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Everything posted by dc20willsave

  1. Said quote is from Booster Gold #2 written by Johns so while I'm sure his love of Hal will win out, he has set up that Guy is going to do something big.
  2. First off, Booster did save Ted, it's just that saving Ted created a timeline where Max Lord pretty much killed every meta and ruled the earth so Ted chose to die rather than let it happen. Actually, in Geoff John's last issue on Booster Gold, he leaves a hint that Beetle might not be so dead. As for the Guy Gardner thing, let's clear things up a bit. It involves time travel so a headache may occur: Sinestro was told by a time traveler that Guy would become the greatest Green Lantern, Guy meets Sinestro before it was supposed to happen, gets chosen instead of Hal, Guy dies from a yellow plague, Sinestro starts the Sinestro Corp early, takes over the universe. As is, Booster just kept them from meeting and made sure Guy talked to his dying father before he passed on. So, as you put it, Booster did not fuck over Guy, he saved Guy's life and the time stream went on like it was supposed to.
  3. I know it sounds like a broken record but Battletoads. Never been able to get past that fucking tunnel. Re: Contra, yeah, it's incredibly imposable without using the Konami code. With the code, it just becomes improbable.
  4. I can't get mad at Steve coming back to being Cap like I am with Barry coming back. Brubaker has said in a couple of interviews that he'd originally planned to have Steve back in about six months but was later convinced to postpone it (a wise choice in my opinion.). It's something that has always been in the cards. Besides, Bucky will probably be around in some degree, I'd say as the new Nomad if it weren't for the female Bucky taking that mantle.
  5. dc20willsave


    Umm, Robin, I hate to tell you this but Batman isn't coming back. If you can't even hang yourself properly, he's going to just cut his losses and look up Jason Todd in the phone book after a quickie with Catwoman.
  6. In no particular order and not including anime: 10. Daria 9. The DCAU 8. Beast Wars 7. Reboot 6. The Venture Brothers 5. X-Men (90's) 4. G. I. Joe 3. Darkwing Duck 2. Gargoyles 1. Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego Honorable Mentions: *Chip and Dale: Rescue Rangers *Moral Orel *Duck Tales *Transformers *The Simpsons
  7. Not completely Blackest Night related but from Newsarama: So, I'm kinda excited and hey Mike called it back in Earth-2.net The Show 327.
  8. dc20willsave


    Huh. That is possibly the geekiest thing that I have seen today. I am staggered.
  9. It's actually bad that the episodes with Tennant were probably the most average ones so far this season. Oh well, it happens.
  10. Rewatching Evangelion, just finishing up the last few episodes. Should be on The End of Evangelion by later this week.
  11. You'd think kids would have the common sense to try to hide the stuff they do. When I was in high school, I did some heavy stuff but at least I had the common sense not to go around bragging about it. It's the damn illusion of infant immortality. In the cartoons and media we watched growing up, characters died all the time. Nowadays, character death never happens. Even The Lion King isn't capable of introducing kids to the concept of death early on. It becomes a foreign concept and therefore something that can never happen to them. They're never in danger and any amount of sex and drugs will not change that. Then again, maybe kids are just idiots who don't give a fuck. Your call.
  12. Don't feel bad Mike. That said, the first major political event I can remember if coming home from Third Grade with a bottle of Crystal Pepsi to watch the Inauguration Ceremony for President Clinton.
  13. Was hoping for the poll but oh well. I vote for Dodo being less useful than Victoria, mainly because at least in Victoria's last appearance, she did something, if at least making the screaming useful. Dodo shows up with barely any explanation and then just disappears with little explanation and I can barely remember her doing much in the meanwhile.
  14. Glad I've been holding out on buying any of the specials so far. Now I just need a price drop on the older seasons or them to at least be on sale for the holidays.
  15. Sweetness. Here's a preview clip from YouTube. In other news, good episode of Sarah Jane last night. Looking forward to the next part tonight. As a little primer for those of you that don't watch Sarah Jane but are just going to watch this story for the Doctor:
  16. Dressing up for work then the Adventurer's Guild Halloween party. I have the feeling more people will think I'm a zombie then think I'm Grundy.
  17. Everytime I hear somethingnew about this movie, it makes me more and more excited. It feels like it's going to be more High Fantasy than a Comic Book movie.
  18. dc20willsave


    I suddenly remember why I don't shave. It feels funny and kinda itchy. There's something just not normal about a smooth face.