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Posts posted by jakob1978

  1. a really fun episode :-)

    You should get used to the Master having complicated convoluted plans, some of his future ones are just bizarre lol. I have to say that, while I think that Ainley's performance does drift into pantomime, there are flashes of great performances throughout...and his last story, I think is his best performance. I just love it.

    Regarding fans of the time not having seen the old Doctors, they actually would, because between Logopolis and Castrovalva there was a season of repeats, with one story from each Doctor. The stories shown were An Unearthly Child, The Krotons, Carnival of Monsters, The Three Doctors and then Logopolis.

    Peter Davison is probably the best actor (along with Troughton) to have played the Doctor in the classic series, and it's no coincidence that they were the two who never really suffered any typecasting and continued to work without problems (Davison has pretty much been constantly on TV since leaving the show).

    Can't wait to hear the next show...whilst Four to Doomsday is a bit...well..crap, Kinda is one of my all time favourite stories.

  2. Really? That goes against what both the BBC and Moffat have already announced for 2012.

    Yep, you'd think between them that Moffat, the BBC Press Office and the Controller of BBC1 (who is literally the head guy a the channel) could get a story straight...unless something has changed in the last week or so.

    Of course, let's look on the bright side....it could mean that they delay the 2012 series till Autumn, maybe show 6 or 7 episodes, then show the remaining episodes in early 2013, and a full series in the Autumn, leading up to 23rd November (which lands on a Saturday) with a 50th anniversary special. ah, i can dream can't I :-)

  3. So the Doctor Who forums are abuzz about some comments made by Danny Cohen (Controller of BBC1), in which he suggests that there won't be a full series next year. He was giving a talk at a conference (search for #cmn11 on twitter)

    Danny Cohen says there won't be a full series of Doctor Who in 2012, but a special run for the anniversary in 2013. #cmn11

    Limited episodes of Dr Who in 2012 says Danny Cohen - gets a boo at #cmn11

    Danny Cohen says Dr Who break is because Stephen Moffat needs to work on Sherlock! Good to have both on the Beeb! #cmn11

    @DrWho gets only a limited series in 2012 because apparently @steven_moffat needs to sleep!!! #cmn11

  4. Aww...sad to hear that Roy Skelton has died...for British fans of a certain generation he's probably best known for voices he did for a legendary kids show called Rainbow (in a mere 993 episodes), but he had an association with Doctor who for 22 years during the classic series (from "The Ark" in 1966 up to "Remembrance of the Daleks" in 1988).

    For me, he's the definitive voice of the Daleks, which he voiced in "Evil of the Daleks" and then in almost every Dalek story from "Planet of the Daleks" up to Remembrance, but he also did the original creepy Cybermen voices in their debut story.


  5. Moffat responds to a query about the scheduling of Series 7. There's a lot of discussion about whether part of the reason for this years split series is to prepare for the show being on in the Autumn next year (especially given the Olympics in London are on in the first part of the year which will cause havoc with the BBC's schedules), but obviously it's all just wild speculation at this point. I'd be almost certain that there's no firm plans for when it will be shown at all yet.


    “Okay, here it is – the best answer you can have. I don’t know. If I did know, I wouldn’t tell you. When I DO know, what I know will change, so I won’t really know then either. And then it will change again, so I still won’t really know. And if, secretly, I’d really known all along, I’d still be telling you I don’t know, because everything I said I knew, could be wrong, so I’d never really have known in the first place.

    “Quantum security – I don’t know AND it’s a secret.

    “I’m glad I’ve been able to clarify this for you.”

  6. Series 7 (and Matt Smith) confirmed (there had been some rumours that they were having another gap year with only 4 specials, so it seems these are all in reply to that rumour) -

    from the BBC1 Head of Commissioning -

    #DoctorWho is returning. Fourteen new episodes have been commissioned with Matt Smith as The Doctor #bbc1

    — Sam Hodges (@SamHodges)

    June 7, 2011

    #DoctorWho is returning. Fourteen new episodes have been commissioned with Matt Smith as The Doctor #bbc1

    And from Steven Moffat -


    14 eps + Matt DEFINITELY. I've got a plan and I'm NOT TELLING YOU WHAT IT IS. Now hush or River shoots you with her Spoiler Gun.#formaqueue


    @Arch6000 13 plus Xmas is what I mean. Keeping it brief, that's all.
  7. There is really only one question to ask: Why was Neil Gaiman the first person to come up with that idea? Because he was the only one crazy enough to think of it?

    The idea of the TARDIS being given a form has actually been done before. It was a comic mini, Doctor Who: The Forgotten. Pretty good read since it shines a spotlight on all the Doctor's through Ten.

    in the eighth doctor novels, one of the Doctor's companions, "Compassion", is actually a sentient TARDIS in human form, so it's an idea that's been used before, but this is the first time for the TV show

  8. Another great podcast

    I view these 2 stories as a bridge between the two eras of Williams/JNT, once we get past these 2 it really feels like they're a bit more sure of themselves for the rest of the series.

    I LOVE the new theme, and quite like the new title sequence (although i think it works better in the Davison/Colin Baker era). and i really like the neon Logo (and LOVE the McCoy logo :D).

    Thanks, jakob. On the subject of the McCoy logo, though... you're wrong. :D In fact, there's nothing about the McCoy titles I don't LOATHE. I hate Keff McCulloch's version of the theme, the CGI, even for the time, was abysmal, and the wink. Dear God in Heaven, the WINK.

    Oh I love the music and titles...the logo is my least favourite, but the CGI isn't that bad (I think the Tardis looks great in it) and i find it a really interesting set of titles. I'm not so keen on the way they've painted Sylv silver, but i don't mind the wink :D

    in fact, there isn't a version of the theme from the classic series that I don't love (yes, even the Trial version)...at least they're doing something different, as opposed to the new series which keeps trying to do new themes, but keep them close to the original and falls inbetween for me...they're too slavish to the original Delia Derbyshire theme, but can't match the classicness of it...they should either use the original, or go furthur away from it.

  9. Another great podcast

    I view these 2 stories as a bridge between the two eras of Williams/JNT, once we get past these 2 it really feels like they're a bit more sure of themselves for the rest of the series.

    I LOVE the new theme, and quite like the new title sequence (although i think it works better in the Davison/Colin Baker era). and i really like the neon Logo (and LOVE the McCoy logo :D).

  10. hmmm...not a bad episode, but not a great one...a bit of a generic greatest hits of Moffatt.

    of course the rest of the episode will be overshadowed by....

    the ending, who is the girl? why is she regenerating? could she be Amy's child...seems a bit obvious, could she be River Song? I really have no idea at all

    I'm not trying to pick on you, Jakob, given my last post, but repeating certain tropes in a story does not make it bad if it fits the context of the episode. Words like "hmmm", "generic" and "greatest hits" not only give off negative connotations but is kind of undermined by the obvious interest you have in the season given what's in your spoiler tags.

    I'm going to leave it at that, lest I start looking like an apologist. Have fun, Yanks!

    I've been a fan since the early 80's, and whatever happens, i'm going to watch the series. The negative connotations were intentional because i found a lot of the aspects of this two parter disappointing. It wasn't an awful story, and there have been far worse, but that's my reaction.

    As to the "spoiler tags", well...without giving spoilers, the scene i'm talking about had very little to do with the rest of the story...it was a teaser for the rest of the series and my "interest" in it, doesn't have much to do with the rest of the story.

    Regarding your first point that repeating certain tropes doesn't make it bad if it fits in the context of the episode...well, yes, you may be right, but too many repeating elements just seems....i don't want to say lazy, but it's like a magician doing the same trick over and over...it may still be impressive, but you're just thinking "show us something new".

    incidently, did i miss something or

    where in 1969 did they find the "dwarf star alloy" or whatever it was that they used to build the cell in the beginning

  11. hmmm...not a bad episode, but not a great one...a bit of a generic greatest hits of Moffatt.

    of course the rest of the episode will be overshadowed by....

    the ending, who is the girl? why is she regenerating? could she be Amy's child...seems a bit obvious, could she be River Song? I really have no idea at all

  12. I'm still not sure about it...there was a lot to like, the character interaction was superb, but I hated the comedy bit at the beginning (what was the point??) and it felt a bit padded at times. The aliens at this point are creepy looking, but are basically a slight twist on the Angels.

    I'd give it 6 out of 10

  13. That blows. Bet there's going to be a In Honor thing on Saturday's episode. Going to watch School Reunion now. Looking around, they had filmed three of the stories for Series 5 of the Sarah Jane Adventures. What's really sad? The title of the last aired episode of Sarah Jane was "Goodbye Sarah Jane."

    I hope there'll be a joint one to her and Nick Courtney.

  14. I don't really get the love for Shada...yes, the location work looks nice, but i can't imagine (however much money they'd saved on other stories) the scenes set off earth matching the ambition of the writing. And it has all the flaws of many other stories of this era. I'm not a huge Adams fan (although I love the original TV series of Hitch Hikers), so maybe that clouds my appreciation of his Doctor Who work, but aside from City of Death, there's nothing else he's done on DW that i particularly like.

    I'm intrigued by Dan's comment about this being the worst season yet, but that others in the future will run it close...I'm not sure I'd agree, I suppose S24 is the obvious one, but i'm not sure i'd put it worse than this or S16 (and i'd put S16 as worse than S17).

  15. Laugh in a genuinely funny way, or laugh in a "this is so terrible" kind of way?

    Bit of both really, but more the actual fun of the show. Yes I can see some of the faults (The Co-Pilot rips his trousers quite early in the show, and it stays that way for most of the show!!), but on the whole i think it works as a story far better than most of the rest of S17 (Far better than Nightmare of Eden, Creature from the Pit, Shada) and most of Series 16 too (but then i've never been a fan of the Key to Time).

    I do agree that Tom Baker is out of control, and i'm a big JNT fan...he was quite right to pull back on aspects of the show, but for this story...it just works. I think it's cause i see it as a bit of a pantomime (which is a very british thing).

    Oh and Graham Crowden (who sadly died last year) is an excellent actor, who has done many excellent roles (and would have been a great 4th Doctor). he's particularly good in a series starring Peter Davison called "A Very Peculiar Practice".

  16. The art and description are up for the DVD/BluRay release of S6 part 1. There's no special features listed, and given the recomended price, it looks like this is the "vanilla" release as was the case with the previous series...except they've released all 7 episodes together instead of 3 eps to each dvd. Description under the cut because it reveals some story teasers

    The Doctor returns, alongside newly weds Amy and Rory, to face monsters and mysteries and adventures all across time and space, in a thrilling new series of Doctor Who. Together they’ll find themselves in sixties America, battling the invasion the world forgot, then journey on the high seas of 1696 aboard a pirate ship, to solve the mystery of the Siren. In a bubble universe at the very edge of reality, the Doctor will meet an old friend with a new face, and in a monastery on a remote island in the near future, an industrial accident will take on a terrible human shape. And waiting for them, at the end of all this, is the battle of Demon’s Run, and the Doctor’s darkest hour. Can even the truth about River Song save the Time Lord’s soul?

    Only two things are certain. Silence will fall. And a good man is going to die…

    and the cover, under the cut because it's so big
