5 hours and not have to defend him to people who just don't 'get' him.

    I want to thank you for all the shows over the years, the columns, the segments, the reviews, forums and the chats. Earth-2 is a very special site with some very special people. So here's to you, Mike and company! Let's look forward to hundreds more shows over years of great fun.


  5. To be honest, Skyler, I'm not totally sure how feasible that would be. Unlike WFP, we didn't rate the stories out of 5 or 10 or whatever; we just talked about what we liked and what we didn't, and it got pretty subjective.

    That's totally true and I can't believe I forgot such a key factor of my request. Honestly this makes it sound like I don't listen to the show enough even though it's one of the shows with the most plays on my iPod. Thanks though anyway for taking it's into consideration despite the silliness of it. I will look at the top 200 next time I'm at the store as well as some other recommendations from another friend of mine.


  6. With the classic era coming to a close I wondered if there would be any chance of seeing the classic era score card being posted someplace. Unlike The DCAU which I would not have asked for the scores of which could have made the listening drop a bit, Doctor Who is something that is on DVD mostly on a story by story basis. This becomes hard to tell the good stuff from the crap when in the store thinking if one should buy a story or not without filtering through the shows again and comparing them to what is in the store. This is something I think could be very helpful and hope may be considered. I know that I love BOTI and will listen and re-listen but to have a list for when I can't recall what you guys thought and need to know at the drop of a hat would be extra convenient and again, helpful.


  7. I haven't really seen much of Epic Mickey (I don't own a Wii) but what I've seen indicates it's the Mickey from the 1930's - the Mickey that was actually interesting and funny to some degree. The Floyd Gottfriedsen Mickey. If they continue down that vein in time he'll become relevant again and I'll happily sign on.

    My parents won't let me take the Wii (family item even though I'm the only one to use it) so with school I haven't played much but yes he is very much a 1930's Mickey in fact Warren Spector asked them to not have him speak aside from gasps and noises of that kind which may even place him in the late 20's. I suppose Spector had said he could make Mickey an action hero but it was tougher with his voice.

    Also this is the Muppet Wiki page for the Fake-Kermit. It seems to say most of what I recalled.


  8. I have not read them since I got them about three years ago as monthly Boom singles but I think Kermit was not actually Kermit in that issue. He had hired a lookalike for a sketch but then he just sort of took over and tricked people into thinking he was Kermit so he could find the treasure or something to that effect.

    I also disagree with the assessment of Mickey but you know... Disney Stockholder. :/ They can make loads of things with him but I WILL agree that they don't know WHAT to do with him. In the late 00's they tired a lot of new things on House of Mouse (the cartoon where Mickey owned a nightclub that showed new cartoons of he and his friends) and before that there was Runaway Brain in 1995 but since then he has become much more vanilla to play to both the preschool and corporate crowds. It was almost shocking when Epic Mickey came out because he was being spunky and adventurous in a yes I'm going to say epic way that he hasn't in a VERY long time but one game is not going to rewrite what the public perception of him is.


  9. Why is it I feel anytime Mike & Dan get on the "you damn kids with your newfangled ways" soapbox I feel ashamed of my age group?

    Thanks for saying that there are always exceptions, Dan as I feel like one with my tastes in a lot of things. I could however just be blowing smoke up my own ass as Don Draper once said "Young people don't know anything, especially that they're young."

    P.S. Since you brought up Archie Bunker at one point. Did you like the spin off? I mean Archie/Carol has some good acting moments in the post Edith years but It's just not the same to me.


  10. HUGE props to Mike for editing this. I had a VICIOUS cough while we recorded this.

    I feel bad mentioning this now but just for the people who wanted BOTI to be swear free I thought I should mention around 58 mins in Dan says "that's like a fuckin' cartoon" and it went unbleeped juuuust before his bleepfest about the DJ.


  11. Added a few things as of late so here's my current list.

    Patrick Troughton

    Seeds of Death

    Peter Davison

    Black Orchid

    Resurrection of the Daleks

    The Caves of Androzani

    Paul McGann

    Doctor Who: The Movie - Special Edition

    David Tennant

    The Complete David Tennant Years

    Matt Smith

    A Christmas Carol (Blu-ray)

    Series Six, Part One (Blu-ray)

    Series Six, Part Two (Blu-ray)

    I also have some new series stories on DVD-R taped off of TV re-airings (and thus some are edited and some are not)

    Matt Smith

    Series Five.

    iTunes files

    Matt Smith

    Series Five.

    The Prequel Scene for: The Impossible Astronaut


  12. I'm just getting around to the episode now since the internet in this campus is terrible but before I keep on to it I have to say to Dan. I normally start my Christmas Shopping before Thanksgiving... Canadian Thanksgiving. Although I have started late because of my film acting college course taking up much of my time, I often start shopping in late Sept. to Early Oct. to get the jump on every body else. This does not always work however as the closer it gets to Christmas I find myself buying more gifts I can't afford simply because I love the holiday and also the fact that in the last few years other shoppers have been going earlier and earlier themselves. Oh well. I try to enjoy it all but could see your frustration.


  13. NOT Time and the Rani. I bought it because it was on sale, and I literally got seven minutes into episode one before I had to turn it off in disgust.

    Is it really THAT bad? I saw an online review of it but being only 22 mins with the hosts comments I have never seen the majority of the story proper.


  14. I'm not sure if this is really where to put this but the 'Trock' band Chameleon Circuit have just put out a new album called "Still Got Legs". It's on iTunes or if you liked songs like "Blink" , "Exterminate Regenerate", "Gallifreyan History 101", and "Journey's End" from Dan's Trock Special of Bigger on the Inside you should love this new bunch of trock tracks from the same team. If you want to try out the album before you buy it you can listen at


  15. Patrick Troughton

    Seeds of Death (Added Nov. 20th)

    Peter Davison

    Black Orchid (Added Aug 22nd)

    Resurrection of the Daleks

    The Caves of Androzani

    Paul McGann

    Doctor Who: The Movie - Special Edition

    Matt Smith

    A Christmas Carol (Blu-ray)

    Doctor Who: Series Six, Part One (Blu-ray)

    I also have some new series stories on DVD-R taped off of TV re-airings (and thus some are edited and some are not)

    David Tennant

    The Christmas Invasion

    The Runaway Bride

    Voyage of the Damned

    The Next Doctor

    Planet of the Dead

    The Waters of Mars

    The End of Time

    Matt Smith

    Series Five.

    iTunes files

    Matt Smith

    Series Five.

    The Prequel Scene for: The Impossible Astronaut


  16. I just showed my 61 year old Dad "The Eleventh Hour". He has enjoyed all the Harry Potter films both with and without me, the newest Star Trek film as well as some NextGen, random movies and cartoon episodes from Star Wars cannon, (It's not sci-fi but) this guy even enjoyed Scott Pilgrim which I was sure he was "too old" for and the tons and tons of superhero movies I have introduced him to over the years so I figured he'd like the Doctor especially my doctor since I'm always talking about the Matt Smith era to him. Unfortunately he turned to me at one point and said "And you like this?". I told my mom he hated it and he defended himself saying that he did not say he hated it just that "it was fine but I wouldn't invest a dollar in it". It makes me kind of sad and confused that he didn't like it but I suppose it's not for everyone and who knows he may like other kinds of stories or other doctors if he gives the show another chance. Anybody else have backfiring experiences introducing the show (Classic or new) to new people? :P
