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Posts posted by damndirtyape

  1. I liked the episode. Not one of the best but solid.

    Glad the Doctor wasn't a Ganger and didn't mind that he was a Tesselector except for one thing. Why did the tesselector start to regenerate? Why?

    The Doctor was in control, so he could have set it to do that. Or, with looking like The Doctor, it would also act like him and regenerate on command.

    Actually, I can see it mimicking the effects of a regeneration. Just like it can mimic anyone. Yeah I can live with that explanation.

  2. Also does anyone know if all of Gatiss's Stories are premises given to him like the Victory of the Daleks and he writes them or are any of them his original idea. Because I get the feeling he is a stronger writer than this story is allowing him to be.

    Gatiss is hit and miss with me. The Unquiet Dead was awesome, The Idiot's Lantern was significantly less awesome, and the less said about Victory of the Daleks, the better. He's a very, very good writer (I've seen other thing's he's done) and don't understand why his Doctor Who work seems so erratic.

    Exactly. It really baffles me. I look forward to his episodes because of his other work outside of Doctor Who and I am still waiting for him to knock one out of the park.

  3. First British spoiler-free review! :teatime:

    I liked this a lot. And whilst I liked Let's Kill Hitler, I could see where the niggles were for you Americans that hate everything. In this one, because continuity takes a backseat, Mark Gatiss is given the chance to tell a very effective chiller. Smith was superb as per usual, and the woman from The Lakes (a 90s BBC drama with John "The Dancing Master" Simm) turned up for a cameo!

    Second British spoiler free review! :teatime:

    I hated it. I was incredibly bored by this episode, it wasn't as much a horror episode as it wanted to be, and just sort of came across as a space filler.

    Not a horrible episode, just meandering, and very middle of the road, and just sort of comes to a conclusion, and leaves you feeling a bit ripped off.

    Smith was fantastic as always, but it just wasn't that great.

    Next weeks however, looks really good.

    I agree with the SuaveStar, although I didn't hate it. It was just ho hum. Everyone was great as usual but the episode lacked something. Scares, Suspense and ideas beyond the initial concept.

    And yes next weeks episode looks cool.

    Also does anyone know if all of Gatiss's Stories are premises given to him like the Victory of the Daleks and he writes them or are any of them his original idea. Because I get the feeling he is a stronger writer than this story is allowing him to be.

  4. Primus

    Queens of the Stone Age



    Future of the Left

    Morphine - (Not Rock but they were so good. Miss them loads.)

    Tom Waits - (Again not Rock)


    Smashing Pumpkins

    A Perfect Circle

    Faith No More



    Mr Bungle

    The Mars Volta

    Rollins Band

    Jane's Addiction

    Led Zeppelin

    The Who

    Thin Lizzy


    Pearl Jam

    Pink Floyd

    Rage Against the Machine

    The Ramones

    The Clash



    System of a Down (Although I hate the first album)

    The Breeders

    Veruca Salt

    Damn it. Didn't read the 3 album rule at the start:(

  5. We also know that Melody / River didn't kill The Doctor on the beach. If you watch the scene once more, you can tell she has no memory of that moment. Everything that's happening is a shock to her. Additionally, she tries to kill the astronaut. If that were her younger self, she wouldn't have shot at her.

    So, piggybacking off of what you said, damndirtyape, I'm wondering if the astronaut is a Tesselecta. A possible clue in that direction is that we know River is an expert marksmen, so she must have shot it. However, those things can take bullets without harm. Just as the astronaut did.

    I was leaning towards the astronaut being the Tesselecta. Still doesn't get round the fact he is still dead after that encounter.

    Gonna be fun finding out.

  6. Between "A Good Man Goes to War" and "Let's Kill Hitler," what was The Doctor doing? Pardon me if I missed it, but I don't recall them ever explaining where he ran off to or what he was doing.

    I know they need to age him 200 before his "death," but are we supposed to assume he spent 200 years looking for Melody / doing whatever it was he was doing?

    It might be kind of cool if he has been searching for her for that long but I can't see them doing it. But he did say at the end of "A Good Man" Amy don't worry I know exactly where to look for her and when he turns up in "Lets kill Hitler" he hasn't got a clue where she is. Unless that harkens back to rule 1 - The Doctor Lies.

  7. Great new Podcast. Love the idea of album by album review. Can't wait for the next episode. Just one small thing. The show where Maynard judo throws a fan and pins him to the floor while still singing was from the aenima (how do you get that symbol up) tour 1997 in London at the Astoria. I was at the gig. Amazing. Unless he makes a habit of doing it and this wasn't the only time:)

  8. Good point. Totally forgot about that. Going to have to watch all the River episodes again now.

    Am I crazy or was there a thing between madame Vastra and Jenny? Who were very cool and would love to see them in another episode. I was a bit confused at first why a Silurian was running around London 1888 though. Shame Strax had to die he had the best lines.

    Oh it was more than a little implied. I think the only reason it wasn't outright stated would be because

    lesbian love between a Silurian and a human woman might either be asking too much for the young audience to comprehend, or would severly piss off their parents who believe that it would be too much for their precious tots to deal with. The BBC hates getting letters.

    I'm going to watch Confidential now.

    I thought that was pretty heavily implied myself. I really want to see more of those two!

    Shame about the fat thin gay military couple. I would have loved to have seen more of those two.

    It was. But watching it with two young kids in the room you often miss out on some dialogue until you can watch it again on your own later.

    Yeah after watching it again I picked up on more of there dialogue. Would really like to see these two pop up again down the line.

  9. Good point. Totally forgot about that. Going to have to watch all the River episodes again now.

    Am I crazy or was there a thing between madame Vastra and Jenny? Who were very cool and would love to see them in another episode. I was a bit confused at first why a Silurian was running around London 1888 though. Shame Strax had to die he had the best lines.

    Oh it was more than a little implied. I think the only reason it wasn't outright stated would be because

    lesbian love between a Silurian and a human woman might either be asking too much for the young audience to comprehend, or would severly piss off their parents who believe that it would be too much for their precious tots to deal with. The BBC hates getting letters.

    I'm going to watch Confidential now.

    Yeah after watching it again I picked up on more of there dialogue. Would really like to see these two pop up again down the line.

  10. What the fuuuuuuckkkk??? I can't believe they actually went through with it.

    This is for "A Good Man Goes to War":

    I mean, EVERYONE and their gotdamn Mom theorized who River was, and I can't believe it's actually true. Omg.

    So assuming, Rory and Amy leave the Tardis crew, we might actually see a future version of them as an old married couple. But time can be rewritten. Is it possible that River could also cease to exist? Or has too much happened in the Doctor's personal timeline for that. Ughhhh, so does that mean River is a Time Lord? ACTUALLY, this is kind of a brilliant way for the Doctor to keep seeing River since she could regenerate into different actresses. But how did the Silence get her? Or didn't they, she coulda just been in the same area as them? But what about that orphanage? Was this army made of Humans (mostly?) Why do they want to fight the Doctor? And is River in prison for killing the Doctor while she was the Astronaut? Was the River that we saw just putting on an act? BAH SO MANY QUESTIONS.

    Also, I hope Canton Everett Deleware III becomes a companion by the end of season.

    Also, FUCK THAT. Nurses can be warriors too!

    By virtue off being conceived in the Time Vortex River Song is a Human/Time Lord hybrid

    If River is

    the little girl in the astronaut suit and she escaped that suit in day of the moon and started to regenerate. The only reason I can think of why she didn't regenerate in Forest of the Dead is because the River we know is on her last regeneration. Meaning she burns through her regenerations fast. Her first being when she was a little girl.

    No they explain in the episode that the body would be so wiped out that regeneration wasn't possible. That's why River stopped the Doctor from doing it and sacrificed herself.

    Good point. Totally forgot about that. Going to have to watch all the River episodes again now.

    Am I crazy or was there a thing between madame Vastra and Jenny? Who were very cool and would love to see them in another episode. I was a bit confused at first why a Silurian was running around London 1888 though. Shame Strax had to die he had the best lines.

  11. What the fuuuuuuckkkk??? I can't believe they actually went through with it.

    This is for "A Good Man Goes to War":

    I mean, EVERYONE and their gotdamn Mom theorized who River was, and I can't believe it's actually true. Omg.

    So assuming, Rory and Amy leave the Tardis crew, we might actually see a future version of them as an old married couple. But time can be rewritten. Is it possible that River could also cease to exist? Or has too much happened in the Doctor's personal timeline for that. Ughhhh, so does that mean River is a Time Lord? ACTUALLY, this is kind of a brilliant way for the Doctor to keep seeing River since she could regenerate into different actresses. But how did the Silence get her? Or didn't they, she coulda just been in the same area as them? But what about that orphanage? Was this army made of Humans (mostly?) Why do they want to fight the Doctor? And is River in prison for killing the Doctor while she was the Astronaut? Was the River that we saw just putting on an act? BAH SO MANY QUESTIONS.

    Also, I hope Canton Everett Deleware III becomes a companion by the end of season.

    Also, FUCK THAT. Nurses can be warriors too!

    By virtue off being conceived in the Time Vortex River Song is a Human/Time Lord hybrid

    If River is

    the little girl in the astronaut suit and she escaped that suit in day of the moon and started to regenerate. The only reason I can think of why she didn't regenerate in Forest of the Dead is because the River we know is on her last regeneration. Meaning she burns through her regenerations fast. Her first being when she was a little girl.

  12. The episode as a whole went in a direction I wasn't expecting.

    Thought the cybermen would be behind the main story.

    Good to see the character of Jenny wasn't the doctors daughter as some people had thought, from the tenths Doctors episode.

    River was who I had expected from last weeks episode.

    Surly when ever the Doctor gets the baby back Rory and Amy are going to have to leave the Tardis and the series to raise her.