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Everything posted by Ava

  1. Ava


    Today my sister and her friend came home and made some nachos for a snack. My sister asked me if I wanted some and I yelled at her that Batman does not eat nachos. Her friend was more than slightly confused. On a slightly different note, drawing little Flash and Batman together is quite possibly the most enjoyable part of the entire Justice Babies process. =D
  2. Dear random strangers, Please stop calling my phone. I am not interested in improving my mortgage rates, seeing as I don't have a mortgage. I am also not interested in any type of car insurance-related calls, seeing as I don't have a car (or even a driver's license, for that matter). Sincerely, Ava
  3. Ava

    Happy 17th, Ava!

    Aw, thanks, guys! =D This is awesome. Now I just have 365 days to watch all the R-rated movies I want before Justice Lord Batman comes looking for me.
  4. I saw two people cheating on a math test today. This one girl hadn't taken the test yet but she had one of the problems written down on a sheet of paper and she was asking this other guy to solve it for her. I hate cheating. D= Our stupid high-achieving schools make people think they haveto cheat to be successful. Not that I'm complaining about being in a high-achieving school. It's good, I know. I'm getting a great education, and I'm really thankful for that. But some parents put so much pressure on their kids to get all As and then some people feel like they have to cheat to fulfill expectations and get into college, etc. And then I feel bad for getting mad at people who cheat because there's so much pressure on everyone, but at the same time I still think that cheating is wrong, and I keep going in circles until I just get confused...argh.
  5. Ava


    I wish. That would have been so cool! Drivers Ed was just theoretical stuff, learning the rules of the road and so on. Very boring. From my practice test (paraphrased): [picture of a stop sign] "What does this sign mean?" a) Stop b) Slow down/stop only if there's someone there c) Do nothing And then a few questions later... "What do you do when you see a stop sign?" Apparently people don't know what stop signs are.
  6. Ava


    Finally finished Drivers Ed. Now I just have to schedule my permit test and learn how to actually drive in a car... I am not looking forward to this. I have a feeling I'm going to be acting exactly like Barney in that one episode of HIMYM: "God never meant for us to travel at such breakneck speeds!" [going at about 5 mph]
  7. Listen to Earth-2.net The Show, episode 41 and episode 333. Mike gives some excellent advice. Awesome, thanks. I'll definitely do that this weekend. =)
  8. I'm going to WonderCon on April 4th with my sister! ("Chuck" is going to be there! Adam Baldwin = win.) It's my first one! I'm psyched. Has anyone ever been/any advice for what to expect?
  9. Ava


    That would make so much sense! I was wondering what that big blue thing was.
  10. Ava


    I just found a wasp on my head. Where the hell did it come from?
  11. Forgot to post this earlier... Also... And my AP US History binder cover... PS: Justice Babies are now also posted here. =)
  12. Today I found that my sister had been keeping one of my jackets in her locker at school for like, a month. (She claims that I left it in her locker, but that's a total lie because I would never leave anything in her locker for more than a day. It's a black hole.) She's always taking my stuff! AHH. She's lost so many of my earrings, she takes my clothes without asking, and is just generally irresponsible. I know she's not doing it on purpose to spite me or anything, she's just super forgetful and disorganized. She's constantly losing things. But it is such a pain! Yelling at her clearly doesn't help. (I'm not very good at yelling, anyway.) I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to teach her how to be responsible with other people's things.
  13. Ava


    So.... does that mean that we might get to see some more of your ever-so-awesome Justice Babies art? Oh yes. =D Lots and lots of Justice Babies.
  14. Ava


    Yesterday one of my brother's friends stopped by and gave me some old art supplies of hers. I now have some new (small) canvases, paint brushes, a calligraphy pen, charcoal, and (my favorite) about 50 more colored pencils. Yay! I'm super-psyched to try out my new colored pencils. I finally have gray! (Which is such a boring color, I know, but I only had metallic silver before, which is rarely useful. Gray is much more helpful.) In other news, we experienced buckets of hail yesterday. It was so bizarre. The day started out sunny, then it started raining (but the sun was still shining), then it poured for about 10 minutes, and then the hail came down. Everything was covered in white.
  15. *fistbump* So excited for Psych's season finale next week! In other news, I saw Vertigo yesterday. It was good, but I wasn't that big of a fan of the ending. I prefer Psycho. It was much more creepy.
  16. Ava


    Yesterday I found out that someone I've known since elementary school (but have never really known very well) loves Dr. Horrible, The Guild, Arrested Development, and Psych. We need to hang out more.
  17. The power was out for the entire day today. It only just came back on. I couldn't go over notes for my history test tomorrow because all my notes are on my laptop (which wasn't charged). And it doesn't help that I'm sick and sleep deprived today.
  18. Ava


    In French class today we made masks and sang a Mardi Gras song. We also ate crepes and someone brought a very delicious cake. Probably the best class period we've had this year. (Though I think in May we're having a chocolate-tasting party, so that might have to win "Best Day in French" by default.) My mask has a Flash symbol on it to match my Flash shirt AND it has feathers on it. It's awesome. In other news, I found my sunglasses yesterday. Success!
  19. I made these drawings a while ago, actually, but I figure that since I still haven't finished the next Justice Babies comic, I might as well post these. Plus, it's Valentine's Day tomorrow. (Also, I finally put all the Justice Babies stuff on a blog! Hooray!)
  20. Ava


    This week I got a letter from Kenyon College with a picture of an owl on the envelope. The letter asks "Still waiting for your owl?" and then (briefly) compares Kenyon College to Hogwarts. Awesome.
  21. 3 Idiots - (Bollywood comedy)Very fun movie about 3 guys in an engineering college in India (probably supposed to be one of the IITs). It was a little too long (the film getting burnt out in the middle didn't help either), but overall it was excellent. The songs were not as awesome as I would have hoped, but they were still good. And there was this one part about all Gujarati foods sounding like words for missiles or something, which I never actually thought about before but it's totally true. Also, any time I see a Bollywood film I'm always sad that my parents didn't teach me how to speak Gujarati/Hindi when I was younger. Subtitles are no fun.
  22. This week I saw Star Trek, Psycho, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. I thoroughly enjoyed all of them, especially the last one. Words cannot describe my love for Paul Newman.