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Posts posted by damndirtyape

  1. Was a bit iffy on it myself.

    I didn't care for how half of the episode took place for hundreds of years off-screen and the Doctor kept living out more and more of his life on this one planet. It started out seeming like it was going down a "Caves of Androzani" route and the Doctor would end up dying during a typical adventure. I really didn't like how the plot kept fast-forwarding. I also think the tossed-off way he mentions that he's the final Doctor didn't make the transition to him being the 13th worth much. It felt needless to me. IDK

    On the numbering point, I think it was sensible not to hammer it home ad nauseam. Ten really bigged up how death meant death when he wasn't at the end of his cycle and it came off as annoying and petulant -even Eleven had a dig at Ten's vanity by him creating Rose's sex doctor as a means of cheating death. Eleven himself spent the back half of Series 6 trying to avoid his fate but came to accept it with the Brig's death and only found a clever way out through the finale as a means of trying to end his legacy and stop Kovarian & co. coming after him/River.

    Thusly, Eleven's stand in Trenzalore is admirable. He's in no rush to die but accepts his newly adopted home as the place where he is destined to die. That he protects the planet for 300+ years is highly admirable, never once expecting his new cycle as a reward. I don't mind it being done offscreen either because ultimately it isn't a key beat to the main story. Still, what better setting for an Eleven Big Finish story when Smith's voice has naturally aged in years from now?

    Appropos of nothing, Karen Gillan's overly fake wig made me chuckle and I could tell it wasn't the same girl playing Amelia either - which is fair, as she must be early/mid teens by now.

    Liked the episode but didn't love it. Having said that I agree with just about everything Slothian said. Matt was Excellent as always

    His really old age make up was really good. Loved how quick he regenerated into Capaldi. Wanted more of Capaldi but understand this is always the way and can't wait for the new season to begin. Need to watch again and pause the bit with the new flying design of the Daleks at the end. They looked pretty cool on first glance. Damn they were fast.

  2. Are Kate and the Zygons still trapped in the Tower of London?

    Yeah, that was the one problem I had with the episode. We have another case of what should be a historical summit between humanity and an alien race and they just kinda drop it. I know that that's technically not the focus of the story but still, a little attempt at recognition of a dropped plotline would have been nice.

    I thought there was a line were 11 said for the next few hours none of you will remember who is Zygon and who is Human just to get them over the destruction of Earth bit. Once the truce was negotiated and a few hours had passed, they would realise who was who and go there separate ways in which ever way they had decided.

  3. What a day. Wow.

    "The Day of the Doctor" was terrific.I was actually unsure a multi-Doctor story could ever be more than just fun fanwank, but there was an actual story here.

    An Adventure in Space and Time was just lovely. Beautiful work.

    "The Five(ish)Doctors Reboot" was tremendous fun. It wasn't really laugh-out-loud funny, but it had its moments and I was smiling the whole time.

    I couldn't agree more.

  4. From Moffat

    "I’ve been really, really quite careful about the numbering of the Doctors. He’s very specific, the John Hurt Doctor, that he doesn’t take the name of the Doctor. He doesn’t call himself that. He’s the same Time Lord, the same being as the Doctors either side of him, but he’s the one who says, ‘I’m not the Doctor.’ So the Eleventh Doctor is still the Eleventh Doctor, the Tenth Doctor is still the Tenth…Technically, if you really counted it, the David Tennant Doctor is two Doctors, on account of the Meta-Crisis Doctor [in Journey's End]… It’s not a matter of counting the regenerations, but of counting the faces of the Time Lord that calls himself the Doctor. There’s an anomaly Doctor slotted in somewhere, that’s all. In the script to The Day of the Doctor, Matt’s Doctor was called the Eleventh, and David’s was called the Tenth, so the numbering stays exactly the same – and we call Peter Capaldi the Twelfth Doctor."

    It seems weird that he is taking that stance on the numbering since he or his successor will have to address the whole issue of how many times he can regenerate and he did actually regenerate from 8 into Hurt and then from Hurt into what looked like 9. I think they digitally added 9's face in there just for a second. Or was I imagining it.

    Plus that Time lord did say ALL 13 are here not 13 of THEM are here.

  5. Excellent stuff, although Reece Shearsmith wasn't right for Troughton at all, much as I like him. They probably shouldn't have put him in there just because he's mates with the writer. Everyone else worked wonderfully though, David Bradley and Jessica Raine carried the thing.

    The whole thing was so well handled showing both sides of William Hartnells Grumpy but lovable character. When Reece Shearsmith turned up as Troughton I just chuckled. He probably didn't fit quite right and did look a bit odd but it was such a small part it didn't bother me at all.

    When Matt Smith Showed up at the end I was actually stunned. Nice touch.

  6. Now, the Doctor has a line about because they have travelled in the Tardis the energy from it will stabilise them so they are real people now. A few moment later he exposes Amy as a Ganger and melts her.


    I'm entirely sure that ganger-Amy isn't a proper ganger, but instead a remote-controlled ganger body that real-Amy is living through. So it wasn't a real separate sentient entity.

    Surely a ganger is a ganger weather it be remote controlled or not. They were all remote controlled at the start. They are all made from the "Flesh" as they called it (I think). So any ganger travelling in the Tardis would, like the rest of them become so called real.

  7. Nothing to say about The Doctor's Wife other than it is pure gold. If I carry on further, it would be only to gush uncontrollably.

    The two part ganger story on the other hand is such a let down.

    I haven't seen it since it first aired. Even after I bought the complete series I have not yet returned to it. Probably never will.

    I seem to remember there is a line towards the end when they are dropping off the survivors to hold a conference about ganger's rights and at least one of them is a ganger. They are concerned about being ganger's living among so called real people.

    Now, the Doctor has a line about because they have travelled in the Tardis the energy from it will stabilise them so they are real people now. A few moment later he exposes Amy as a Ganger and melts her.


    She has been travelling in the Tardis far longer than the other ganger's so how has its energy not made her real now.

    Fuck this episode. (I mean the story, not the podcast :) )

    Having said that. When they first introduce the ganger's, I was horrified at the thought that the Doctor on the beach who died was just a ganger. Thank God they never went down that road.

  8. About the Doctor giving the humans the ability to kill the silence on sight.

    I never saw it as him wiping out another species. I took it more as, these things are deadly and humans have almost no defence against them as they forget them as soon as they turn away. So all the Doctor has done is level the playing field a bit. Giving humans a fighting chance. Just because they now have the subliminal sense to kill them on sight. Doesn't mean they will succeed in doing so every time.Therefore they wont be completely wiped out.

    That's sort of what I thought when I saw the episode, given that the Silence can evaporate people on sight. Just because I'm psychically ordered to kill, say, Sylvester Stallone on sight, chance are that that jacked up, plastified sexagenarian Rocky shell could still beat the shit out of me.


  9. About the Doctor giving the humans the ability to kill the silence on sight.

    I never saw it as him wiping out another species. I took it more as, these things are deadly and humans have almost no defence against them as they forget them as soon as they turn away. So all the Doctor has done is level the playing field a bit. Giving humans a fighting chance. Just because they now have the subliminal sense to kill them on sight. Doesn't mean they will succeed in doing so every time.Therefore they wont be completely wiped out.

  10. True. I was under the assumption though because of the Doctors complex relationship with time only he could seal the cracks in time, so Rory or anyone else falling in wouldn't change all that much. Even the Weeping angels and there time anomalies could only slow it down.

  11. But he was bouncing back and forth in time early on in the episode because of Rivers Time wrist gadget thing and only before he sealed up the cracks in the universe. After he was gone Amy's universe was her quiet little village life having never met the doctor. River should not be there.

    Except that the Doctor did come back, thus River was able to exist. The fact that River caused it means that it's a causality loop of sorts, but that's exactly the kind of thing that the Doctor was doing earlier with his own time loops. The logic works itself out.

    Hmmm. I still find it a little weak.

    In my mind The Doctor sealed the cracks erasing him from Amy's existence. Only when she remembered him, did he and his world come back. No one remembered River for her to still be around. Not until the Doctor and the Tardis appeared did some of his world start to find its way back. Look at how Rory suddenly realises "oh yeah the Doctor, how did we forget him.

    Having said all that I forgive all of it just to have that something borrowed, something blue speech. A truly inspired idea.

  12. But he was bouncing back and forth in time early on in the episode because of Rivers Time wrist gadget thing and only before he sealed up the cracks in the universe. After he was gone Amy's universe was her quiet little village life having never met the doctor. River should not be there.

  13. I have faith in the actors cast. Its the script and story that if anything will most likely disappoint.

    Bryan Cranston is a great actor who excels in programs like Breaking Bad because his good work is backed up by the great writing.

    If MOS 2 doesn't give him or Affleck powerful moments to shine in, it doesn't matter who they cast.

    In my opinion MOS did not get the best out Henry Cavil or Michael Shannon.

  14. Personally I like the Moffat Daleks. Not that I disliked the Rtd ones but everything changes, it has too. Yes the Moffat Dalek colours are too bright but that could have been altered slightly, further down the line. The idea that they are pure Daleks taking dominance over the Rtd Daleks for not being pure was a really nice touch. The fact that they gave in to public outcry later on is just stupid and totally negates anything that happens in this story. So by the time we get to Asylum we have New colour pure Daleks now working with the Bronze ones. When before they wanted to wipe them out for not being perfect. Nuts. If they would have stuck to there guns, people would have gotten use to them and maybe we might have got further development on what exactly their roles were concerning the job titles they were given. Especially the Eternal Dalek. That one by name alone intrigued me. Shame we will probably never know now.