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Everything posted by KnightWing

  1. X_x I think you broke my sanity.
  2. The cartoon looked and sounded pretty awesome, if perhaps only because it was Buffy back in high school, with more of a focus of the "fun" of those seasons. Maybe the new movie can recapture some of that? (Optimism!)
  3. Sort of... Those storylines are so much more "epic" and outlandish than the series that Whedon has said that if he got the chance to continue the series that he'd just start over and erase the new comics' continuity. People get pissed off when it rains. They'll have to get over it. I agree with Stavros; the real concept of Buffy is about a little blonde girl in high school who suddenly learns that she's the heir to this epic legacy and has to slay vampires. While the other slayers in the past or future are cool, their anchor point for the audience is Buffy. If it's not actually about Buffy--the blonde teenage wonder--then there's no point in even using the same franchise.
  4. 1. Transformers 2 2. Star Trek 3. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 4. Up 5. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
  5. Hmm.... could be cool, but do we need a remake? Is there really anything that can be gained from a modernization.
  6. Hmm... good point. Well, even if its quality didn't go down, Buffy and Angel are kind of "dead" in that their fanbase isn't enough to bring back the show, and everything's so complicated after 12 seasons that it'll be difficult to use the same chronology and get any new fans. I mean, can you imagine trying to explain the storyline to a newcomer? "Okay, that's Buffy. She's the Slayer, the one girl in all the world who is granted special powers to help defeat the forces of darkness, like vampires. Except that now she's done some spell dealie-thing to 'activate' all the other potential slayers, so now she's got a whole army. And she used to live in Sunnydale, California, which was sitting on top of a hellmouth--a center of mystical convergence--but that got destroyed, so she lives in Europe. That guy over there is Angel, who was a vampire and Buffy's former boyfriend who actually got a soul through a gypsy spell but can't find true happiness until he's made human again. He also has a half-vampire human son, who spent fifteen years in a hell-dimension, then had his memory wiped by an evil law firm. That other guy is Spike, who was a bad guy for a long time, then stalked Buffy, then decided to be good and earned a soul. Then he died, but came back. And there's Willow, who was/is a witch who turned evil then good again. She also randomly switched sexual orientations in the middle of Season 4. That other dude with the eye patch is Xander, who was once engaged to a former vengeance demon. And that's Giles, who's Buffy's mentor, whose girlfriend was once killed by Angelus--who was Angel after he slept with Buffy and turned evil. That's Dawn, who's Buffy's little sister that's not really her little sister--because she was actually a supernatural "key" created by monks to stop a demon god-being from opening a portal from her dimension to Earth, but as far as everyone knows, Dawn's been there all along, so they just pretend that she really is Buffy's little sister. No, really, it makes sense if you watch the show. And lastly, that's Faith, who's another slayer that was good, then evil, then really evil, then sympathetic evil, then repentant, then good. No, she is not the same character from Dollhouse.
  7. Exactly. Twilight was a joke. *Ba-dum PISH!* They're comparing it to Star Trek. Might that be a good example? I love Buffy as much as anyone (see my first response), but I do think that this idea has some credit. I think that in some ways, Whedon's writing held the show back as much as it helped it. ... I just realized something. They can't bring in Angel, or they'll be accused of stealing the "tortured vampire boyfriend" thing from Twilight. UGGHHHH...
  8. See, I hated season 4. It was all like "Buffy gets drunk" or "Buffy has sex 14 times in the same episode!" The Initiative just annoyed the heck out of me, as did all the villains. Spike, Angelus, the Master, and even The Anointed/Annoying One were more interesting to me. I do agree that Spike was great in that season, though. (and yes, "Hush" may be the best episode of the entire series) See, the entire story made me want to vomit. EWWWWWW.... EDIT: wait, I'm thinking of season 4 only. Season 3 wasn't so bad. What I mean is that if they can hit the "reset" button on the continuity and just have a new series of movies, it might be cool. I'd personally like it if they kept to the more gothic and vampire-centric tones of the early seasons, but hey, that's just me. I choose to retain optimism until I am disappointed by the trailer.
  9. Okay, after having several minutes of think-time, I've decided that this could actually be a really good thing. Buffy continuity got horribly convoluted after a while, and most fans agree that it was best in its first three seasons, when it was still pretty simple. If they can retain Whedon's clever writing style but keep his slightly disgusting soap opera stuff (anyone who's seen Buffy season 4 and Angel seasons 3&4 knows what I'm talking about) out of the sequels, it'll be great.
  10. WHAT? THE FLAMES OF HELL SHALL SMITE THOSE WHO DEFILE THE HOLY NAME OF BUFFY THE ALMIGHTY Seriously, Buffy is a franchise that doesn't need to be "reinvented." I can totally understand a restart of the franchise continuity, but, at the very least, Whedon should be the writer.
  11. Man, if only the other DCU figures in that scale were any good... I'd start collecting them.
  12. KnightWing

    Wii news

    Actually, we had Pikmin and Mario Power Tennis already. I'm happy for this new "trilogy" release; it's a great deal, and MP1 and MP2 are a couple of games that could actually use the new controls well.
  13. I'm saying that from there you just skip to the end of the season. The middle episodes aren't extremely important to the overall story; they mostly add side characters or add a tiny bit to the mythology that you could easily do in far less time. Besides, I think that having an exact adaptation would be a mistake. What they need to do is strip away the unecessary plot points and basically reduce each movie to the first and last episodes of each season.
  14. By keeping to the important highlights of the series. If they dedicate one movie to each season (as they're planning to), then they'll have plenty of time. Example: Book I Act 1: 0:00-Opening title sequence (adapted straight from the show) 5:00-Katara and Sokka rescue Aang from the ice 15:00-Zuko is introduced and attacks Aang 30:00-Aang, Sokka, and Katara leave the Southern Water tribe Act 2: 32:00-The gang goes to the now-empty Southern Air Temple 34:00-Aang realizes that he truly is the last Airbender. Melancholy guilt ensues. 38:00-the nature of the Avatar--including the reincarnation cycle and the Avatar State--is explained, and the "Aang must master all four elements and defeat the Fire Lord" plot is established. From there, they just have to throw in a flashback explaining Zuko's backstory and motivation, then have the whole "Helm's Deep on ice" battle at the Northern Water Tribe. They'd have to cut a lot out, but almost all of the really important developments are spread extremely thinly over the season, so it shouldn't be hard to compress it all. As much as I love Avatar, I really do think that people overestimate its need for extreme length.
  15. I meant Poison Ivy, actually. Yeah, I'm not a fan of Mystique's movie "costume" at all. Reptilian skin=/=hot.
  16. Isn't that how she is in the comics, too?
  17. So I saw it tonight. It was in no way bad, nor was it great. The visuals and sound are jaw-dropping, but the story just isn't there. There's really not much reason to care about the characters. It's definitely worth watching, but definitely not a must-see unless you're a die-hard Terminator fan (like me).
  18. Heheheh... That'd be hilarious. ^-^
  19. KnightWing

    PS3 news

    I don't quite believe the new "slim" picture. It's got a matte finish that doesn't match the new Sony "glossy" look, and it goes back to the old font from the PS2 era. Then again, maybe a newer, sleeker re-release of the console is what they really need to do now.
  20. If it's stylized correctly and done with the same level of quality that we've seen in any recent fantasy films, it should be fine. If it were a Fox film, I'd be worried, but Marvel Studios has proven with their latest films that they know how to do their properties right.
  21. His name, for one. Also, he's a bit more innocent and fun-loving like Tim was at that time during the comics, rather than aggressive like Jason. He basically has Jason's origin with more of Tim's later personality.
  22. Yeah, the first one had a Clover-like jaw, and the second one had its body, tail and all.
  23. Hmm. Apparently my post was moved from the now-ancient Cloverfield thread, edited, and moved to the Star Trek thread. Very sneaky, moderators. Verrry sneaky... I didn't realize that Slusho was so widespread; that's cool. I may have to start putting little signatures like that in all my writing.