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Everything posted by Ava

  1. Ha! Now it's three to one (the third being the friend who made me start watching Buffy). My sister will have to yield to us eventually.
  2. What did you think? Also, how far into Angel are you? Loved it. Everything with Spike was pretty awesome (though I would like to stress the fact that I am still on Team Angel). Also, Felicia Day and Nathan Fillion! On an overall note, the character development on this show was amazing. Like Anya, for example. Random vengeance demon becomes part of the team and it totally works. (They do that a lot, don't they...pick out random characters to become big players in assorted apocalypses, etc.) It's really amazing how they developed all these different aspects of people's characters. Great writing. Also, one season left of Angel. I am sensing bad things with this whole Wolfram and Hart thing. (I know, I'm very astute.) On the bright side, my sister and I will no longer be arguing about whether we should watch another episode of Buffy vs another one of Angel, since her dearly beloved Spike is now in LA with the team. I thought I raised her better than that... =) Not that I don't like Spike. He's got the nice cheekbones and the accent and all, yeah. But basically Angel just wins.
  3. Getting sick right before my physics final = not the best plan.
  4. It's the end of an era. Last night I finished Buffy.
  5. I have a physics final on Monday. It is going to suck. First of all, we never learn anything in that class, which means I essentially have to teach myself an entire year's worth of physics in one weekend. Second of all, we're not even taking a test that our teacher wrote. We're taking the other teacher's final. WE ARE NOT IN HIS CLASS. WE DID NOT COVER EVERYTHING HIS CLASS DID. On top of that, I have a headache and I can't watch Buffy/Angel again until I'm done studying. God, I'm pissed off. I have never disliked a class so much. Ever.
  6. Ava


    Yeah, people definitely did that this year. Practically everyone was sitting out on the quad waiting for them. It was crazy. =D
  7. Ava


    Seniors at my school have a tradition to streak during lunch during the last few weeks of school. Last year there were about five of them. This year? Fifty. Quite an experience.
  8. Ava


    The streakers came early this year...
  9. Buffy season 6 and Angel season 3. Buffy: "Once More With Feeling" was awesome, of course. Angel: Connor was adorable. Well, until the end, anyway. And Cordy and Wesley imitating the Buffy/Angel relationship was definitely one of my favorite moments. ("Just because I sent you to hell that one time doesn't mean that we can't just be friends. Or possibly more!")
  10. I just found out I got over 2300 on my SAT! (out of 2400) I was also told by my history teacher that my group did a great job on our presentation today (it was on atomic age cinema - very fun!), AND my friend just burned me a CD of all the Buffy songs from "Once More with Feeling." Apart from a likely-failed math quiz, I had a great day today. =D
  11. Buffy the Musical was all kinds of awesome.
  12. Finished season 5 of Buffy and season 2 of Angel yesterday. Buffy: Spike is just awesome. I mean, Angel's still number one for me, but Spike is amazing nonetheless. (Except for the Buffybot. Hilarious, yes, but also more than a bit creepy.) I didn't really like Glory though. As a big bad she was just...I don't know. Something about her just bugged me. Overall the season was good, though. Angel: Okay, this show rocks. Angel is just awesome. When they go into that other dimension and he starts staring at his reflection and messing with his hair, plus that whole "why am I not on fire" thing...I really enjoyed that. =D I love how Angel gets to be funny this season. Apart from the whole depression thing, anyway... Overall, I preferred Angel. My sister, the Spike fan, preferred Buffy. I am sensing a pattern here...
  13. Finished my last AP test today! The hardest part of the year is over, until finals anyway. And now that the APs are done, my two AP classes are essentially finished. In French we'll be learning about chocolate and having chocolate-tasting parties, and in history we're doing a fun group project for the rest of the year. So basically I'll have only 4 classes for the rest of the year. As I'm writing this I'm realizing how truly awesome that is. 4 classes. That is so cool. To add more good news, my brother's coming home for the weekend! I'm excited. =D
  14. Ava


    Today at my soccer game a girl told me to get the fuck out of her way while I was shielding the ball from her. She later elbowed me in the face, fouled our outside mid about five times, and eventually got a yellow card. She didn't score and we won the game. Good times. Apart from the 1.5 hour drive, anyway. That was just way too long. Though I suppose it was helpful because I was able to study my French vocabulary for the AP test tomorrow. Did you know that cotton candy translates to "Dad's beard" in French?
  15. Ava


    SAT = way easier than I expected. I managed to incorporate Buffy into the essay! But man, am I exhausted. A 5 hour test followed by a soccer game followed by homework and studying...blargh...
  16. This weekend is going to be hell. Apart from the SAT tomorrow, I have 2 AP tests next week I have to study for (along with a history test Monday), 2 soccer games, and a physics research paper to write. Oh, and a timeline for history. AND my math homework.
  17. Ava


    We finally ordered a scanner, so it should be coming in two weeks. Finally, I'll be able to finish some more Justice Babies after a long week of AP tests and SATs. (God, I'm not looking forward to next week. So much stuff to do...) Also, I just saw a Sarah Michelle Gellar lookalike on my Facebook home page. Apparently some random friend of my friend looks very much like Buffy.
  18. Buffy season 4: I preferred the previous seasons. Maybe it was something about adjusting to the whole college thing. And the fact that Angel wasn't there. But it's still quality television. Angel season 1: Very cool. Especially because we get to see Angel a lot (which makes sense, considering it's his show...) and I'm really starting to love David Boreanaz. Highlight: Angel imagining himself dancing at Cordelia's party. Epic. =D
  19. Hey, high school isn't so bad (for me, anyway). The only bad thing about high school is the stress about college. Middle school, in my experience, was the awful one. (At least until 8th grade. That's when I discovered Paul Newman. Ah, good times...)
  20. Ava


    Got back from spring break in LA last night. UCLA looked really nice... I do NOT want to go back to school tomorrow. I mean, dammit, I'm not even halfway through season 4 of Buffy. And Angel! I've barely started Angel and now I have to go back to school and think about college and the future and driving and stuff. This sucks.
  21. Ava


    Update: Not going to prom. Yay! Apart from the fact that I didn't actually want to go in the first place, I have SATs the next weekend and AP tests coming up soon, so instead of a prom party, I'll be having a study party! Much more fun. (Also going to LA for spring break next week. Hooray college visits.)
  22. Ava


    So apparently I'm going to prom...My best friend, who told me to come, has a date. And she's really my only friend who's going...which, of course, means I'm going to be the third wheel. If I can just figure out a way to get my sister (a freshman) there, then I'm set. Otherwise it's going to be super awkward. And now I have to buy a dress. I hate shopping. D=
  23. I got to see a preview of tomorrow's Chuck episode at WonderCon today, and it was totally awesome. Also, Netflix Instant Watch has now convinced me to watch Buffy, so I'm about 4 episodes in and it's pretty great so far. =D
  24. Ava


    Wow. Calculus is so cool. I can now calculate the area under a curve AND determine the slope of a curve at any given point. THIS IS SO AWESOME. (Totally not sarcastic by the way. This is the coolest thing we've learned in math since...I don't even know. Factoring? Trig identities?) On a completely separate note, how early should one go to stand in line at WonderCon for a "Chuck" panel tomorrow? I've been hearing/reading advice to go early to stand in line for popular panels (I'm guessing Chuck will be reasonably popular), but how early is early? 20 minutes, an hour? My sister and I really want to get good seats.