Pablo Molinero

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Posts posted by Pablo Molinero

  1. Uh.... I've never played Paper Mario. Is this gonna play like a normal Super Mario game, or what? It says it's gonna be a 2D platformer, basically, but I can't but help feeling that the Paper aspect is somehow gonna be a change in gameplay.

  2. Am I the only one really annoyed by Zero Suit Samus? It was a love-hate relationship part of the game for me. The stealth-action was fun, but you were so poorly armed, there were some situations where neither fight or flight worked. I ended up getting killed, a lot (expessialy on hard mode). Honestly, how do that think they can make her effective with just that GODAWFUL stun pistol. Hate... stun... pistol...

    [/end rant]

    Well, then again, if they can make Ice Climbers work, anything's possible.

  3. Meh, the price tag sucks but it dosen't peticularly bother me. I wait for price-drops for and system I've owned, never buy at launch. And honestly, as a non-online gamer, I like the cheaper price option.

    I doubt the system will crash as terribly as some think but it'll certianly be a battle to lead the market.

    Oh, and good to hear about the controller, being back to normal.

  4. Hmmm... off the top of my head...

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I was always stuck as Donetello. Feh.

    The very first video game I recall owning: Might and Magic 3. I never questioned any of it's faults, it was wonderful.

    Pokemon. Thinking it was stupid initialy and then actually playing the game. That's the sole reason why we got a Game Boy Color.

    Oh lordy, and the card game... don't even get me started on that.

    Getting addicted to online play for the first time in my life, spending roughly a year devoted to Age of Mythology. I became quite the map creator in that game, it made me happy every time I saw one of my maps being played throughout the net.

    Enrique getting me sucked into not only wrestling, but the Oratory.

    The first console we owned: PS1, with Crash Bandicoot 2 as our first purchase. We saved for what seemed like forever to buy it.

    First great multiplayer experience we had was some form of Bomberman on the PS1, with our cheap, off-brand multi-tap and cheap, off-brand controlers that never worked right.

    Holy crap, can I ramble. I hope I didn't bore anyone to tears.

  5. I dunno, I went with Wookies just on the basis on an individual fight. A Wookie will tear anyone apart.

    The Luxons would lay waste to both at the same time though. :P

    Luxons are pathetic. They'll be annihilated by the Kurzics soon enough.

  6. Lets not. In fact, lets forget that it ever happened.

    Honestly, I thought Revolution was great, but I guess it was dumb of me to think that they'd stick with the code-name for the console. Wii... I dunno, I just don't like the sound of it (apart from all the obvious puns and jokes that are going to be made out of it). Sure, after they explain it, the name seems clever, but my initial thought was: That's really dumb.

  7. Fire Emblem: Path of Radience. I have no idea why, I really should get back to it.

    Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow, too. Beat the first mission and havn't picked it up since. Again, I have no idea why, probably was just sidetracked by a better game.

    Oh, and Ace Combat 4, which introduced me to the series, I almost never played. I got it as a Christmas gift, played it once in the mulit-player, thought it was crap and put it away for roughly a year. Probably thought about selling it a few times. When I started to play the campaign, though, I realized what a good game it was.

  8. Question: If I didn't like the first one, there's little hope I'll like this one, ya? I'm asking because I tried my damndest to get into the first game, but simply couldn't.

    Bar something drastic like a complete overhaul the combat and gameplay, I doubt I'll pick this game up. Perhaps when Zeypher's done with it, I'll steal it for a weekend, just to be sure.