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Everything posted by Ava

  1. Ava


    To be fair, Robin looked like that all the time.
  2. Ava


    I just watched an episode of Scooby Doo guest starring Batman and Robin. I guess Batman realized that he was jealous of Robin's beautiful bare legs and decided to show off his own. Because in one shot he was definitely pantless. Underwear and boots, yes. Tights, no. No, no, no.
  3. Are you sure Return of the Joker is the only thing you can watch instantly? I definitely remember seeing Mask of the Phantasm there. The thing that irritates me about Instant Watch is that when I tried to watch RotJ, it was the edited version. I couldn't find the uncut version anywhere on the site. Am I just not looking hard enough or is it actually not there?
  4. Ava


    A few things I just realized: If wizards knew how to use cellphones, Sirius Black wouldn't be dead. Also, most Hogwarts students probably don't know how to use basic algebra or even long division, having never received more than a 5th grade muggle's mathematical education on the subject.
  5. According to Merriam-Webster.com, "gotten" is the past participle of "get."
  6. Well, for better or for worse, any resemblance to Jennifer Aniston is entirely coincidental.
  7. Ava


    Last night my 7-year-old cousin suggested we play Batman together. Then he refused to be Batman ("Can we pretend Batman is dead or out of town for 5 years or something?") and declared that he would be Knightwing instead. He dueled an imaginary Two-Face with a sword while wearing an upside down Power Rangers mask. I, meanwhile, had the honor of being the most useless Batgirl ever. Still, at least I had a sword, too. I probably became about 10 times cooler in my cousin's eyes for knowing all about Batman. But I'm pretty sure my sister now thinks that I'm crazy. Just thought I'd share. =)
  8. My dad decided that we don't need a scanner, so I had to photograph this drawing instead. Needless to say, I am no expert photographer. Hence the quality of this image sucks. But yeah, here's Wonder Woman. Her face anyway. I'm terrible at realistic full body anatomy and all that stuff.
  9. Ava

    Things you want

    I want a really big desk to draw on. One that I don't have to share with my homework and books and whatnot. Also, I would love to have the ability to sleep past 6 am without being rudely awakened by sunlight streaming in through my huge, curtainless windows (which face east).
  10. I just started watching this show a few days ago. Mostly because I found out that Neil Patrick Harris is going to be in the musical episode and I wanted to see what this show was really about before I watched that one. And holy crap, it is AWESOME. I can't wait for the musical.
  11. Ava

    Good Batman comics?

    I actually did manage to read RIP because my library bought it, but it confused the crap out of me. Would reading Infinite Crisis/Final Crisis make me more or less confused by what's going on in the current Batman universe?
  12. Just finished the last few episodes of Arrested Development this afternoon. Wow. That was seriously one of the best shows ever.
  13. Those are some excellent points. =) My wording was definitely a bit strong - I agree that Superman's fighting style is not actually horrible. But I stand by my opinion that he is woefully inadequate at dodging. It doesn't take superspeed to duck, after all. And I did love "Twilight," and also the part in "Destroyer" where he kicks the crap out of Darkseid again. Also, I just realized that this wasn't quite the final draft of my story (I wrote it a while ago) - I'll fix it tomorrow and hopefully it will be a bit better.
  14. A column I wrote for one of my classes this year - one of the most fun things I've ever written. Fans of Superman, Batman, Bruce Timm, or DC Comics in general may already know that this fall we’ll be seeing another one of Timm’s wonderful Direct-to-DVD animated feature films, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies. We know that the film will be filled with action and fight sequences, many of them involving both superheroes and villains attacking our two protagonists. I love the dynamic between the Man of Steel and the Dark Knight, and thus am totally psyched about this movie, but I do have one question to ask – will this be the movie where Superman finally learns how to dodge? While I absolutely love Superman and have the utmost regard for him as a human being (yes, I know he’s Kryptonian by birth, but he was raised on a farm in Kansas), I am quite disappointed by the inconsistency of his fighting skills. The man doesn’t know how to dodge. Yes, he’s the Man of Steel. He won’t feel anything if a building falls on top of him. But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a building lying on top of him. That problem still stands. If a villain somehow throws the giant globe from the Daily Planet’s headquarters on top of him and then starts wreaking havoc upon the city of Metropolis, Supes is going to have to stop, lift the globe off his body, and fly really fast to catch up with the guy. It’s totally inefficient, and wastes valuable time. Superman is almost as fast as the Flash. He almost beat him in a race around the world. If the Flash is the fastest man alive, that means that Superman is the second fastest man alive, obviously. By that logic, he should be able to dodge pretty much anything that gets thrown at him (unless it’s the Flash, I suppose). But he doesn’t. Batman's much better at dodging and he doesn't even have super speed. Superman clearly hasn’t realized that dodging cuts fighting time in half, if not more. Not to mention that it’s actually very useful in avoiding Lex Luthor’s occasional kryptonite-beam guns. Kryptonite can actually hurt him. If he can’t dodge kryptonite, he’s done, as we’ve seen in the past. My second gripe with Superman’s fighting style? He doesn’t use his heat vision nearly as much as he should. It’s extremely handy to be able to destroy things from far away just by looking at them. The sooner Supes realizes this, the better. Why waste time attempting to punch through a giant robot when you can just use your heat vision to cut its head off? Boom. Problem solved, crisis averted. Now Superman has saved the day in a fraction of the time it would usually take him. And by taking out the bad guy quickly, he’s also prevented hundreds of innocent pedestrians from being crushed by the underside of an angry robot’s foot. We all know Superman loves saving people. That’s why he got into the cape-and-spandex business, after all. By using his heat vision, he could save more people with half the effort. I agree that sometimes he uses it, and to great effect. But it wouldn't hurt him to use it more often. I, however, am not one to complain about something without offering a valid solution. Since the upcoming film is going to involve Batman as well, it’s clear that our two caped friends will be spending quite a bit of time together. I suggest Batman take Superman to the Batcave, where they can spend some quality time together learning how to fight effectively. Bats is a world-renowned expert on avoiding projectiles, after all. He would be magnificent at teaching Superman how to dodge. And he could set up some great target practice sessions for the Man of Steel to improve his laser-vision shooting techniques. He’d be a wonderful teacher – the imminent threat of receiving the Batglare is a great incentive for anyone to learn how to do anything in general. And it thrills the very core of my Bat-fangirl heart to imagine the Dark Knight chucking his exploding batarangs at the Man of Steel in a dark corner of the Batcave. Author's note: Virtually all observations made in the above column were based solely on Superman's actions in the DCAU (namely Justice League). Also, Superman is awesome, and I am in no way claiming that he is not the coolest person ever when he's fighting Darkseid.
  15. Mongeese are pretty tough. I read a story once where a mongoose took down a cobra. It was intense. The illustration for the book showed blood down the mongoose's fangs and everything. So if you want a commission and you're willing to fight a mongoose for it, private message me, I guess. Is that right? I've never done commissions before. But I have a whole summer break to learn! Ah, sweet summer. (Even the 6 books I have to read for history will not destroy my first week of vacation.)
  16. Thanks, guys. =D That just made my day.
  17. Ava

    What are you reading?

    I'm going through all the Jeeves and Wooster short stories by PG Wodehouse. They're just about the funniest books I've ever read. I never thought I'd find a more awesome butler than Batman's Alfred, but I think Jeeves takes the cake. That man knows everything. Why is British humor so much more funny than American humor?
  18. Good news. My parents (after NOT seeing Rape Whistle Ronald) have decided that you aren't a mad axe murderer, Mike! Yay! Commission = yes! Also, thank you to everyone who likes my drawings. =D
  19. Yeah those are actually some of my favorites, too. (Though I think my number one favorite is Zatanna. She's awesome.) These are all actually about 2 - 2.5 inches tall each (except Clayface and Lobo). And I would love to do commissions but I don't really know if I can because I'm 16 and I don't know how cool my parents would be about me getting art commissions from random guys who I met on the internet. They might think you're a mad axe murderer or something. Though I could tell them that you host a bunch of podcasts and an entire website, and are therefore unlikely to have time to pursue a mad axe murdering career. That might put a rest to their fears. Of course, that was all purely hypothetical because I haven't actually asked my parents yet. So if you want I can ask them and then get back to you. =)
  20. I remember once seeing Donald Duck walk out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his legs... If he doesn't wear pants, why does he need a towel?
  21. Yeah, I pretty much realized that this morning after seeing his outfit in an episode of Justice League. I thought to myself, "Oh crap. My J'onn doesn't have any pants, does he?" =D Ah, well.
  22. Made with Sharpie and colored pencil. These were really fun to draw. =D Any thoughts? UPDATE: Uploaded more DCAU heroes/villains. Yay!
  23. Well, I joined a couple of months ago, but I haven't posted very much at all, so I shall introduce myself. My name is Ava, if that's not already evident. I love Batman. He led me to BTAS, Justice League, and subsequently World's Finest Podcast, which, of course, led me here to the forums. I discovered him and this whole world of geek culture after I saw Dark Knight late last summer. I also love Paul Newman and Monty Python. In my spare time I also draw and read. Right now I'm halfway through PG Wodehouse's "The Inimitable Jeeves." (I love British writers. How come they're so much funnier than Americans? And they have such cooler vocabularies, too.)
  24. The Master of Disguise and Bride and Prejudice (the Indian version of Pride and Prejudice) come to mind. Bride and Prejudice is horribly acted but some of the musical numbers are hilarious. "No Life Without Wife" is actually awesome. As is the cobra dance.
  25. Ava

    Good Batman comics?

    I'm a huge Batman fan but I've only ever seen him in the DCAU (and in those Youtube videos by the awesome Itsjustsomerandomguy) and I really want to read some of the comics. My local library does have a few which I've read (The Dark Knight Returns and Batman: Year One)...but it's not a big selection by any means and I would love some suggestions as to where I should begin.