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Posts posted by jakob1978

  1. It means that all is right with the world once again. The Zygons (shapeshifting alien conquerors) are arguably the greatest one-off monsters of the classic era and it's been criminal that they never returned.

    And I have to say, as negative as I was about the first pic of the redesigned Ice Warriors, I love the pic of the new zygon. It's got all the qualities of the original but looks modern too

    But please..no Nick Briggs voicing them all

  2. Nick Briggs did a lot of work during the wilderness years to keep fandom excited, and was instrumental in the early success of Big Finish, and he does pretty great Dalek voices, so I understand giving him the work.

    But yes, it's time to give other voice artists a chance.

    I'm fine with him doing Dalek voices (although I'd love to see them get someone else to do them alongside him to give a little variety, the way they did throughout the classic series). I just want more variety throughout :)

    I also find it bizarre theyre using a voice over for the Ice Warriors because looking at the pics they're like the originals with the whole chin and mouth visible. Why not let the actors do the voices (and treat them a little if needed). That worked fine for all the previous versions.

  3. Remembrance of the daleks is a superb book, I completely recommend it. I've not read the others (I only read the NAs, when the license went back to the BBC I stopped reading regularly).

    And in other news, I see from Doctor Who magazine that the Ice Warriors will be voiced, not by the actors playing them, but by guess who? Nick Briggs. Is anyone else as sick as I am at him voicing pretty much every alien since the show came back? It's one of the nice things about the Ood, them using a different actor to do all the voices. Maybe it's just that I find him irritating in interviews clouds my judgement lol

  4. Hmm, I hate to sound like the grumpy old school fan that I am lol. But I don't like it. I'm hoping its just the traditional new who "bad promo pic" as with the first photos of the cybermen and the sontarans, which then looked much better onscreen.

    I think it looks too rubbery, I don't like the loss of the hair. And while they have slimmed the body down, the shoulders are still wide which gives it an odd proportion. And I miss the Lego hands

  5. I think the record ratings for this episode are hugely down to Kylie. In the UK she's been a big star (on and off) since the mid 80's when she got her first big break as an actress on the Australian soap opera "Neighbours" which was huge in the 80's. I still remember how big her wedding on that series was (despite it being a daytime show). And then she became a pop star and has never looked back really.

    It's interesting that this is really the start of the couple of years where you can read extensive behind the scenes info from RTD's book. If anyone hasn't read it, i really recommend it, because you really get lots of stories behind how these episodes were written and how they evolved.

    Can i ask though for more detail on the strange snow tradition you were talking about. I've never heard of that and i couldn't quite follow exactly what it involved :)

  6. Fascinating interview with Stephen Moffat in this months DWM.  Not much about the new series, it's more going into his whole philosophy about the series.  But some interesting comments about the new Daleks

    It was always vaguely my thought that all we'd ever do with those big new ones was that they would just be an officer class.  You remember how in Planet of the Daleks, a chief Dalek appears, that's different to all the other ones?  I just thought it would nice if you had an officer class.

    Not sure I full believe that they built all those new casings just to have them be officers, I wonder if that's just damage control after how unpopular they were.

    Most fun titbit about a new episode though (under the spoiler cut)

    There's every kind of Dalek in this one, we're going to have the most Daleks we've ever had on screen ever - but they will be from every era, quite deliberately.  Even the special weapons Dalek!

  7. I think the actress who played Morgaine used to be Jon Pertwees wife as well

    She was indeed (although long before either appeared on Doctor Who, from 1955 to 1960).

    In the 80's she had a run of playing OTT witch like characters....her most famous being in Willow and in Return to Oz.

  8. some interesting tweets from one of the FX guys (now deleted), coupled with a pic that Steven Moffatt posted under the spoiler cut -

    Job Saturday, watching Dr Who's Daleks explode at the Dr Who studios Wales. Working with Real SFX.

    Call time confirmed 08.00 at the Dr Who studios, for Dalek explosions. Looking forward to this one, big fan of the Daleks.

    Dr Who set looking good, plenty of Dalek mayhem, Dalek FX explosion went very well, just.

    Working late on Dr Who tonight, it was interesting to see all original Daleks since 1960 in one episode.

    The gun area of the Dalek just missed me, whilst it flew past burning!


    I know the new series designs have their fans, but for me...that design dalek is just the best ever

  9. Silver Nemesis is incredibly boring, and the fact that the resolution is basically a carbon copy of "Remembrance" (The Doctor allows a mystical item from the Time Lord's past to be captured by an enemy, have the enemy use it...but whoops, the Doctor's already preprogrammed it to destroy them) is bizarre...I have an intense dislike of Eric Saward, but i think even he as script editor would notice the same storyline in two shows in the same series.

    I love the Greatest Show though...The Chief Clown is one of the creepiest villains for ages...I just love the whole atmosphere of it.

    It'll be really interesting to hear what you think of Ghost Light...it really is a story that splits fandom. Personally, i love it.

  10. Remembrance is one of my fave stories, the faults you point out have never really bothered me, except for the Dalek's talking too much instead of shooting...and that's really only the episode 2 cliffhanger which really bothers me.

    Regarding the "Roll-on Deodorant" casing that Davros is inside, it's inspired by the Dalek comic strip from the 1960's, in which the Dalek Emperor was a golden dalek with a globed head -


  11. the three parters really work well. It's interesting because in effect, the 3 McCoy seasons were filmed as 2 four parters and 1 six parter. The 2 three parters were filmed in a block (like they do with todays show) with the same director and behind the scenes crew. They rejigged the budget so instead of a 6 parter, with location and studio, they made one story completely on location (Delta and the Bannermen, Silver Nemesis and Survival), and one story completely in the studio (Dragonfire, Happiness Patrol and Ghostlight).

  12. ah it's working now.

    a good episode, although I couldn't disagree with Dan more about the theme and titles...I really do love them. The logo isn't a fave, but i don't mind it (and prefer it (and the theme come to that) to anything the new series has brought us so far). I'd happily listen to that theme on my Ipod any time :-)

    I'd also disagree about McCoy, I think he's a pretty good actor, although he does have a couple of limitations...mainly he's not as effective at scenes where he needs to be angry. this first season though, he and the show are both finding their feet, and ti's not really till towards the latter half that it settles down...Still after that, the 2 seasons that follow are some really good stuff (for me, of the 8 stories there's 4 absolute classics, 2 good, 1 average and 1 awful story)

  13. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I load up iTunes on my iPod, go to bigger on the inside and this is the list which it brings up..the new episode hasn't shown up at all yet (I'm in the UK but I don't think that should make a difference)


  14. Just listening to the beginning of this episode and I feel i have to point out just for the record, that the "Look at the Date on that" regarding the TV signals in space story, wasn't to look at the year, but the rest of the date..."April 1st"...it was an April Fool story.

  15. Is it wrong that I kinda fancy Captain Wrack?

    Not at all. She's an attractive older woman. She just devoured the scenery.

    I love Lynda Barron (She's predominately known for comedies over here), but i think my fave Who role for her is as the singer of "The Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon" from the Gunfighters :-)