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Everything posted by dc20willsave

  1. Ian, honey, do you need a drink, maybe some ice tea?
  2. Seriously, its scarier than that Cat-guy a few pages back.
  3. My bets are either Nathan or Sylar. Mind you this all depends on the show surviving this season.
  4. dc20willsave


    Rejected Playboy Cartoon Cover Girls. Some are vaguely NSFW.
  5. New trailer for Series 3 of Sarah Jane which starts on the Thursday. A healthy dose of The Tenth Doctor in the trailer as well.
  6. According to her Twitter, Gail Simone is co-writing the Suicide Squad issue. I officially go from pretty much wanting that issue to wanting to buy this issue dinner, maybe take it out dancing afterward.
  7. I'm kinda looking forward to both the Suicide Squad and The Question issues. Edited since Mike beat me to the punch.
  8. Kinda sick to my stomach. This isn't a good thing.
  9. Chuck Austen- Uncanny X-Men: She Lies With Angels. I do not care for Austen's work in the least bit. That said, I did like this one arc on Uncanny if for no other reason than Icarus would go on to be one of my favorite characters on New X-Men before the title turned into a bloodbath and his character got a little derailed. Jeph Loeb- Hush. I love Hush. Yes, it has it's problems but it's still one of my favorite Batman stories.
  10. I have never seen Wall-E until today. I was moved.
  11. And the bane of Mariah Carey's career. Don't forget about that.
  12. Watched all of Spaced this morning. This might possibly be the most brilliant thing I've seen in a while. Also, no one should ever leave me alone in a room with Simon Pegg, otherwise I'm not responsible for the things I would offer to do.
  13. Destructoid has a bit more info. As a Disney fan, the fact that they're reaching out to the continuity and the stuff of the past is just rocking.
  14. Choclate chunk brownies. Pretty tasty really. They apparently reconciled so I don't have to play supportive roommate at least.
  15. Kids, I've just learned a very important lesson: Never live with a couple, especially one you think might be on the verge of collapse. You will not get any sleep and have to comfort one of them sooner than later. Glad I made brownies earlier.
  16. The more I think about it, the more the new logo does make sense. I say this because the retro feeling to it follows the feeling that this might be a return to the old. Hasn't it been said somewhere that Matt Smith's face is going to appear in the opening credits like in day of yore? This could be Moffat taking a turn for the nostalgic. If so, maybe we could get an appearance of the original series Cybermen?
  17. The title does call back to the original series but I agree that it seems a little too rooted in the old. Still, the DW Tardis is kinda grand.
  18. Was watching Advent Children on Blu-Ray and they had a trailer for XIII on it. I don't believe I have seen a prettier looking game on the PS3 or any other console of this generation. It seriously feels like a game I could just sit back and watch.
  19. Holy shit, this game is real!
  20. Great first episode. Looking forward to hearing your coverage of Animal Man next week. Are you planning on covering Grant Morrison's writing on Doctor Who during one of your "Fifth Week" events?
  21. dc20willsave

    DW is 25!

    Happy Birthday. May then next three quarters of your life be eventful and pleasant.
  22. dc20willsave


    Spending the day at a Comic book convention=Epic Awesome. In other news, a guy builds his son a hanging Y-Wing Bed.
  23. dc20willsave


    Until Mike changes his avatar to John Simm, he ain't no Master in my eyes. Seconded.
  24. dc20willsave


    He did just ask me to do a Countdown retrospective solo.... ...wow. That is mean. It might also explain my sudden desire to write down Mike as the best barista at my local Starbucks even if he doesn't work there. So, I just watched an episode of James Bond Jr. and Goldeneye actually plagiarized from that dung heap. The plot of the first episode is that the villains want a device in James Bond's Ashton Marten that can apparently wipe out electronics and financial records in a 50 mile radius and the big bad is going to use it on London. I don't know the wisdom of letting a teenage boy use that car is if it can do that and I knew something seemed familiar about Goldeneye. Unluckily, no one orgasming people to death.